Except it's not the same people.
While a few of the players might be different, it is the same party with plenty of the same people my Jarheaded buddy.
I have said before, and will say again, this isnt the fault of one party or the other as both are so much in bed with each other, both are just as guilty. 20 years ago, it was the democrats with excess spending that brought about the contract with America, 15 years ago or so. Now the shoe is on the other foot. The GOP had 6 years of unchecked control in congress and the executive, they ran up spending to untold numbers and cut taxes in the process. How does that work?
For myself, I am a fisherman, I get paid on how much fish I catch. If I dont catch enough salmon, I dont get to take that vacation, buy a new boat, repair the tape deck
in my truck etc.
I think it prudent for congress not to spend a nickel without a solid way to raise the revenue to replace it.
Id like to see congress move to a flucuating flat tax. Similar in the way local communities adjust the property tax rate annually. Here is our expenses...
here is our other revenue sources, we need to have x flat tax rate across the board to cover those costs. It makes spending become actually justified.
But what the hell does congress care anyway? To a member they are more interested in getting re-elected than doing what is right for America long term. When it comes to a billion here and a billion there, it doesnt mean much to them, as it isnt thier money, and when they run out, they can just print more.