Prostitute nails Republican Senator AGAIN!

top gun

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2007
Ohio, USA
New Orleans prostitute tied to Vitter passes lie detector test
The Times Picayune / Sept. 10, 2007 / Kate Moran

Weeks after U.S. Sen. David Vitter tried to discredit her allegations, a woman who used to work as a prostitute in New Orleans passed a lie detector test averring that she had a "sexual relationship" with Vitter that lasted at least four months.

Magazine publisher Larry Flynt paid for the woman to take the polygraph test, and he plans to hold a news conference with her at his Beverly Hills office today to unveil the results and challenge the senator to submit to a polygraph.

The woman, Wendy Yow Ellis, claims that she had intercourse with Vitter in a French Quarter apartment at Dauphine and Dumaine streets in 1999, the year the Metairie Republican was elected to Congress.

Ellis, whose maiden name is Wendy Yow, said Monday that she took the polygraph test because Vitter tried to impugn her credibility at a news conference in July, when he denied news reports about his involvement with prostitutes in New Orleans without being specific.

"I have been called a liar all of my life," Ellis said. "This is one time that you can't call me a liar. I have admitted my wrongs. I am not proud of myself for my past, but my integrity and my self-respect mean more to me today than anything."

Flynt paid for Ellis to fly to California to take the polygraph, which was administered by Edward Gelb, a past president of the American Polygraph Association who also gave lie detector tests to the parents of JonBenet Ramsey, the child beauty queen who was found murdered in her family's basement in 1996.
Not again. It's another Larry Craig case. He didn't do prostitutes... he did prostitutes. He only did prostitutes in DC... he did the same prostitute 2 or 3 times a week for over 4 months @ $300 a pop in New Orleans.

Real Family Values? OR... Front family values to run as a Republican and Live a lie, Live a Lie, Live a Lie. We already know don't we.
Yeah it is pretty depressing to see republicans conducting themselves like leftist democrats now. At least slick willie had an excuse.....he's a liberal. Depressing indeed.

Yeah it is pretty depressing to see republicans conducting themselves like leftist democrats now. At least slick willie had an excuse.....he's a liberal. Depressing indeed.


That's not a bad point. Skewed to be smoke & mirrors to the actual events... but worth comparing for sure.

Let's look...

Bill Clinton a Democrat did something wrong. He had a consensual adult affair... he had a girlfriend.

What are the Republicans doing? Trying to seduce male Congressional pages... seeing males prostitues while smoking crystal meth... trying to pick up guys in a public airport restroom for gay bathroom stall sex... steadily & repeatedly paying for sex from prostitutes.

I see what you mean... kinda... but I'm thinking maybe you have it just a little backwards. I think the Dems better not continue down a much worse path and end up acting like "Conservative Republicans". Just a thought! ;)
My question is do any of you guys truly think that there is a correlation between political ideology and their social behavior? I mean, it's really kind of silly for you to say that someone who likes low taxes and strong national defense is soliciting bathroom sex because he likes low taxes and strong defense.
My question is do any of you guys truly think that there is a correlation between political ideology and their social behavior? I mean, it's really kind of silly for you to say that someone who likes low taxes and strong national defense is soliciting bathroom sex because he likes low taxes and strong defense.

There is, without a doubt, a correlation between their political ideology and their behavior. Seems like the farther they are to the right, the closer they are to the bathroom stall or hotel room with their boyfriend. You see, many of these type Republicans are in the closet and they try to keep the door closed by professing "family values".
My question is do any of you guys truly think that there is a correlation between political ideology and their social behavior? I mean, it's really kind of silly for you to say that someone who likes low taxes and strong national defense is soliciting bathroom sex because he likes low taxes and strong defense.

Definately... Absolutely!!!

Just like in a court of law this goes straight to character. Anyone who would so perversely rail against things politically that they themselves whole heartedly enjoy and engage in lose credibility and cannot/should not be trusted on other positions they take.

