Obama says he's keeping his promise to take all of the troops out of Iraq.


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State

Declaring victory in shaky Iraq

“I made it clear that by Aug. 31, 2010, America’s combat mission in Iraq would end,” Obama announced to cheers at the national convention of Disabled American Veterans. “And that is exactly what we are doing — as promised and on schedule.”

So, are all of the troops really going to be out of Iraq soon? Well, not exactly. All of the combat troops are going home, but a few are staying:

On the left, Iraq war skeptics must reconcile themselves to the reality that a president who shares their skepticism — Obama once called it a “dumb war” — is declaring the end to the combat mission but still proposing to leave 50,000 U.S. troops in the country.

Fifty thousand left doesn't seem like a withdrawal, exactly, does it?
It would be nice if the troops could come home. Does he plan to bring them home or send them to Afghanistan?

I heard on NPR 30k to be punted to Afghanistan.

The rest might as well take some R&R in Kuwait since the **** will hit the fan shortly thereafter.

Sez presbo “I made it clear that by Aug. 31, 2010, America’s combat mission in Iraq would end,”

Not be complete, just ends.
I heard on NPR 30k to be punted to Afghanistan.

The rest might as well take some R&R in Kuwait since the **** will hit the fan shortly thereafter.

Sez presbo “I made it clear that by Aug. 31, 2010, America’s combat mission in Iraq would end,”

Not be complete, just ends.

I never believed him when he said he would end the war and bring everyone home. But then again I never believed him when he said he would up things in Afghanistan either. But now that we are in Afghanistan I figure anyone he removes from Iraq will just end up there.

I kind of am surprised we never ended up in Darfur. I was sure he would send our troops there.
I never believed him when he said he would end the war and bring everyone home. But then again I never believed him when he said he would up things in Afghanistan either. But now that we are in Afghanistan I figure anyone he removes from Iraq will just end up there.

I kind of am surprised we never ended up in Darfur. I was sure he would send our troops there.

I knew he would bring people out (not the same as ending the war IMO. He wanted the money.

Declaring victory in shaky Iraq

So, are all of the troops really going to be out of Iraq soon? Well, not exactly. All of the combat troops are going home, but a few are staying:

Fifty thousand left doesn't seem like a withdrawal, exactly, does it?

that is basically why was stated from the start...for training and counter Terrorism we would leave some still ..and soon those will be back home as well. Did you think it was going to be 50 guys and a truck?
Good question.

Afganistan is becoming a quagmire.

we already have sent the surge to Afghan...and yes some will go there..some in afghan will come home...that has not changed in years...

maybe the people crying about sending troops from one war to a 2nd...should have thought of that when they supported the 2nd war in the first place.
The money it costs to be there. His handlers need that diverted to their interests.

Doubt that ? Where has that BP extortion money gone ? Only a few hundred million to gulf coast residents (who can't even get clean up jobs).

Do you really think that the rest of that 20 billion is going into Obama's bank account?