I still can not understand !!!!
Why Europe follows the Americans when they depend from Russian Gas and Petroil. Russians Help Europe, try to have good relationships and what we are doing? Just follow the Bush's imperialistical ideas. And.. did they really understoond that was first Georgia to attack (with Anericans support) South Ossetia and have killed so many innocent people. And is is not viceversa. Who is going to pay for these massive killings? NONE apparenty. And curiously Europe stays silence about it. Why really? After having made Russia nervous they understoond their error and started following their own political strategy of dialog and not Americans war attitude.
And what dialog really? There is nothing to discuss. Here is the truth:
1. Russians has the right to protect Ossetians from more blooding from Georgians and their President supported by the American Intelligence. Fortunately, Russians pushed these barbards out from Ossetia with forces; Have you seen the private video done by Georgians? Georgian soldiers were killing anybody in front of them with great pleasure, lauphing and barbar instict; Women, children and old people are dead for nothing. Who will punish these killers?.
2. Ossetia has the right to be free and indipendent. As Europeans accept Kosovo's independent going against Russian opinion not to accept it, now is their turn to play the same game in Ossetia, as Europe played with them at Kosovo. That's it. Very simple.
3. Russians have the right to protect their shoulders, their civils and their grounds from USA imperialisme so long USA offers humanitary help to Georgians together with weapens.
4. USA and NATO are distroying the good relationship between Europe and Russia. Europe must not accept that. Europe needs Russia and Russia needs Europe. If Americans live with their old traditions that Russia is still the dangerous Communist Russian federation and the continue to play the old cold war games, Europe must not follow this unuseful old fashion game and must not permit it neither. Americans have nothing to search in Georgia. They must care with their own problems which are a lot and stay out of Europe with their millitary troups and, missiles and should STOP making the polismen over here. We have our own police and millitaries. They should do it where really is needed to save people and not to let people be killed.
See more truth at www.gooblogg.com and videos at www.gooclip.net
I would like to have your opinion on these thoughts. Thanks
Signed by: The Truthman
Why Europe follows the Americans when they depend from Russian Gas and Petroil. Russians Help Europe, try to have good relationships and what we are doing? Just follow the Bush's imperialistical ideas. And.. did they really understoond that was first Georgia to attack (with Anericans support) South Ossetia and have killed so many innocent people. And is is not viceversa. Who is going to pay for these massive killings? NONE apparenty. And curiously Europe stays silence about it. Why really? After having made Russia nervous they understoond their error and started following their own political strategy of dialog and not Americans war attitude.
And what dialog really? There is nothing to discuss. Here is the truth:
1. Russians has the right to protect Ossetians from more blooding from Georgians and their President supported by the American Intelligence. Fortunately, Russians pushed these barbards out from Ossetia with forces; Have you seen the private video done by Georgians? Georgian soldiers were killing anybody in front of them with great pleasure, lauphing and barbar instict; Women, children and old people are dead for nothing. Who will punish these killers?.
2. Ossetia has the right to be free and indipendent. As Europeans accept Kosovo's independent going against Russian opinion not to accept it, now is their turn to play the same game in Ossetia, as Europe played with them at Kosovo. That's it. Very simple.
3. Russians have the right to protect their shoulders, their civils and their grounds from USA imperialisme so long USA offers humanitary help to Georgians together with weapens.
4. USA and NATO are distroying the good relationship between Europe and Russia. Europe must not accept that. Europe needs Russia and Russia needs Europe. If Americans live with their old traditions that Russia is still the dangerous Communist Russian federation and the continue to play the old cold war games, Europe must not follow this unuseful old fashion game and must not permit it neither. Americans have nothing to search in Georgia. They must care with their own problems which are a lot and stay out of Europe with their millitary troups and, missiles and should STOP making the polismen over here. We have our own police and millitaries. They should do it where really is needed to save people and not to let people be killed.
See more truth at www.gooblogg.com and videos at www.gooclip.net
I would like to have your opinion on these thoughts. Thanks
Signed by: The Truthman