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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2008
...The chairman of the Arkansas Democratic Party was shot and killed Wednesday after a man opened fire inside party headquarters in Little Rock.

Chairman Bill Gwatney was shot “multiple times” in the upper body by a man who later escaped in a blue truck, Little Rock Police Lt. Terry Hastings said in a news conference. Gwatney died four hours later at University Hospital...

...Gwatney, who was 48 and owner of three car dealerships, was elected chairman of the state party in March 2007. He served 10 years in the Arkansas state Senate and was the finance chairman for Mike Beebe’s successful 2006 gubernatorial bid.

He also was a national superdelegate who had endorsed Hillary Clinton for president, according to the Web site

One less superdelegate Obamabots have to worry about I guess..:(

Who did this? No, I know, but who really did this? And why?

The excuse the gunman gave was that he lost his job. Did he blame a Clinton supporter? Clinton, who provided more new jobs than any president in US history to the unemployed? If he was mad at Gwatney, why did he choose democratic party headquarters, at Little Rock AK to kill him? And right on the eve of the convention?

That was a message. Scare tactic of desperation? WTF?

This don't smell right...:confused:

Oh wait, that's a "conspiracy theory". I'm sure its just a completely normal random hate shooting..
No, he is a stalwart Clinton supporter from all accounts.

And he's not dead yet apparently, thank God..

There is this related story though. I wonder how many Obama headquarters were threatened in this manner? We'd surely have heard about it. Somebody clearly doesn't want Hillary Clinton to get the dem nomination. If I had to speculate a motive, it would be that. The timing, the place, the superdelegate who vowed a Clinton allegiance??

And this...

Last November, a distraught man wearing what appeared to be a bomb walked into a Clinton campaign office in New Hampshire and demanded to speak to the candidate about access to mental health care. A hostage drama dragged on for nearly six hours until he peacefully surrendered.

The confrontation brought Clinton's campaign to a standstill just five weeks before the New Hampshire primary. Security for her was increased as a precaution. She said she did not know the suspect. Source:

Man they don't want her in.

She's got my vote! Dirty politics, real down and dirty politics have no place. I'll take Bill's capers any day over this...
Yeah, really...

Ushaditcoming hearkens from a dark place that has no shame. Only God knows where his soul is from.. That you can be certain of...:cool:
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