Oswald didn't kill JFK and the CIA was definitely involved in the assassination. Had to be. Anyone who believes otherwise is crazy in my opinion. There's too much evidence. A great documentary that comes on the History Channel sometimes is "The Men Who Killed Kennedy". Also, if you haven't seen "JFK" by Oliver Stone you need to check it out. I just watched it for the first time in several years a couple of weeks ago.
The following is from the opening narration: "He inherits a secret war run by the CIA against Cuba. This secret war ends disastrously in 'The Bay of Pigs' invasion in 1961 when Kennedy refuses to provide air cover for the exiled Cuban brigade. Kennedy takes public responsibility for the failure but privately claims the CIA lied to him and tried to manipulate him into ordering an all out invasion of Cuba.
Rumors abound in Washington that JFK has cut a secret deal with Khruschev not to invade Cuba in return for a Russian withdrawal of missiles. Suspicion abounds that Kennedy is soft on Communism. Kennedy also finds himself embroiled in Vietnam.
Kennedy states in a September 2, 1963 interview with Walter Cronkite: "I don't think the war can be won out there. In the final analysis, it's their war. They (Vietnam) are the ones who have to win it or lose it."
Early that summer, Kennedy speaks of his new vision at the American University in Washington: "What kind of peace do I mean and what kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war."
When I first saw the movie, that last quote fell on deaf ears in part because I didn't understand the meaning of the term Pax Americana. This is a variation of the term 'Pax Romana'. Pax Romana is the belief that peace can be achieved by a strong central authority dominating everyone else as the Roman Empire did. But this is a false belief as no true peace ever existed in the Roman Empire. There were constant insurrections, revolutions, assassinations, feuds, and all manner of violence. In addition, no true freedom ever really existed. There was always some degree of tyranny and corruption in the empire.
It definitely looks like Kennedy was actually going to place America in a position of neutrality. That's what the comment about Vietnam seems to indicate as well as the abandonment of the idea of a 'Pax Americana' meaning America was going to stay out of the affairs of other countries. His failure to fully explain this to the American people and to choose a running mate who shared his same vision were critical mistakes. Of course, I'm sure he never suspected his own 'employees' were evil and deceptive enough to murder him.
You've got several people who still say Oswald did it, but that picture of Oswald with the rifle that was given to Time or Life or whatever magazine by the government was CLEARLY doctored. The shadow on the face is different than the shadows in the rest of the picture--and that picture is also used in the movie by the way. So, my question is, if the government went to all that trouble to create and lie about this picture to portray a sinister image of Oswald--what else are they being deceptive about?
A few links:
If you take the time to do your research on the assassination, for every website supporting the conspiracy, you will find one opposing it. You will see people almost violently opposed to admitting that the government could have been involved. You will also see people attacking anyone and everyone who believes there is a conspiracy. First ask yourself, do they have an agenda? And also look at what perspective they're coming from--meaning do they always believe the government's side of the story on any matter and always do what they're told from authority figures? Or ask yourself if they're simply trying to spread disinformation to confuse people and conceal the truth in the matter.