question for liberals about the middle east

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
If Israel was to over the People of Palestine state hood and give them 94 percent of the land they want, would they be peaceful and stop the terrorist attacks ?
Or would they continue their terrorist attacks ? As they have vowed to destroy Israel along with Iran whose backing them.
If Israel was to over the People of Palestine state hood and give them 94 percent of the land they want, would they be peaceful and stop the terrorist attacks ?
Or would they continue their terrorist attacks ? As they have vowed to destroy Israel along with Iran whose backing them.
no one knows the answer for sure.
certainly isreal's approach of killing civilians over the years has failed to achieve peace, time to try something new.
no one knows the answer for sure.
certainly isreal's approach of killing civilians over the years has failed to achieve peace, time to try something new.
Do you think Hamas would accept such a deal if offered ? And would they stop their terrorists attacks just your opinion not its hard to tell, that to wishywashy Wesel like ,
Do you think Hamas would accept such a deal if offered ? And would they stop their terrorists attacks just your opinion not its hard to tell

"hamas" may never stop but if they dont have the support of the population they wont be able to do much.
nothing will ever "stop' terrorism because all it takes is one person with a knife for example to be a terrorist.
"hamas" may never stop but if they dont have the support of the population they wont be able to do much.
nothing will ever "stop' terrorism because all it takes is one person with a knife for example to be a terrorist.
It takes more then 1 person with a knife to be a terrorist against a nation . So you agree that they will not stop . And would that accept the land deal
It takes more then 1 person with a knife to be a terrorist against a nation . So you agree that they will not stop . And would that accept the land deal

i agree terrorism will never stop. only a moron would think it ever will stop, since, as I said, terrorism can be done by one person with a knife, even against Israel (a knife can kill a leader for example).

no idea if they would accept a land deal and how that would change their behavior, but blowing up women and children hasn't worked.
i agree terrorism will never stop. only a moron would think it ever will stop, since, as I said, terrorism can be done by one person with a knife, even against Israel (a knife can kill a leader for example).

no idea if they would accept a land deal and how that would change their behavior, but blowing up women and children hasn't worked.
They have rejected a deal where they got 94 percent of the land they wanted already in the past and continued attacking Israel .

And you know what the people of Gaza overwhelming support them to this day

And you think they they will just stop of course not and you expect the Nation Of Israel to allow the attacks to go one after they vowed to do it again..
We were attacked by terrorist and went to war for years and that was on another continent gaza is next door .

So heres what we have they have broken cease fire after cease fire vowed to attack again even after all that has gone on and they have the support of the people and they have been offered a separate state before with 94 percent of the land they wanted and refused .

So Israel either takes the attacks as part of normal life and ignore them or they go after Hamas as there is no making peace with them Options ?
They have rejected a deal where they got 94 percent of the land they wanted already in the past and continued attacking Israel .

And you know what the people of Gaza overwhelming support them to this day

And you think they they will just stop of course not and you expect the Nation Of Israel to allow the attacks to go one after they vowed to do it again..
We were attacked by terrorist and went to war for years and that was on another continent gaza is next door .

So heres what we have they have broken cease fire after cease fire vowed to attack again even after all that has gone on and they have the support of the people and they have been offered a separate state before with 94 percent of the land they wanted and refused .

So Israel either takes the attacks as part of normal life and ignore them or they go after Hamas as there is no making peace with them Options ?
you keep posting that poll is if it is accurate. lol.
clue for the clueless - polls in dictatorships can't be trusted.
If Israel was to over the People of Palestine state hood and give them 94 percent of the land they want, would they be peaceful and stop the terrorist attacks ?
Or would they continue their terrorist attacks ? As they have vowed to destroy Israel along with Iran whose backing them.
A stupid question.
You are a waste of time.
A stupid question.
You are a waste of time.
nope its not a stupid question because I already knew the answer I just want to see how liberals think about the issue.
You see mr. PHD teacher it was offered before to them and they refused and made outlandish demands And it was a liberal America president who brokered the deal slick willie.

Now I posted a Clinton post first that contained that info and then this . I wanted to see how well informed liberals were and it appears even with a cheat sheet of sorts you all still could not figure it out.
Much like the monkey thread which was for your pleasure as you lived in Florida for over 4 decades and I have been here as a resident sense 2005 but have been here collecting periderm several times. I wanted to see if any one caught the fact there are not monkeys native to Florida , but we do have wild monkeys no one caught that either . Yet you all rushed to respond . As a teacher have you not had any training in such tactics. Its always better to let others do all the work and prove themselves to not really comprehending the subject they are replying to wholly yet they give answers .I was allowing a opening for you and others to show a lack of knowledge of what they were talking about.
no one knows the answer for sure.
certainly isreal's approach of killing civilians over the years has failed to achieve peace, time to try something new.
Never believe that mass murdering devotees to a false bloody religion will cast off their faithful ambitions to murder every human alive identified by their religious leaders as being worthy of murdering.
There are no monkeys naive to Florida. It seems some escaped from several locations during hurricanes. They pose no real problem to most people in Florida, because they mostly live in forested areas, including several islands.

If Muslims wanted to kill every member of every other religion, they should have done so by now. They have had about 1400 years so far.

The BIG question regarding Muslims is why Mohammad was allowed by the Biblical "God" character to overrun the entire Middle East. After the Romans ran the Jews out of most of Israel, then along comes Mohammad and takes away the ability to reestablish Judea/ Israel?

That, and why didn't Jesus at least write his own Gospel?
Even Enron and Tootsie Roll have a business plan.
There are no monkeys naive to Florida. It seems some escaped from several locations during hurricanes. They pose no real problem to most people in Florida, because they mostly live in forested areas, including several islands.

If Muslims wanted to kill every member of every other religion, they should have done so by now. They have had about 1400 years so far.

The BIG question regarding Muslims is why Mohammad was allowed by the Biblical "God" character to overrun the entire Middle East. After the Romans ran the Jews out of most of Israel, then along comes Mohammad and takes away the ability to reestablish Judea/ Israel?

That, and why didn't Jesus at least write his own Gospel?
Even Enron and Tootsie Roll have a business plan.
Lol no most of them were pets let loose and yes about 25 percent they carry herpes 4 which can kill humans
Lol no most of them were pets let loose and yes about 25 percent they carry herpes 4 which can kill humans
LOL they invade people yards dumb ass all the time and they have been in Florida for decades 5 different species. And they are aggressive also your knowledge of monkeys and the state you lived in for 47 years is pathic.

Monkeys do very well in the city's of the world b\ut your liberal phd mind thinks they stay in forests .
Do you ever research any thing before you open your mouth and look stupid or do you prefer the lug nut way.

Islam is violence. I don't think it would stop if there were only one terrorist left alive...and that's what its going to take...not one left alive. HOWEVER...I believe according to Gods word that there will come a time of tribulation, with decapitations for resisting. It is said that the spurious messiah will come out of the middle east or have some connection to it. I often wondered years can Revelation be right....decapitation is so barbaric..that could never happen.... until you see the actions of the 'religion of peace'. There will be a great misery on the earth, worse than we have ever known since the beginning of time. Many will come to Christ after the fact...and many will not. The Tribulation is God's attempt to get these hard headed folk to repent and return...but it will not happen after a certain point. At that time, even those who wish to repent will not be allowed to do so. Now you can laugh at that but the amount of fulfilled prophecy down to the letter tells me it will be so.