Should we impeach Bush or is it too late?

Should we impeach Bush or is it too late?

  • Impeach him.

    Votes: 8 44.4%
  • Too late.

    Votes: 10 55.6%

  • Total voters

I completely understand why so many people hate him now. The Neocon platform is neither new nor conservative but is tyrannical, irresponsible and inconsiderate. I think the whole platform is foolish and will evaporate over time. What will be left then? Civil war? Maybe.
We can not just impeach, there needs to be investigations and hearings to prove that impeachable offenses have occured.

Otherwise, we are not saying he is innocent until proven guilty, everyone gets the same rights. Unless, of course, you are a detainee at Guantanamo or an "illegal enemy combatant."

Back at Freethinker: yes it is never too late, but politics and interests on both sides get in the way too much.

Justinian: I sure hope civil war is not a result of this disasterous mindset, we've had one of these wonderful wars before and it was cheap (lives lost, etc...) for either side.

Though, I do not see how a civil war could result from this. Care to explain, Justinian?
To my knowledge Bush has not commited any impeachable offenses. I don't care for him or his policies, but that doesn't mean that we should go impeach him.
dig deeper - impeachable offenses all over the place

To my knowledge Bush has not commited any impeachable offenses. I don't care for him or his policies, but that doesn't mean that we should go impeach him.

Here's one quote for you to chew on. There are so many impeachable offenses, using forged documents and lying to Congress to get us embroiled in a tragic war, for one.

People far more learned than me who actually know the law agree that Bush has committed impeachable offenses:

"Former Nixon White House counsel John Dean called Bush 'the first president to admit to an impeachable offense.'"

Regarding domestic spying authorized by Bush: "The American public has to understand that a crime has been committed, a serious crime," Chris Pyle, a professor of politics at Mount Holyoke College and an expert on government surveillance of civilians, tells Salon. "Looking at this controversy objectively, you inevitably end up with a question of impeachment," says Jonathan Turley, a professor at the George Washington University School of Law.

"Turley is no Democratic partisan; he testified to Congress in favor of Bill Clinton's impeachment. "Many of my Republican friends joined in that hearing and insisted that this was a matter of defending the rule of law, and had nothing to do with political antagonism," he says. "I'm surprised that many of those same voices are silent. The crime in this case was a knowing and premeditated act. This operation violated not just the federal statute but the United States Constitution. For Republicans to suggest that this is not a legitimate question of federal crimes makes a mockery of their position during the Clinton period. For Republicans, this is the ultimate test of principle."
If you think Bush should be impeached for "domestic spying" then Clinton should've been imprisoned for his far more severe "domestic spying".

That's the one thing that I thought was really shameful about that whole controversy. The Republicans who criticized Clinton for warantless spying were the same ones criticizing Bush, but the Democrats who supported Clinton when he did hopped on the bandwagon to condemn Bush.
Here's one quote for you to chew on. There are so many impeachable offenses, using forged documents and lying to Congress to get us embroiled in a tragic war, for one.

What forged documents? When did he lie? Being wrong doesn't mean he "lied".

People far more learned than me who actually know the law agree that Bush has committed impeachable offenses:

And there are plenty of people way smarter than you who know the law that don't agree Bush should be impeached.

This topic is sickening. Political disagreement is not a basis for impeachment. I was against impeaching Clinton, I am against impeaching Bush, and if I were around in 1872, I would've opposed impeaching Johnson.
I couldnt vote.

it only had do it or its to late to do it, there was no button to push that said no because its not needed or anything.

besides what good does it to do impeach? clinton was impeached and he still was the president till the end of his term

i dont want them to waste even more money on trials and junk for impeachment when we proved it doesnt do anything good and my proof is look at clinton!
Unless you can impreach someone for being a bad president you can't impreach Bush, he sucks but he hasn't done anything illegal enough to be impeached. If he is impeached it will cause a bad presedent where later presidents will be impeached on even more minor reasons
Two reasons not to impeach Bush:

You'd be hard pressed to find an impeachable offense. Spending the country into debt is not impeachable. Invading a foreign country on faulty intelligence is not impeachable either, especially when he had the consent of Congress.

If you've read my posts, you will know I'm not exactly a fan of the currrent POTUS, but the talk of impeachement is simply partisan hooting.

One more reason not to impeach: It could be successful.

Salute the new president of the United States, Mr. Richard Bruce Cheney. RBC, just what plans do you have now that you've been sworn into office?

Do you think you can win in November?
I think this conversation is a little late. He will be out of office in January 2009. He was, I cannot use the word elected, due to what happened in Florida but we certainly did not have to put him back in office in 2004. Too little too late.
Since when do POWs get trials?

These aren't 'POW's', they are 'Enemy Combatants'. There's a difference, POW's have rights under the Geneva Convention. Enemy Combatants aren't attached to a legitimate government, wear no uniforms can come from many nations and the GC doesn't apply as far as I know.
Just based on the Presidential position on torture,
not to mention his "signing statements" and executive orders
the man is an out-of-control lunatic
Bush and Cheney make Charlie Manson look like Mr. Rogers by comparison.