Russian troops beg Putin to stop sending them to slaughter

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

Thats a group of 700 to 900 men being used to storm fortification's like they did in ww1 in trench warfare Putin could care less hes a coward and a commie dictator
Personally I couldn't give a rat's if all Russians soldiers died and Putin with them.
The irony is what did they think they were there for?
Sunday school?
No different to how America slaughtered 55000 soldiers in Vietnam.
Personally I couldn't give a rat's if all Russians soldiers died and Putin with them.
The irony is what did they think they were there for?
Sunday school?
No different to how America slaughtered 55000 soldiers in Vietnam.

Yes there is a big difference between nam and the Ukraine your unable to comprehend the facts
Man your stupid first off the reason for the war

We entered the nam to help prevent commies from taking over in Asia .Putin entered the war with Ukraine because he started it and invaded to expand the territory of Russia back to its former self .
thats the first difference
Man your stupid first off the reason for the war

We entered the nam to help prevent commies from taking over in Asia .Putin entered the war with Ukraine because he started it and invaded to expand the territory of Russia back to its former self .
thats the first difference
Are you not now in Ukraine to stop communists taking it over? Where's the difference dickhead?

And you have the gall to call me stupid.
Are you not now in Ukraine to stop communists taking it over? Where's the difference dickhead?

And you have the gall to call me stupid.
. Putin's not there to stop commies you lug nut and we are not helping them because to stop a commie take over Russia is now a socialist nation . Next we do not have troops on the ground in a act of policing or engaged in war. Next the possibility of nukes was not involved in Nam . Also the war in nam was extremely unpopular with Americans then as it is for supporting the Ukraine