Someone we can all hate.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2007
I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone as easy to hate as the members of the Westboro Babtist Church.

With slogans such as:


"Thank God for IEDs"

"Fags Are Worthy of Death"


"God Hates America"

I think it's important to reflect that though we may all have our differences here there are always people out there like the members of the WBC.
I came across their site a couple of years ago (since that time they have been to my town).

At first I could not believe this group was anything other than a parody.
I've been keeping an eye on WBC for a while now and they've been getting more and more erratic over the last few years. While it used to be that they just ranted and raved about how everyone who ever stepped outside the bounds of "Christian-living" in any small way was going to hell, their message has recently changed to "those who try to stop us are going to hell." Right now they're sick and disgusting but, when you step back and look at what they're about, they're laughable. If they keep leaning towards that elitist view though they could become violent - and in their eyes there's no such thing as collateral damage. Scary, no?
It's quite scary. These fundamentalist whackos are some of the most misguided people on the planet. They're like "Jesus Camp" on steroids...

Here's the thing that I wonder about. Fred Phelps is so busy with the fire and brimstone and flinging it at everyone in sight...I just have to wonder, who is in heaven and what is it like? You know, by their standards.

It's certainly very far from important...just one of those little things that makes you wonder, you know?
Here's the thing that I wonder about. Fred Phelps is so busy with the fire and brimstone and flinging it at everyone in sight...

His fearmongering is nothing to worry about. He promotes a false religion, plain and simple. That is easily proven.

The Bible is clearly a "man-made invention" and has been altered numerous times. It is not "God's written truth."

The Bible contains many inaccuracies and stories of impossibilities such as a talking donkey:

Numbers 22:28-30, NAS 28
"And the Lord opened the mouth of the donkey, and she said to Balaam, “What have I done to you, that you have struck me these three times?” 29 Then Balaam said to the donkey, “Because you have made a mockery of me! If there had been a sword in my hand, I would have killed you by now.” 30 And the donkey said to Balaam, “Am I not your donkey on which you have ridden all your life to this day? Have I ever been accustomed to do so to you?” And he said, “No.”

Have you ever seen a talking donkey? If you say "yes" you're crazy. They don't exist, and never have.

Throughout history, organized religion has been a tool used to control people. All the religions are an attempt to explain God, but they ultimately place power in the hands of religious leaders instead of teaching true spirituality.
I just have to wonder, who is in heaven and what is it like? You know, by their standards.

I do believe there is some creational force in the universe. I am not an atheist. I am not an evolutionist. But I am not a Christian, nor a member of any other religion either. When asked "How did we get here?" - the only rational response is "I don't know - we must know more in order to be able to find the answer."

If there is an intelligent designer of some sort, it is a form of consciousness that we can't even comprehend--one with no material form whatsoever. In my opinion, we will one day be able to scientifically measure spiritual energy, but right now we're simply too primitive to detect any such energy via contemporary scanning equipment. After studying hyperdimensional physics, I'm fairly well convinced of this.

Think of spiritual energy as energy from a higher spatial dimension - a "finer" type of energy - higher frequency, less matter, etc.It could be that there are 10, or 100, or 1,000 particles yet to be discovered that are smaller than the electron. And we still don't understand nuclear fusion. There are still many questions we cannot begin to ask, much less answer.

But the answers are definitely not in the Bible. It's very easy to prove the Christian "God" is a fiction. If a father in your neighborhood said he was going to roast all of his children in fire because they were disobedient, what would our legal system do to him? They'd lock him up and throw away the key, because the man is obviously insane. He doesn't love his children. You can't love someone and torture them, even if they reject you. Yet, this is what the fictional Christian God claims to do. He claims to love everyone, but if we dare reject him, we must burn in fire forever and ever. The Christian God is immoral and unethical, certainly not good and pious, and quite violent and insane. Only an insane, evil person would roast children he alleges to love in fire.
I spoke for 10 minutes with Fred Phelps in person this guy is somewhat of a pied piper....he has the charisma of Hitler the smoothness of Slick Willie Clinton. It is easy to see how they dupe new members into the fold

I was of course on the other side of a rope behind about a hundred armed riot police. as we were there to basically F**K up Phelps and his crew at a marines Funeral here near me

I was able to talk to him for a brief period before the cops seperated us for good these people are twisted they have also been teaching theyre children these valuse quite disturbibng to see 6 yr old girls holding Marines are FAGS signs at a fallen marines Funeral

i mean a six yr old blonde girl with freckles and ponytails
my emotions are at that point dramatically confused as of course i love children .....but despise the message being delivered i find myself wanting to eliminate the offensive little cretin.....then my morale hits me and reminds me its the sick frigging parents who need to be eliminated

Fred Phelps was a very smooth talker we talked heatedly for ten minutes bothe keeping it under our breaths i made no effort to hide the fact that given the opportunity i would eliminate him from the face of the planet

he in turn told me basically the same thing
Phelps heaven would be him and his family, then one or two others because his little cult is 80% his extended family.
I spoke for 10 minutes with Fred Phelps in person this guy is somewhat of a pied piper....he has the charisma of Hitler the smoothness of Slick Willie Clinton. It is easy to see how they dupe new members into the fold

They're at it again:

Group Plans to Picket Va. Tech Funerals

"The organization, founded and led by Fred Phelps, believes the United States has condemned itself to destruction by accepting homosexuality and other 'sins of the flesh.' Phelps’ daughter, Shirley Phelps-Roper, said the Virginia Tech teachers and students who died on Monday brought their fate upon themselves by not being true Christians."

Rest of article at: