So what does everything think about Rush and his Operation Chaos?


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2007
Huntsville, Alabama
Personally, although he says I'd think this way, but it's "their" right to vote, I think it's a direct insult to the American way. I mean sure, you have the right to vote, however, you shouldn't be allowed to "vote" for an opposing party simply to cause turmoil within the process. It's rather unamerican if you ask me . But of course His Most Supreme Ego would say otherwise, saying it IS the american way. Today I hear him touting their "success" in creating the chaos in the party or whatever, and how it was the right thing to do, and this and that, and then he switches foot to spill his typical rhetoric and starts talking about how several key members of the DNC were misusing the process to choose their own candidate...although seems a wee bit hypocritical...
Personally, although he says I'd think this way, but it's "their" right to vote, I think it's a direct insult to the American way. I mean sure, you have the right to vote, however, you shouldn't be allowed to "vote" for an opposing party simply to cause turmoil within the process. It's rather unamerican if you ask me . But of course His Most Supreme Ego would say otherwise, saying it IS the american way. Today I hear him touting their "success" in creating the chaos in the party or whatever, and how it was the right thing to do, and this and that, and then he switches foot to spill his typical rhetoric and starts talking about how several key members of the DNC were misusing the process to choose their own candidate...although seems a wee bit hypocritical...

You don't know american history - cross-over voting in open primaries to get a weaker candidate is a very old technique, and liberals certainly have used it.
The truth is it tells a lot about why we don't want neo-cons running our country. Listen to Chris Matthews at the end of this clip... it's exactly how it feel.

Thankfully it won't change the final nominees and in the end it only alienates Independents.

Still how lame to even try... what jerks...
The truth is it tells a lot about why we don't want neo-cons running our country. Listen to Chris Matthews at the end of this clip... it's exactly how it feel.

Thankfully it won't change the final nominees and in the end it only alienates Independents.

Still how lame to even try... what jerks...

Rush was NOT trying to change the nominee. He was NOT trying to get Hillary the nomination.

He was trying to make sure of a few things.

1. That Obama got vetted. The liberal media was to busy drooling over Obama to ask him one hard question and McCain has not testicles to do it.

2. Get the two wings of the democratic party fuming mad at eachother to the point the party cracks.

3. To get Obama to spend some of that money he would have been able to hord till the general.
Rush, as in the same old, fat, bald, wifebeating, drug addict, zealot? That Rush? OK.

I dont listen to him. Apparently some of the others who have posted in here does. But I wont hold having bad taste against someone. But it didnt hurt him. It might have helped him. Lets look at Obamanations points.
1. That Obama got vetted. The liberal media was to busy drooling over Obama to ask him one hard question and McCain has not testicles to do it.
Yeah, its probably better the Wright card got played early, because from the results from last night, most Americans are over it. Its old news, blown out of proportion and it showed Americans just how well he can handle a hostile situation. Youll notice Wright hasnt shown his A$$ since. Advantage Obama
2. Get the two wings of the democratic party fuming mad at eachother to the point the party cracks.
Yeah, and it took care of that pesky question everyone has floated around and made the concept of a shared ticket out of the question. Clinton is to divisive to win, and it saves Obama from having to make overtures over the issue. The Democrats will heal. Bubba has said he will support Obama if he is the nominee and so has Hillary. Hillary's staffers are all saying any percieved divide will be gone. Advantage Obama.
3. To get Obama to spend some of that money he would have been able to hord till the general.
Yeah it sure, did. Obama spent more money, but McCain will never ever catch him. That race is between a Cessna 152 and an F-15. Hillary had to dump another $6m of her own coin into the lost cause. But Obama having to continue to campaign and get his message out now, only increases his aquaintence with voters for November. He dramatically closed Hillary leads, meaning he won over voters in since Rev Wright came out. Advantage Obama.

So thanks Rush, get yourself some more of that hillbilly heroin and try to drum up another "operation" that backfires.
Rush, as in the same old, fat, bald, wifebeating, drug addict, zealot? That Rush? OK. .

Yes, that same Rush. I didn’t know about the wife beating? But yes, that same Rush.

I dont listen to him. Apparently some of the others who have posted in here does. But I wont hold having bad taste against someone. But it didnt hurt him. It might have helped him. Lets look at Obamanations points. .

I have two choices for A.M. radio at that time and I don’t like Dr. Laura, so I listen most days at work. You can hold it against me though, I don’t mind. I would listen to Air America but apparently even the liberals in my town wont support it so its off the air.

Yeah, its probably better the Wright card got played early, because from the results from last night, most Americans are over it. Its old news, blown out of proportion and it showed Americans just how well he can handle a hostile situation. Youll notice Wright hasnt shown his A$$ since. Advantage Obama.

From the results of last night. They clearly are NOT over it. 33 percent of the population in North Carolina is African American. They (almost) all voted for him, and so did the freaky college professors and all of the students they have indoctrinated. But the rest of the Democrats in NC voted for Hillary. They are NOT over it.

More importantly we are ONLY talking about democrats. DEMOCRATS WHO ARE NOT OVER IT. I am told they are the only group of real people who can look over someone’s flaws exc. Blah blah, yet they are clearly not over it or the vote wouldn’t of been cut the way it was.

The average Joe is not even paying attention yet and wont be until after Labor Day. Then you will see they are not over it either, probably a lot of them have not even heard much about it YET.

Yeah, and it took care of that pesky question everyone has floated around and made the concept of a shared ticket out of the question. Clinton is to divisive to win, and it saves Obama from having to make overtures over the issue. The Democrats will heal. Bubba has said he will support Obama if he is the nominee and so has Hillary. Hillary's staffers are all saying any percieved divide will be gone. Advantage Obama. .

I am glad no shared ticket. I could have voted for Hillary but never with Obama on the ticket. I can name at least 50 people that I know in my area who are democrats, life long democrats but they will not vote for Obama. They would rather not vote, vote for McCain or vote 3d party. Life long democrats who refuse to vote for Obama. I am not in that category. I have crossed lines many times and been registered as just about everything you can be registered for. But it says something when life long democrats refuse to vote for him in large numbers.

Yeah it sure, did. Obama spent more money, but McCain will never ever catch him. That race is between a Cessna 152 and an F-15. Hillary had to dump another $6m of her own coin into the lost cause. But Obama having to continue to campaign and get his message out now, only increases his aquaintence with voters for November. He dramatically closed Hillary leads, meaning he won over voters in since Rev Wright came out. Advantage Obama. .

McCain will never catch up I agree. His own party thinks he is a liberal looser and I doubt many will send him money. And what good will it do? McCain wont attack Obama or his lies so giving him a dime is a dime to much. The smarter thing to do is the private ads where you say what you want and expose Obama and his wife for the …..
things that they are.

So thanks Rush, get yourself some more of that hillbilly heroin and try to drum up another "operation" that backfires.

His chaos thing didn’t back fire. He did exactly what he intended to do and the Dems are furious at him for it. I don’t really like Rush but if he can make the Dems mad then I say more power to him. I think I loathe them as much as he does, I just don’t know how to get them so worked up.

Maybe he can just move to Amsterdam and get all that liberal heroin free 
I didn’t know about the wife beating?
Presumption on my part. And no I dont care its not been publicly accused. With his personality and burning through three wives would lead me to believe he has raised a hand to at least one of them. Just feeding back a little of the slander he dishes out daily.
I have two choices for A.M. radio at that time and I don’t like Dr. Laura
Fair enough we all need our indoctrination. I get mine, you get yours, its a wash.
I dont blame you for choosing Rush over Dr. Laura. I only have one radio station and its AM, no FM out here, so I dont get much of any national political talk radio unless I am traveling elsewhere.
The average Joe is not even paying attention yet and wont be until after Labor Day. Then you will see they are not over it either, probably a lot of them have not even heard much about it YET.
Labor Day? If you dont think people will not only be over it by labor day, by the 4th of July, Americans will be so sick of hearing the name they will begin to resent hearing the name and this distaste for Wright will change its appearance and the W will be dropped. Americans will begin to resent the right.
Rush's operation chaos has been eminently successful. By keeping Hillary in the race to the last minute, the democrats have been bitterly divided. McCain can expect to get a lot of former Hillary voters in the general election - especially those lower class rabble who cling to their guns and religion. Fortunately, their votes count just as much as the ivy league trust fund snots.
Maybe he can just move to Amsterdam and get all that liberal heroin free
Oh no, the Rush heroin is the right wingers dream, thats why he broke the law by doctor jumping to make sure he could get enough of it.
Pharmacuedical grade, corporate welfare funded, pill form. No messy transactions, track marks, or oppressive police. But the same addiction, from the same chemical, just the elitist version of it. Thankfully he generally had an illegal immigrant main to help him with his withdrawals and to maintain supply.
He deserves to sit in jail and get a little taste of his tax dollars at work with all the others who he said belong in jail. Hypocrits of that scale get no pass from me.
Oh no, the Rush heroin is the right wingers dream, thats why he broke the law by doctor jumping to make sure he could get enough of it.
Pharmacuedical grade, corporate welfare funded, pill form. No messy transactions, track marks, or oppressive police. But the same addiction, from the same chemical, just the elitist version of it. Thankfully he generally had an illegal immigrant main to help him with his withdrawals and to maintain supply.
He deserves to sit in jail and get a little taste of his tax dollars at work with all the others who he said belong in jail. Hypocrits of that scale get no pass from me.

Uh, do you think you might do your wild fantasizing, actually mental masturbation, in private? Nobody wants to witness it. Ewwwwwwwww:o
I never listen to Rush. Of course we hear about him when he does something wrong. Anyone who listens to him is desperate. I had to laugh a while ago when Bill O Reilly said that now that we are certain Obama is going to be the nominee we need to find out more about him and he needs to go back to the Senate and do something to show he is working on something, he needs to be more patriotic, do something on the 4th of July, etc. Wow and this is the man they want as President. I have said all along we don't know much about this man. The only thing I have changed my opinion on Clilnton continuing to the end was when I saw Bill Clinton last night. His face was so red, he looked so tired and they said tonight with his heart condition, this is becoming to rough on him. I hope Hillary does not put her candicy ahead of her husband's life. Well now the news can start picking Obama and Mc Cain apart. Don't you just love the media?