Sarah Palin, RINO???

Arrogance and elitism must come natural to you... Where to start...

A veto is not control of congress. Reagan has the power of the executive branch at his disposal but support from Congress was intermittant at best. Obama bowing to foreign leaders is a sign of submission, their subjects bow to them, not their equals, not their betters. Now perhaps you think the President of the United States is not a position that's equal to or better than King of Saudi Arabia, that would not surprise me.

Try taking a reading comprehension class, I said the olive branch to terrorists and the French battle flag at Iran. Obama is finally getting tougher with Iran and for that, I give him the full credit he deserves, he made a wise decision, I just hope he sticks to it. Obama did offer the Taliban jobs, positions of power and other concessions in Afghanistan and Iraq if they would give up Jihad, they responded with one of the largest, most coordinated strikes ever.

Face it... You just hate me. Nothing I say will ever satisfy your elitist views, we backward thinking, hillbilly types are offensive to your ivory tower sensabilities.

Obama offered them jack and **** you know there is this guy who is actuly the leader of Afghanistan..he made the offer...and its what you have to do...Its what we did in Iraq as well.. You have lots of armed men with no jobs and nothing long as they take up arms they have food and money...they could care less about the you offer them reasons to step back and get out. I see you think you run COIN Opererations with all Stick and No Carrot....thats a good way to lose or at best prolong operations and cost more lives you did not need to.
Arrogance and elitism must come natural to you... Where to start...

A veto is not control of congress. Reagan has the power of the executive branch at his disposal but support from Congress was intermittant at best. Obama bowing to foreign leaders is a sign of submission, their subjects bow to them, not their equals, not their betters. Now perhaps you think the President of the United States is not a position that's equal to or better than King of Saudi Arabia, that would not surprise me.

Try taking a reading comprehension class, I said the olive branch to terrorists and the French battle flag at Iran. Obama is finally getting tougher with Iran and for that, I give him the full credit he deserves, he made a wise decision, I just hope he sticks to it. Obama did offer the Taliban jobs, positions of power and other concessions in Afghanistan and Iraq if they would give up Jihad, they responded with one of the largest, most coordinated strikes ever.

Face it... You just hate me. Nothing I say will ever satisfy your elitist views, we backward thinking, hillbilly types are offensive to your ivory tower sensabilities.

Also, I am sorry but the Veto , is a nice hammer over Congress...its not my fault Republicans spend spend spend...after saying less government...yet never Veto anything...Because they want to spend to..its lip service...

But I like how I am Elitist now...because I don't back down and call the right on there crap. I am sorry I don't act the part of the weak liberal who backs away from a fight. I have no personal feelings about you one way or the other..I just think your veiws are warped and only work in a dream land and that you are Just bias against anything Obama does, will never be happy with him...
Also, I am sorry but the Veto , is a nice hammer over Congress...
Reagan used the veto 78 times, the most it had been used since Dwight D. Eisenhower, 12% of them were shot down, and no president has used as many vetoes since.

its not my fault Republicans spend spend spend...after saying less government...yet never Veto anything...Because they want to spend to..its lip service...
I don't disagree that Republicans, in general, are bad on spending but Congress holds the purse strings, not the president. And the "never veto anything" is false, the last president who didn't veto a single bill was James Garfield.

But I like how I am Elitist now
My apologies for having said that.

I just think your veiws are warped and only work in a dream land
I feel the same way about your Collectivist Utopia.

and that you are Just bias against anything Obama does, will never be happy with him...
I gave Obama his due credit for the decision to stand up to Iran with military force. You either missed that or totally ignored it. When he does the right thing, I will gladly support him. I was the same way with Clinton and both Bush's.
LOL,LOL Typical wild eyed Leftist! You admit TAKING the money Sarah Palin made available Then TURN on her for doing so!! I believe that explains your core and you actions!! I wonder how unbiased judgement can ever be claimed?

typical non answer to direct questions. I didnt turn on her for leaning democratically for some of the period she was Governor. My opinion changed when she fired a cabinet member for not firing her brother in law. My opinion changed when she flip flopped on the Pebble Mine issue. My opinion changed when she started to claim she was a Conservative, when in fact she is far from it. My opinion changed when she acted the fool on the campaign trial.

Your lack of discussion worthy posts are still prevelent I can see.
What about the fact that Sarah Palin is a half wit who can't name a newspaper she has read and thinks that foreign policy expertise is gained by the sight of a foreign air liner?

And how do you reconcile killing animals for pleasure with any kind of moral code that you really want your children to grow up with?
I started this thread to discuss Sarah Palin and how some on the RIGHT....(not the Left) are calling her a RINO for supporting McCain. If conservatives want to make a come back then they have to sort out their indifference between them selves because right now as it's looking the Republicans are looking to make a huge comeback in this election cycle but from what I see the Tea Party movement is trying to attach a lit nest test to each Republican candidate. If anyone was paying attention to the winter meeting in Hawaii and what happened out there, then we're all going to have a pre-view of what is to come in November. All I can say to the conservatives on this board is be careful what you wish for and the Independents are WATCHING and they will be voting....

Before this thread I have never heard of anyone being angry with Sarah Palin for backing McCain, if anything I noticed people willing to back McCain because of Sarah Palin. Most had not known who she was before McCain picked her.

I know that liberal republicans and some who claim to be moderate republicans have been angry at McCain for picking Palin because she was not left enough but not the other way around.
typical non answer to direct questions. I didnt turn on her for leaning democratically for some of the period she was Governor. My opinion changed when she fired a cabinet member for not firing her brother in law. My opinion changed when she flip flopped on the Pebble Mine issue. My opinion changed when she started to claim she was a Conservative, when in fact she is far from it. My opinion changed when she acted the fool on the campaign trial.

Your lack of discussion worthy posts are still prevelent I can see.

Me thinks you are just "Biased" to Sarah Palin whatever she thinks or does.
Fair and unbiased judgement is a terrible thing to lose!!
There were only three fools on the 2008 Campaign trail, Obama , McCain, and the voters who were fooled by obama!! "Palin is Sailing" see you in 2012!!
I am from the USA but I left so that my children wouldn't have to grow up listening to the jingoistic fundamentalist claptrap that seems to be the received view in the US.

The US claims to be free etc but it is actually one of the most indoctrinated countries in the world.

From WW2 until ten years ago the bogey man was Communists and now it is Muslims.

The hatred, the aggression, the discrimination and the general oppression that this engenders makes me want to ensure that my children grow up elsehwere.

My eyes were really opened after 9/11 when it was plain to see that the Government's explanation of what happened just could not be accurate at so many levels that they had to be lying.

Then you start looking at everything else and you feel ashamed for ever having believed it. But sadly most people in the US do seem to think that it is fine to go round the world bombing innocent people - or even that it is god's will.

It makes me ashamed to be American

I assume when you left America you took a moon beam to the "milky way"!
Sounds like you are spaced out!