South Africa refers the government of Israel to the ICC


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
Many jews bravely took part in South Africa's campaign to rid the country of the odious apartheid clique.

No doubt many jews in Israel. the US and indeed South Africa itself, wish to get rid of the worse zionist regime
in Palestine.

Currently the opposition to warcrime and atrocity in Palestine is being drowned out by the shrieking chorus bought and paid for by the Israeli Department of
Misinformation and their lickspittles in AIPAC and related stooge organisations.

Full marks to the South African Government for referring these criminals to the ICC.

"..South Africa approaches the International Court of Justice under the Genocide Convention with respect to acts committed by Israel in the context of its attacks on Gaza

South Africa is gravely concerned with the plight of civilians caught in the present Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip due to the indiscriminate use of force and forcible removal of inhabitants. Furthermore, there are ongoing reports of international crimes, such as crimes against humanity and war crimes, being committed as well as reports that acts meeting the threshold of genocide or related crimes as defined in the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide, have been and may still be committed in the context of the ongoing massacres in Gaza.

South Africa has repeatedly stated that it condemns all violence and attacks against all civilians, including Israelis. Moreover, South Africa has continuously called for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and the resumption of talks that will end the violence arising from the continued belligerent occupation of Palestine.

As a State Party to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, South Africa is under a treaty obligation to prevent genocide from occurring.

Therefore, at a special meeting held on 8 December 2023, Cabinet directed that the International Court of Justice in The Hague be approached to obtain an order directing Israel, which is also a State Party, to refrain from any acts that may constitute genocide or related crimes under the Convention. An application in this regard was filed before the Court on 29 December 2023 in which the Court is requested to declare on an urgent basis that Israel is in breach of its obligations in terms of the Genocide Convention, should immediately cease all acts and measures in breach of those obligations and take a number of related actions.

Comrade Stalin
The entire world’s nations should be condemning Israel in the strongest terms. They should place a total blockade and sanction Israel heavily.

This kind of genocidal action should never occur in the 21st century.
Many jews bravely took part in South Africa's campaign to rid the country of the odious apartheid clique.

No doubt many jews in Israel. the US and indeed South Africa itself, wish to get rid of the worse zionist regime
in Palestine.

Currently the opposition to warcrime and atrocity in Palestine is being drowned out by the shrieking chorus bought and paid for by the Israeli Department of
Misinformation and their lickspittles in AIPAC and related stooge organisations.

Full marks to the South African Government for referring these criminals to the ICC.

"..South Africa approaches the International Court of Justice under the Genocide Convention with respect to acts committed by Israel in the context of its attacks on Gaza

South Africa is gravely concerned with the plight of civilians caught in the present Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip due to the indiscriminate use of force and forcible removal of inhabitants. Furthermore, there are ongoing reports of international crimes, such as crimes against humanity and war crimes, being committed as well as reports that acts meeting the threshold of genocide or related crimes as defined in the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide, have been and may still be committed in the context of the ongoing massacres in Gaza.

South Africa has repeatedly stated that it condemns all violence and attacks against all civilians, including Israelis. Moreover, South Africa has continuously called for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and the resumption of talks that will end the violence arising from the continued belligerent occupation of Palestine.

As a State Party to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, South Africa is under a treaty obligation to prevent genocide from occurring.

Therefore, at a special meeting held on 8 December 2023, Cabinet directed that the International Court of Justice in The Hague be approached to obtain an order directing Israel, which is also a State Party, to refrain from any acts that may constitute genocide or related crimes under the Convention. An application in this regard was filed before the Court on 29 December 2023 in which the Court is requested to declare on an urgent basis that Israel is in breach of its obligations in terms of the Genocide Convention, should immediately cease all acts and measures in breach of those obligations and take a number of related actions.

Comrade Stalin
The Bible tells us the nations of the world in rebellion against God will hate God's people the Jews.
The bible states that come the end as a christian will cast in the bottomless pit

no jews will help you then...


Comrade Apocalypso
Gaza usual..

Revelation 19:11-16 states that Christ will bring the armies of heaven with Him, which will include the saints of the ages and the angels. Notice that we are told once again that all the nations of the world will be there.

From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty. And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.” Revelation 19:15-16 (NASB)

Revelation 19:15-16 tells us that Christ will make war against the armies of the world and they will be defeated.

And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies assembled to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army. And the beast was seized, and with him the false prophet who performed the signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image; these two were thrown alive into the lake of fire which burns with brimstone. And the rest were killed with the sword which came from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse, and all the birds were filled with their flesh. Revelation 19:19-21 (NASB)

Comrade Stalin
Day One

So pleasing to see the odious netanyahu clique exposed as the waste of protoplasm that they are.

It will be interesting to see what hoary old irrelevant tropes the zionista lawyers drag up today

Comrade Stalin
Day One

So pleasing to see the odious netanyahu clique exposed as the waste of protoplasm that they are.

It will be interesting to see what hoary old irrelevant tropes the zionista lawyers drag up today

Comrade Stalin
Good people are commonly hated by bad people.
Many jews bravely took part in South Africa's campaign to rid the country of the odious apartheid clique.

No doubt many jews in Israel. the US and indeed South Africa itself, wish to get rid of the worse zionist regime
in Palestine.

Currently the opposition to warcrime and atrocity in Palestine is being drowned out by the shrieking chorus bought and paid for by the Israeli Department of
Misinformation and their lickspittles in AIPAC and related stooge organisations.

