More news from the liberal looney bin of California , or how liberals destroy a state.

Here we ho more liberal logic from the land of loony liberals.

I may not have all the numbers up to date, but the last I looked cali was 72 billion in debt plus they had to borrow another 22 billion from the feds to pay unemployment claims and now they are planning reparations for slavery that very well could exceed 1 trillion dollars.
Where are they going to get all this money from ?
Now we see why liberals logic is flawed big time they will pull it out of a monkeys butt !!!!! Magic problem solved the Liberal way.

I don't know if Newsome is just stupid or if he pushes leftist tax and spend nonsense because he has to in order to retain national Democrat party support.
There are ever so many things that you do not know, Mark. People want services from their government, so naturally, taxes are raised to cover the additional cost.
There are ever so many things that you do not know, Mark. People want services from their government, so naturally, taxes are raised to cover the additional cost.
Of course people want more. High paid American workers want higher pay still. College graduates want their tuition loans paid by someone else. Illegals want someone to buy them food and give them places to stay. Blacks want trillions of dollars in free reparations money. And so forth. Democrats have been giving to voters as much of these freebies as they can, but now they are running out of other people's money to give to voters, which is why local, state, and federal governments still cannot pay all the bills in spite of huge tax hikes.
Of course people want more. High paid American workers want higher pay still. College graduates want their tuition loans paid by someone else. Illegals want someone to buy them food and give them places to stay. Blacks want trillions of dollars in free reparations money. And so forth. Democrats have been giving to voters as much of these freebies as they can, but now they are running out of other people's money to give to voters, which is why local, state, and federal governments still cannot pay all the bills in spite of huge tax hikes.
republicans..the party of fiscal responsibility
sorry i couldn't type that with a straight face.
The deficit has increased MORE when a Republican is in the White House.
Every investor knows that Democrats mean their investments will increase more than they will with Republicans.

Trump is particularly awful as a businessman. he actually lost a billion dollars with CASINOS>
The deficit has increased MORE when a Republican is in the White House.
Every investor knows that Democrats mean their investments will increase more than they will with Republicans.

Trump is particularly awful as a businessman. he actually lost a billion dollars with CASINOS>
I suspect California's debt woes may be a result of spending too much on immigration, spending too much on reparations, spending too much on global warming nonsense, spending too much on social issues favored by government dependents, spending too much on increases in government bureaucracy, spending too much on fighting crime while going soft on crime, and so forth.
Which party tends to advocate more for lower taxes and spending, Democrat or Republican?
Republicans run up huge deficits
Only a moron thinks they are the party of fiscal responsibility
They advocate foe lower spending but run up huge deficits because they are economic morons
I suspect California's debt woes may be a result of spending too much on immigration, spending too much on reparations, spending too much on global warming nonsense, spending too much on social issues favored by government dependents, spending too much on increases in government bureaucracy, spending too much on fighting crime while going soft on crime, and so forth.
I suspect you know NOTHING about California. And Mississippi, run by Republicans, is far worse in every detail from California.