"Mutiny" At Faux Noise????

Do you think America should pay money to poor kids so they might spend the money on food instead of wasting it? If we did that we would encourage all kids to seek government handouts instead of seeking jobs.
You're wrong and it is based on you hating the thought a black kid is getting something for free.
Don't be silly. Communist nations also have police, education, and healthcare, but without the freedoms we should preserve in America.
Who's talking about communist nations?
Your talking about depriving benefits to blacks that whites clearly get. Did you read my link because it explains it.

America has no more freedoms than any other western society. We didn't invent it but we certainly destroyed it for black people with racist pigs line you. It's not uncommon for religious republicans to be racist and has been for hundreds of years. It's genetic in your people.
That is why I am opposed to leftist socialistic communism.
Bullshit. You are opposed to anything that resembles a free gift but every day you receive gifts from the taxpayer to which I alerted earlier. You live in denial of it because it's ingrained in your heritage.

USA has never ever had anything like a communism govt and to assume democrats are communist is flat out ignorant and ridiculous. In fact, it's a typical catch cry from republicans since Hoover's scare campaigns and he turned out to be a cross dresser. Naughty boy after dark apparently. Just to remind you that republicans are not all saints.
Anthony Summers, who wrote Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover (1993), stated that there was no ambiguity about the FBI director's sexual proclivities and described him as "bisexual with failed heterosexuality."

So cut your bullshit about your god etc. Because that's what is based in.
Healthcare, like food, is a necessity and people have the right to find ways to obtain those necessities in the US by labor. Requiring others to pay for your food, housing, transportation, and healthcare is not morally right.

Yeah....who'd DARE come-up with such radical-concepts??!!!!

You're wrong and it is based on you hating the thought a black kid is getting something for free.
I do not approve of giving kids of any color money when they can get a job and earn their own money.
Who's talking about communist nations?
Your talking about depriving benefits to blacks that whites clearly get. Did you read my link because it explains it.
What benefits am I saying whites should get but not blacks?
America has no more freedoms than any other western society. We didn't invent it but we certainly destroyed it for black people with racist pigs line you. It's not uncommon for religious republicans to be racist and has been for hundreds of years. It's genetic in your people.
White Christians in America were the largest force behind the movement to ban slavery in the US.
Bullshit. You are opposed to anything that resembles a free gift but every day you receive gifts from the taxpayer to which I alerted earlier. You live in denial of it because it's ingrained in your heritage.
I don't think any American should accept any gift from the government if the government thinks that by accepting the gift they support communism over capitalism.
USA has never ever had anything like a communism govt and to assume democrats are communist is flat out ignorant and ridiculous. In fact, it's a typical catch cry from republicans since Hoover's scare campaigns and he turned out to be a cross dresser. Naughty boy after dark apparently. Just to remind you that republicans are not all saints.

The Communist Takeover of the United States (townhall.com)

All that is history. No more moving with caution. See Biden's record-setting executive orders. They are as radical and Marxist as anything ever seen in America's history.

Here in part two, I will explain Obama's actual plan. I learned it at Columbia University from 1979 to 1983. I was Obama's classmate at the Ivy League college where Marxism and the destruction of America were taught in every classroom. The plan was called Cloward-Piven, named after a husband-wife team of Columbia professors.

Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven created the perfect Marxist plan: Get every American possible on welfare and other government handout programs in order to overwhelm the system, bring the national debt to levels never imagined, bankrupt America and bring business owners to their knees when the economy collapses. Then you've got a socialist country.

I recognize exactly what's happening today in America with Biden as the PINO (president in name only). Obama is using a modified Cloward-Piven plan.

Anthony Summers, who wrote Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover (1993), stated that there was no ambiguity about the FBI director's sexual proclivities and described him as "bisexual with failed heterosexuality."
J. Edgar Hoover was a wicked man.