
Federal Farmer

Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
OK, I'm going to put it on the line right now.

After all of the garbage the Libtards have been slinging in the past months, and now with these totally unwarranted attacks on the Palin girl, I'm making the following prediction:

McCain will win the election in November by AT LEAST 35 electoral votes.​

The left has shot themselves in the foot, knee, groin, and finally in the head with this crap, and the American people will NOT let the KOOK FRINGE LIBTARD MORONS run this country no matter HOW loudly they yell, scream, cry, gnash their teeth, wail, or stomp their feet.

OK, I'm going to put it on the line right now.

After all of the garbage the Libtards have been slinging in the past months, and now with these totally unwarranted attacks on the Palin girl, I'm making the following prediction:

McCain will win the election in November by AT LEAST 35 electoral votes.​

The left has shot themselves in the foot, knee, groin, and finally in the head with this crap, and the American people will NOT let the KOOK FRINGE LIBTARD MORONS run this country no matter HOW loudly they yell, scream, cry, gnash their teeth, wail, or stomp their feet.


I hope you are right, I mean I know that you are right but I hope that you are right about the 35.

honestly I dont want to go through another 4 years of he stole my election.

I want either Obama to win like Reagan did, sweeping states or McCain to win like Reagan did. I want a clear clear clear winner.

and I hope its the right side that wins not the loony left.
The sad part is though if Obama doesnt win, race relations will be worse than ever. Everyone will say he lost because his father is black. No one will accept he lost because he is flawed and has bad ideas.

What was their excuse why John Freaking Kerry (who served in Vietnam) lost? Its going to be about the same.

Stuid man with stupid ideas
horrible wife
thinks he is better than most
can not relate to small town normal folks
bad on national security, I think hamas endorsed him too!
Quite a prediction...

I predict... there will be a record amount of Voter Fraud that takes place.

They also have a backup plan: recounts...

Then they can FINALLY get what they want....

Poor chap in that last picture looks like someone I know... :rolleyes:
There was a whole lot of voter fraud in the last two elections and they STILL couldnt win. So hopefully they wont again, but either way I am going to be happy.

I either get to call Obama names and make fun of him for 4 years
or I get to feel more secure in a fairly good president
OK, I'm going to put it on the line right now.

After all of the garbage the Libtards have been slinging in the past months, and now with these totally unwarranted attacks on the Palin girl, I'm making the following prediction:

McCain will win the election in November by AT LEAST 35 electoral votes.​

The left has shot themselves in the foot, knee, groin, and finally in the head with this crap, and the American people will NOT let the KOOK FRINGE LIBTARD MORONS run this country no matter HOW loudly they yell, scream, cry, gnash their teeth, wail, or stomp their feet.


so what you putting on the line? ( note you can not legaly bet on winner for money lol)
Your post about the election has pretty much the same basis as your other posts - Fantasy.
And as for comments about Kerry being weak on homeland security let's see, the Bush admninstration couldn't stop a few arabs taking out the towers and the pentagon.
It couldn't stop a UFO spotter in the UK from hacking into the Pentagon from his laptop in his bedroom.

I see what you mean.

Mind you to be fair 9/11 wasn't a security lapse. It was intentional which is why nobody was disciplined.

Think about that. Nobody was disciplined for 9/11.

Think about it.

Wouldn't you want a Government that might just say someone screwed up?

Or are you happy to hear that your protection against a known threat (attack by civil airliner) was none-existent and that this was acceptable government policy.

It must have been.

Otherwise someone screwed up and should have been disciplined.

I can see why you would want more of the same.

So, go McCain (but not too fast, you don't want to have a heart attack and leave Miss Alaska running the country do you?)

Mind you, she couldn't do a worse job.
Your post about the election has pretty much the same basis as your other posts - Fantasy.

We ALL know you're feet are SQUARELY grounded in reality and your head ISN'T floating around in the clouds.... :rolleyes:

Dawkins is allowed to procreate... Think about that... Just think about it... :)
OK, I'm going to put it on the line right now.

After all of the garbage the Libtards have been slinging in the past months, and now with these totally unwarranted attacks on the Palin girl, I'm making the following prediction:

McCain will win the election in November by AT LEAST 35 electoral votes.​

The left has shot themselves in the foot, knee, groin, and finally in the head with this crap, and the American people will NOT let the KOOK FRINGE LIBTARD MORONS run this country no matter HOW loudly they yell, scream, cry, gnash their teeth, wail, or stomp their feet.