Full marks to the South African Government for referring these criminals to the ICC.

"..South Africa approaches the International Court of Justice under the Genocide Convention with respect to acts committed by Israel in the context of its attacks on Gaza

South Africa is gravely concerned with the plight of civilians caught in the present Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip due to the indiscriminate use of force and forcible removal of inhabitants. Furthermore, there are ongoing reports of international crimes, such as crimes against humanity and war crimes, being committed as well as reports that acts meeting the threshold of genocide or related crimes as defined in the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide, have been and may still be committed in the context of the ongoing massacres in Gaza.

South Africa has repeatedly stated that it condemns all violence and attacks against all civilians, including Israelis. Moreover, South Africa has continuously called for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and the resumption of talks that will end the violence arising from the continued belligerent occupation of Palestine.

As a State Party to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, South Africa is under a treaty obligation to prevent genocide from occurring.

Therefore, at a special meeting held on 8 December 2023, Cabinet directed that the International Court of Justice in The Hague be approached to obtain an order directing Israel, which is also a State Party, to refrain from any acts that may constitute genocide or related crimes under the Convention. An application in this regard was filed before the Court on 29 December 2023 in which the Court is requested to declare on an urgent basis that Israel is in breach of its obligations in terms of the Genocide Convention, should immediately cease all acts and measures in breach of those obligations and take a number of related actions.

Comrade Stalin
O yes some real political heavy weights lol
like this guy...saw him on al-jazeera last night..right on the money..

"Cassif proclaimed himself "an explicit anti-Zionist",[5] In an interview with Haaretz, Cassif said: "I object to the ideology and practice of Zionism... it's a racist ideology and practice which espouses Jewish supremacy."[14]

On 8 October 2023, Cassif told Al Jazeera that his party had repeatedly warned that continued Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories would lead to events like the October 2023 Gaza−Israel conflict, where innocent civilians on both sides pay the price. He called the Israeli government "fascist" and accused it of carrying out pogroms and ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian population.[15] He was later ordered suspended for these comments and others by the ethics panel of the Knesset for 45 days, a decision which Cassif characterised as "another nail in the coffin of freedom of political expression."[16]

On 7 January 2024, Cassif announced his intention to join South Africa in its legal proceedings against Israel brought under the Genocide Convention.[17] Cassif stated:

My constitutional duty is to Israeli society and all of its residents, not to a government whose members and its coalition are calling for ethnic cleansing and even actual genocide. They are the ones who hurt the country and the people, they are the ones who led South Africa to turn to The Hague, not me and my friends.[18]
In response to these comments, 85 Israeli members of parliament (out of 120) signed a petition to expel Cassif from the Knesset,[19] accusing him of treason.[20]

Comrade Stalin
like this guy...saw him on al-jazeera last night..right on the money..

"Cassif proclaimed himself "an explicit anti-Zionist",[5] In an interview with Haaretz, Cassif said: "I object to the ideology and practice of Zionism... it's a racist ideology and practice which espouses Jewish supremacy."[14]

On 8 October 2023, Cassif told Al Jazeera that his party had repeatedly warned that continued Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories would lead to events like the October 2023 Gaza−Israel conflict, where innocent civilians on both sides pay the price. He called the Israeli government "fascist" and accused it of carrying out pogroms and ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian population.[15] He was later ordered suspended for these comments and others by the ethics panel of the Knesset for 45 days, a decision which Cassif characterised as "another nail in the coffin of freedom of political expression."[16]

On 7 January 2024, Cassif announced his intention to join South Africa in its legal proceedings against Israel brought under the Genocide Convention.[17] Cassif stated:

In response to these comments, 85 Israeli members of parliament (out of 120) signed a petition to expel Cassif from the Knesset,[19] accusing him of treason.[20]

Comrade Stalin
Do not5 worry Russia will face war crimes
like this guy...saw him on al-jazeera last night..right on the money..

"Cassif proclaimed himself "an explicit anti-Zionist",[5] In an interview with Haaretz, Cassif said: "I object to the ideology and practice of Zionism... it's a racist ideology and practice which espouses Jewish supremacy."[14]

On 8 October 2023, Cassif told Al Jazeera that his party had repeatedly warned that continued Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories would lead to events like the October 2023 Gaza−Israel conflict, where innocent civilians on both sides pay the price. He called the Israeli government "fascist" and accused it of carrying out pogroms and ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian population.[15] He was later ordered suspended for these comments and others by the ethics panel of the Knesset for 45 days, a decision which Cassif characterised as "another nail in the coffin of freedom of political expression."[16]

On 7 January 2024, Cassif announced his intention to join South Africa in its legal proceedings against Israel brought under the Genocide Convention.[17] Cassif stated:

In response to these comments, 85 Israeli members of parliament (out of 120) signed a petition to expel Cassif from the Knesset,[19] accusing him of treason.[20]

Comrade Stalin
Palestinians had warned that Jewish determination to keep living on the property given them by God and deeded to them by the UN would incite greater atrocities against them by religious baby butchering Muslim Palestinians.
So sad to see good germans, who have made demonstrations for Palestine illegal, have decided
to declare for the odious zionist settler clique.

The holocaust is/was a taboo subject in germoney.

Many germans do not find out the truth until they visit or live in other countries.

With friends like this..who needs enemies..

Comrade Stalin
The Hague