I just have to wonder, who is in heaven and what is it like? You know, by their standards.
I do believe there is some creational force in the universe. I am not an atheist. I am not an evolutionist. But I am not a Christian, nor a member of any other religion either. When asked "How did we get here?" - the only rational response is "I don't know - we must know more in order to be able to find the answer."
If there is an intelligent designer of some sort, it is a form of consciousness that we can't even comprehend--one with no material form whatsoever. In my opinion, we will one day be able to scientifically measure spiritual energy, but right now we're simply too primitive to detect any such energy via contemporary scanning equipment. After studying hyperdimensional physics, I'm fairly well convinced of this.
Think of spiritual energy as energy from a higher spatial dimension - a "finer" type of energy - higher frequency, less matter, etc.It could be that there are 10, or 100, or 1,000 particles yet to be discovered that are smaller than the electron. And we still don't understand nuclear fusion. There are still many questions we cannot begin to ask, much less answer.
But the answers are definitely not in the Bible. It's very easy to prove the Christian "God" is a fiction. If a father in your neighborhood said he was going to roast all of his children in fire because they were disobedient, what would our legal system do to him? They'd lock him up and throw away the key, because the man is obviously insane. He doesn't love his children. You can't love someone and torture them, even if they reject you. Yet, this is what the fictional Christian God claims to do. He claims to love everyone, but if we dare reject him, we must burn in fire forever and ever. The Christian God is immoral and unethical, certainly not good and pious, and quite violent and insane. Only an insane, evil person would roast children he alleges to love in fire.