Well that's just one big, bad prediction from a REPUBLICAN'T!:D We'll just meet you right back here for your concession speech in November.;)

Caribou Barbie killed any insanely remote Chance John McBush ever had!

After finally a little vetting I find out:

A) Caribou Barbie is now under a full fledged legislative investigation in her own home state for Abuse of Power and Wrongful Termination. She's lawyered up and will now be subpoenaed and forced to testify under oath.

B) It's also been found out that Caribou Barbie was a stanch member of the Alaskan Independence Party that has preached cession from the rest of the United States.

C) Records now uncovered show Caribou Barbie's husband having run ins with the law including a conviction for drunk driving & endangering other people lives.

D) Recently when asked about how she thought the War in Iraq was going Caribou Barbie said... I've been pretty busy in my own state. I really haven't been following the war.

E) After trying to force an "abstinence only" birth control policy on everyone else it appears Caribou Barbie can't even make it work with her own daughter. Recently turned 17 her daughter "who of course in not married" is at least 5 months pregnant by an 18 year old who on his myspace page refers to himself as a redneck and says... I don't want kids!


John McCain is often painted as a moderate.
But where does he really stand
on issues that affect women?

McCain's Senate record may surprise you. From equal pay to domestic violence programs, from sex education to the fundamental question of what conversations a woman may or may not have with her doctor, McCain is no moderate.

Get the facts about where John McCain stands on these issues, then let us know where you stand on John McCain.

McCain's War on Equal Pay
McCain skipped a recent vote on Equal Pay, and said that instead of legislation allowing women to fight for equal pay, they simply need "education and training." (Women are currently paid less than men for the same work, even when they have the same education and training as men).
McCain's War on Birth Control

McCain has never cosponsored or supported legislation that would reduce the need for abortion by preventing unintended pregnancy [Source]
McCain voted against requiring insurance companies that pay for prescription drugs (like Viagra) to pay equally for women's prescription birth control

McCain voted for the domestic & global gag rules, which prohibit federally funded family-planning clinics from giving women full information about their reproductive health options [Source]
McCain's War on Women's Health

McCain voted to terminate the Title X family planning program, which provides millions of women with health care services ranging from birth control to breast & cervical cancer screenings

McCain voted to de‐fund the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), an organization that provides family planning services - not abortion - for the world's poorest women

McCain's War on Sex Education
McCain voted against funding teen pregnancy prevention programs and against ensuring that "abstinence‐only" programs are at least medically accurate

McCain voted to earmark one‐third of all HIV/AIDS prevention funds for ineffective, unproven, and dangerous "abstinence‐only" programs [Source]
McCain voted to take $75 million from the Maternal and Child Health Block Grant to establish a new "abstinence‐only" program that censors information about birth control

McCain's War on Choice
Voted anti-choice 125 out of 130 times in his congressional career
Voted in favor of anti-choice Supreme Court Justices like Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas and Chief Justices like John Roberts [Source]
McCain routinely votes to block women's access to abortion care for low-income women, voted for the Federal Abortion Ban, and opposed federal Medicaid funds for abortion even in cases of rape or incest.

McCain voted to deny abortion services to U.S. military women serving overseas, even when they wish to pay for such services with their own money

McCain's War on Domestic Violence Programs
Voted against a measure to increase funding for law enforcement programs, including the Office of Violence Against Women programs and the Center for Missing and Exploited Children [Source]
Opposed grant programs to aid children who have witnessed domestic violence

Well that's just one big, bad prediction from a REPUBLICAN'T! We'll just meet you right back here for your concession speech in November.

Top Gun is plagiarizing other peoples material... as usual.

May I draw your attention to:

PROGRESS OHIO<---Ver Batim page his material was copied from


The Preferred site for Copy&Paste Progressive "Intellectuals".

Some of the sites other content includes tasteful commentary and graphical depictions:

Huckabee Defends Palin Choice Criticizes Media
By Dave Harding, ProgressOhio - Sep 2nd, 2008 at 2:21 pm EDT

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee on Tuesday stood by Sarah Palin, calling her more qualified than Democratic vice presidential nominee Joe Biden.