And the real problem is it is becoming pervasive in the Republican Party. I don't think there has ever been this small of a time frame when so many Republicans are seducing Congressional pages, smoking crystal meth with male prostitutes, trying to have gay public restroom stall sex and paying prostitutes for sex in DC and New Orleans.

I mean I'm not really up on all things Republican... maybe there's was a time when Republicans got caught doing more gay & sleazy sex stuff and I just don't remember it. But still...

It's a gosh darn epidemic. I mean it's even got its own name now. It's called Elepantitis!
4 out of 1000s equates to an epidemic in your mind. I really can't get over the fact that you think people believing in limited government or secure borders seek gay sex because of that.

So what if someone is a Democrat that one day moves Republican like so many did on 9/11. Does their social behavior instantly change with the shift in ideology?

This entire thing is silly. There are certainly plenty of weirdos to go around. Inevitably, they make their way into politics. The libs are just better at hiding their weirdos.
4 out of 1000s equates to an epidemic in your mind. I really can't get over the fact that you think people believing in limited government or secure borders seek gay sex because of that.

Not an epidemic, but apparently endemic to "family values" Republicans. The GOP, what a party to be ashamed of.
I think most people are not proud with very many of the politicans who supposedly represent their side. However, I am proud of the left wing, its ideoligies, rather than the people who are supposed to represent me in politics.
I think most people are not proud with very many of the politicans who supposedly represent their side.

In fact it's damn near impossible to find someone who is proud of his or her politicians. I know one, and she's from Barney Frank's district in southern Mass.
However, I am proud of the left wing, its ideoligies, rather than the people who are supposed to represent me in politics.

I feel the same way about conservatism. But recently, some of us here haven't been able to separate the politicians from the philosophy.
4 out of 1000s equates to an epidemic in your mind. I really can't get over the fact that you think people believing in limited government or secure borders seek gay sex because of that.

So what if someone is a Democrat that one day moves Republican like so many did on 9/11. Does their social behavior instantly change with the shift in ideology?

This entire thing is silly. There are certainly plenty of weirdos to go around. Inevitably, they make their way into politics. The libs are just better at hiding their weirdos.

I don't blame Republicans for doing everything in their power to down play the facts.

Elephantitis is spreading. The Republican "Family Values" and "gay is a sin" campaign now has a much credibility as Jim Bakker trying to come back and sell tickets to PTL's Heritage Village vacation park. :)

On the Democrat turned Republican question I know this thread comes off as if there are no good Republican. Of course there are. It would be dishonest to say there aren't some good intended Republicans. That though in no way should stop people from saying WOW... look at the hypocrisy within the Republican Party today.

Another important thing that Republicans are trying their best to spin is demonizing it's own that have stood up and aggressively said, "We need to start pulling out of Iraq now. The administration is not doing the right thing. The Iraq occupation is not making us any safer here at home. This is nothing more than buying time to dump this problem on the next president."

Republicans Hagel (decorated Vietnam Vet) & Warner (head of Senate Armed Services committee) aren't even going to run for re-election. Can you give us one reason... just one... why they would speak out like this against the war if they truly did not believe what they're saying is totally 100% the truth? You can't... they have absolutely no reason to lie and every reason to just be quiet.

They're were both highly respected in the Republican Party.
They have no scandal to deflect.
They both have the military knowledge needed to make such a decision.
They could easily go into Republican retirement with back slapping and hand shakes all around.

But they will not lie and go along with the Republican Party line.

A lot of deceit going on in the Republican Party these days but there are some Republicans that try to stand up and tell it like it really is... so you are right about that. It's a shame there are not more Hagel & Warners.
4 out of 1000s equates to an epidemic in your mind. I really can't get over the fact that you think people believing in limited government or secure borders seek gay sex because of that.

Im still surprised that you think that the modern republican party even remotely represents any sort of conservative ideology. The Bush administration enjoyed 6 years of a free pass republican congress. They got nothing done on the border, the government has grown, family values...please, spending was out of control, etc.
I don't know about you Americans, but I can barely distinguish between my two leading parties thesedays.

Labour? Probably more right wing than the conservatives. Maybe Gordon Brown will bring some change, but I doubt it.