Well-Known Member
This must be that mean old NY Times making up lies again. I mean, after all, aren't we being told, day after day, about how the surge has made Iraq into a virtual paradise? Maybe Mitt Romney's 3 military age sons and Bush's military age daughters can go vacation there, because they sure as heck aren't going to join the military. Is there such a thing as a chicken hawk gene? Just wondering.
http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/02/w...97cc2a16518c7b&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rssIraq Slipping To 'New Depths Of Lawlessness'
New York Times | DAMIEN CAVE | December 1, 2007 04:35 PM
Jobless men pay $500 bribes to join the police. Families build houses illegally on government land, carwashes steal water from public pipes and nearly everything the government buys or sells can now be found on the black market.
Painkillers for cancer (from the Ministry of Health) cost $80 for a few capsules; electricity meters (from the Ministry of Electricity) go for $200 each and even third-grade textbooks (stolen from the Ministry of Education) must be bought at bookstores for three times what schools once charged.