"She knows where she stands on issues that are so important to us," Mr. Huckabee said of the soon-to-be GOP vice presidential nominee. "She's had more executive experience in two years than her counterpart Joe Biden has had in all his years in the Senate making speeches."

Mr. Huckabee also criticized the media on coverage of the Palin revelation that her 17-year-old daughter is pregnant.

"Boy have they picked on the wrong bunch of people," he said. "She ( Palin's daughter) has only affirmed our own appreciation with Sarah Palin."

Top Gun... at least be honest enough to quote your sources, its not very respectful to Mr. Rothenberg.... Who I happen to have a story about!

It seems Mr. Rothenberg wants some Uber-Cyber-Fuhrer to police the Internet (This is the guy Top Gun is Copying and Pasting Material from)

>>>>>>Buckeye State Blog - Pamphleteers of the Revolution<<<<<<
Brian Rothenberg - Blog Police chief
Submitted by staff on Wed, 05/31/2006 - 10:53am.

It seems Brian Rothenberg, ODP press release writer went crying to the Dispatch. Not only that he seems to have had a hard time telling the truth.

Until recently, Brian Rothenberg admits, he was content to watch the phenomenon of Internet blogging from his perch at the Ohio Democratic Party, where he is the communications director.

Those days are over, and his baptism by fire to the blogosphere leaves no doubt that the medium is here to stay and also evolving.

Rothenberg and others who are paid to get the word out for political parties should take note. Someday, they'll be hiring an assistant just to monitor bloggers and their ilk, trolling for the thoughts and phrasing, the kernels of truth that ignite conversation and consideration.

The joke is that bloggers are youngish, live in their mothers' basements, work in their pajamas and have nothing better to do than wax away on any number of topics. Like most generalizations, that's probably unfair.

Well Anne, if you had actually talked to any bloggers before writing your piece you would know that all of us are well over 30 and mostly married with kids, but anyway, back to Brian crying

In the meantime, Rothenberg and others are forced to navigate an unformed landscape, where few use their real names and ethics are just beginning to become an issue. And he's been burned.

Some bloggers recently asked the Ohio Democratic Party for free passes to the state party dinner at Veterans Memorial on Saturday. Those otherwise anonymous bloggers wanted the proverbial rubberchicken dinner and a chance to hear the vaunted U.S. Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois work his oratorical magic on a room filled with true believers.

Rothenberg knows exactly who I and everyone else is. We have met in person numerous times. He also knows that the request wasn't for a rubber chicken dinner, but a chance to report on the event for our readers, since the event isn't public.

Finally, Rothenberg is concerned that in arguing for the tickets, some bloggers likened their craft to that of a newspaper reporter. Newspaper reporters may attend such events, but they don't or shouldn't take even as little as a salted cashew from the bowl at the bar. Reporters surely are not entitled to take a seat reserved for a paying customer. The event is, after all, a fundraiser.

He turned them down and felt the wrath of the blog.

This is just an outright lie. It was Rothenberg himself who likened bloggers to journalists - and did so in comments at Plunderbund, to which I responded


Times are changing. I don't think you can say bloggers are press or they are activists - it's one bucket or the other.

It's both and it's neither.

Once you accept this then you realize that perhaps you need to come up with new approaches to things.

Some people get it, other don't.

Rothenberg closes his crying session with this incredible statement

In the end, Obama paid for a blogger table. Still, Rothenberg is troubled, likening bloggers to the pamphleteers of the Revolutionary War period, without form or rules. "In time, they are going to start selfpolicing or they are going to be policed."

WTF ? We're going to be policed ? What are we ****ing criminals ? whose going to do the policing Brian ? You ? You can't even keep your story straight. You need to grow up.

A liar and a crybaby that seeks to put limits on the first amendment rights of others....
Excellent Choice Top Gun!
OK, I'm going to put it on the line right now.

After all of the garbage the Libtards have been slinging in the past months, and now with these totally unwarranted attacks on the Palin girl, I'm making the following prediction:

McCain will win the election in November by AT LEAST 35 electoral votes.​

The left has shot themselves in the foot, knee, groin, and finally in the head with this crap, and the American people will NOT let the KOOK FRINGE LIBTARD MORONS run this country no matter HOW loudly they yell, scream, cry, gnash their teeth, wail, or stomp their feet.


Where is that really big, laughing emoticon at?