Its a shame really that our boneheaded President has so many military resourses committed to Iraq, when we have a real threat even closer. I wouldnt bat an eye of unhappiness if there were some surgical airstrikes at the nuclear facilities there. KJI is a hopeless despot that has isolated himself from the world community and is literally starving his citizens. The state department needs to tell the Chinese that either they support us or trade will drop signifigantly and then we call in the B-2s and use them for what they were designed to do.
The surgical airstrikes are going to take place on Iran before Christmas. I got that info on the qt from a Pentagon mole.
If that is true, I hope the idiot who told you that loses thier job and faces criminal charges as that violates many OpSec rules put in place. Also I would keep ones mouth shut about such things on the internet. Dont lull yourself into believing you have anonymity on the net. You dont and be careful as you may have agents of some sort wanting to talk to you.
Its a shame really that our boneheaded President has so many military resourses committed to Iraq, when we have a real threat even closer.
It's even more of a shame that our previous boneheaded President cut military capabilities by 40% when we had a real threat in Osama bin Laden.
What else is new when have they ever complied with anything we have asked them to do.
North Korea complied with the Agreed Framework until the international community ducked out of it's part of the bargain i.e. to build two light water reactor power plants with a completion date of 2003. The foundation for the first wasn't even poured until 2002. Perhaps if the United States would actually live up to the treaties and agreements it signs the North Korean threat would have faded into history.
Sorry but I WILL continue to slam Clinton for his @sskiss approach to NK and will do the same with Bush if he is attempting to do the same. Is anyone new to the tactics of Kim Jong-Il? Should we expect him to respond any differently than he has in the past with the same offerings?
Well well, so it appears they are going to shut it down after all, over a period of three weeks it seems. This comes with political concessions and energy aide of 1million tons of heavy fuel oil in exchange. So we can stop slamming Clinton for his appeasement strategy as preference to Bush's plan, as it turns out, they are basically the same.
That all being said, I wonder how long it will be before they have it operational again.