Obama wins SC

Obama 54%, Clinton 27%, edwards 19%. 80% of blacks voted for Obama. 90% of whites voted for Clinton or Edwards. I do not think that will happen very often since there are not any other states with a majority black population. My figures came from CNN.
what is the education level of SC? don't they rank 49th?
these results aren't a color thing, it was a campaign based on false promises and empty hope.
what is the education level of SC? don't they rank 49th?
these results aren't a color thing, it was a campaign based on false promises and empty hope.

It's politics.

You want to give me the name of a politician who doesn't throw around a bunch of empty promises? The idea is to sift through all the rhetoric.
Ok, give me the name of a politician, presently running for president, who can "execute."

I'd be willing to bet McCain can. He strikes me as someone who be a strong leader. Granted, I'm not sure I'd agree with much of anything he'd be "executing," but I still think he'd get done what he says he'd get done.
I'd be willing to bet McCain can. He strikes me as someone who be a strong leader. Granted, I'm not sure I'd agree with much of anything he'd be "executing," but I still think he'd get done what he says he'd get done.

I would agree, I dont necessarily agree with him on several issues, and his constant attack on the "Bridge to Nowhere" pisses me off. At the same time though, if it were to come down to a Clinton-McCain runoff, I would gladly support McCain because I think he is less likely to bull$hit the American people, and he can set aside partisan crap and do what is right for the country.

I would agree, I dont necessarily agree with him on several issues, and his constant attack on the "Bridge to Nowhere" pisses me off. At the same time though, if it were to come down to a Clinton-McCain runoff, I would gladly support McCain because I think he is less likely to bull$hit the American people, and he can set aside partisan crap and do what is right for the country.

I think he's good at puting aside partisanship and doing what's wrong for the country.
I do not think that will happen very often since there are not any other states with a majority black population.

Hm? South Carolina's majority white. I don't think blacks make up even a full third of the population. Do you mean voting population?

It's politics.

You want to give me the name of a politician who doesn't throw around a bunch of empty promises? The idea is to sift through all the rhetoric.

Seems to me Obama is not even making actual policy promises, just blathering on about "hope" and "change."