McCain: troops coming home "not too important"


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state
Yep, McCain is at it again. Whether another in what is quickly becoming a long line of gaffes, or his true feelings sneaking out, watch it for yourself. As on the Today Show, Matt Lauer asked him: "Senator, do you now have a better estimate of when American forces can come home from Iraq?"

McCain to Lauer: "No, but that's not too important."

Actuly he has a point. While the cost of staying in Iraq is high, if we stayed a extra year or 2, but it made sure that Iraq got stable and really was able to function. If US troops where in Iraq and the death count was zero a day or close to it, would we care so much? no, as long as they where still needed and asked for by the Iraqi Government. the Natural withdrawal would start as we had less need, as he stated in the interview.

I will take staying longer, or a ill timed and prepared withdrawal.
Actuly he has a point. While the cost of staying in Iraq is high, if we stayed a extra year or 2, but it made sure that Iraq got stable and really was able to function. If US troops where in Iraq and the death count was zero a day or close to it, would we care so much? no, as long as they where still needed and asked for by the Iraqi Government. the Natural withdrawal would start as we had less need, as he stated in the interview.

I will take staying longer, or a ill timed and prepared withdrawal.

Respectfully I'd have to say it's not a very sound point though really.

There is no way to know that 2 years or 10 years would make any difference at all... all that really would be is just moving the goal posts to do what the Republicans really want... keep some kind of a "war" going" so they can harp on National Security.

And I think if one looks at the true dynamics of the region even 10 years doesn't stop religious infighting... i.e. Israel & the Palestinians.

The other two things are:

A) One of the major groups isn't even participating now.

AND THE BIG ONE! B) Americans do not want to watch their own economy continue to rapidly decline spending up to $12 BILLION DOLLARS PER MONTH playing world police refereeing a Civil War on some Nation Building scheme that was started on lies in the first place.

On top of these things I truly think our occupation has a lot to do with oil prices. Our "buddies" the various oil producing countries over there talk as if they're on our team but deep down if they don't really like a US presence in the region it's easy to just sit back and let oil prices rise. You can look at the prices before we invaded and now and know some of that increase if not most is directly related to instability caused by our invasion and it's consequences.
How long did it take us to stabilize Germany following WWII before they were "self sufficient"? How long for Japan? For that matter, how long did it take us to get a self sufficient, totally functioning government after July 4, 1776?

The first thing that we've got to do is provide sufficient security so that the Iraqi government can become self sufficient, and even after that's done, we'll still need to remain there for many years to ensure that it's "taken", and not a temporary situation. It's no different than any stores policy, we broke it, we bought it, and now we've got to fix it, regardless of the cost.

(BTW, oil prices have nothing to do with it. That's a strawman argument, and entirely too many people have bought into it.)
Respectfully I'd have to say it's not a very sound point though really.

There is no way to know that 2 years or 10 years would make any difference at all... all that really would be is just moving the goal posts to do what the Republicans really want... keep some kind of a "war" going" so they can harp on National Security.

And I think if one looks at the true dynamics of the region even 10 years doesn't stop religious infighting... i.e. Israel & the Palestinians.

The other two things are:

A) One of the major groups isn't even participating now.

AND THE BIG ONE! B) Americans do not want to watch their own economy continue to rapidly decline spending up to $12 BILLION DOLLARS PER MONTH playing world police refereeing a Civil War on some Nation Building scheme that was started on lies in the first place.

On top of these things I truly think our occupation has a lot to do with oil prices. Our "buddies" the various oil producing countries over there talk as if they're on our team but deep down if they don't really like a US presence in the region it's easy to just sit back and let oil prices rise. You can look at the prices before we invaded and now and know some of that increase if not most is directly related to instability caused by our invasion and it's consequences.

Iraq is more stable now, and slowly getting better, and I see no reason that we should pull out fast, if we have good reason to belive it could set Iraq back. Now if the sitution calls for it and we can do it in a safe way that does not throw off the Security of Iraq, then good, more power to us.

As for the economic stuff.....America should have thought about before it went in. Sorry if half this nation paid the attention it should before sending our troops off to war, we would not be there in the first place. But as per normal, it was to much to ask of the people.

We pull the troops out when we can, not just because we want to. Personally I think we can start , but slow and we will have to keep some people there for years or at least close by.
McCain's point was dead on target, the lib punditidiocy (as well as the usual suspects here :)) is too dense to grasp it. McCain even gave examples to the simpleton Lauer to emphasize the point - the US has troops ALL OVER THE WORLD and the appeasers aren't whimpering about that - it's the CASUALTIES, DUMMY - if brought down, together with most of the cost, that would reduce the US presence in Iraq to roughly the same as in all the other places like korea and germany and japan. The real problem is the whole slimey lib establishment, from the dems, to the wingnut left, to Hollyweird, to the liberal media establishment has made a huge, everything-in bet on defeat for the US in iraq - as the prospects for that grow ever more dim, they've gone into a frenzy of McCain bashing, hysterical spinning, and whatever they can to make a last desperate attempt to grab defeat from the jaws of victory.