NARAL endorses Obama


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state
Not quite as big as Edwards but still big nonetheless. Pro choice group NARAL has bowed to the inevitable and endorsed Obama. In the past NARAL has been a supporter of Hillary. Here's what they had to say:

"Pro-choice Americans have been fortunate to have two strong pro-choice candidates in Sen. Obama and Sen. Clinton both of whom have inspired millions of new voters to participate in this historic presidential race"

"Today, we are proud to put our organization's grassroots and political support behind the pro-choice candidate whom we believe will secure the Democratic nomination and advance to the general election. That candidate is Sen. Obama."
Not quite as big as Edwards but still big nonetheless. Pro choice group NARAL has bowed to the inevitable and endorsed Obama. In the past NARAL has been a supporter of Hillary. Here's what they had to say:

Oh, garsh golleeeee geee! Obama, the former pro-infanticide state representative, gets thumbs-up from the feminazis!!! WHO'DA THUNK THAT! :D:):o:rolleyes:
Oh, garsh golleeeee geee! Obama, the former pro-infanticide state representative, gets thumbs-up from the feminazis!!! WHO'DA THUNK THAT! :D:):o:rolleyes:

Obama deserved their endorsement long ago. When he voted no on the born alive act, then later refused to let the born alive act come to the table, NORAL said he didn’t have to go that far, they would of been ok with him voting Yes on the born alive act. He showed them a long time ago he was as radical as need be and would go further for the cause of abortion than any politician out there, even further than NORAL. So this is sort of late coming!
makes killers supporting the king of baby killers.
i wonder when we're going to start seeing the ads that show how osama is the most liberal senator in the US Senate...which makes him, i guess by definition nowdays, an extremist.