Teacher fired for conceiving child out of wedlock


Also this is referred to in the Latin as Pericope Adulterae:

The pericope is not found in its canonical place in any of the earliest surviving Greek Gospel manuscripts; neither in the two 3rd century papyrus witnesses to John - P66 and P75; nor in the 4th century Codex Sinaiticus and Vaticanus, although all four of these manuscripts may acknowledge the existence of the passage via diacritical marks at the spot. The first surviving Greek manuscript to contain the pericope is the Latin/Greek diglot Codex Bezae of the late 4th or early 5th century. Papias (circa AD 125) refers to a story of Jesus and a woman "accused of many sins" as being found in the Gospel of the Hebrews, which may well refer to this passage; there is a very certain quotation of the pericope adulterae in the 3rd Century Syriac Didascalia Apostolorum; though without indicating John's Gospel. The Constitutions of the Holy Apostles Book II.24 refers to the passage “And when the elders had set another woman who had sinned before Him, and had left the sentence to Him, and were gone out, our Lord, the Searcher of the hearts, inquiring of her whether the elders had condemned her, and being answered No, He said unto her: “Go thy way therefore, for neither do I condemn thee.” Book II is generally dated to the late third century (Von Drey, Krabbe, Bunsen, Funk). Codex Fuldensis, which is positively dated to AD 546 contains the adulterae pericope. The Second Epistle of Pope Callistus section 6 contains a quote that may be from John 8:11 - "Let him see to it that he sin no more, that the sentence of the Gospel may abide in him: “Go, and sin no more.”" However the epistle quotes from eighth century writings and is not thought to be genuine.

Until recently, it was not thought that any Greek Church Father had taken note of the passage before the 12th Century; but in 1941 a large collection of the writings of Didymus the Blind (ca. 313- 398) was discovered in Egypt, including a reference to the pericope adulterae as being found in "several copies"; and it is now considered established that this passage was present in its canonical place in many Greek manuscripts known in Alexandria and elsewhere from the 4th Century onwards. In support of this it is noted that the 4th century Codex Vaticanus, which was written in Egypt, marks the end of John chapter 7 with an "umlaut", indicating that an alternative reading was known at this point. Jerome reports that the pericope adulterae was to be found in its canonical place in "many Greek and Latin manuscripts" in Rome and the Latin West in the late 4th Century. This is confirmed by the consensus of Latin Fathers of the 4th and 5th Centuries CE; including Ambrose, and Augustine. The latter claimed that the passage may have been improperly excluded from some manuscripts in order to avoid the impression that Christ had sanctioned adultery: "Certain persons of little faith, or rather enemies of the true faith, fearing, I suppose, lest their wives should be given impunity in sinning, removed from their manuscripts the Lord's act of forgiveness toward the adulteress, as if he who had said, Sin no more, had granted permission to sin."

As for the different accounts in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John it's not that they are different in facts, but rather in details that one noticed over the other. This is 4 different vantage points, even in the the earliest canonical writings they do not differ in validity but just in the 4 different ways of noticing details. You will find that John (the beloved) and Luke (doctor) were far more detailed than Matthew or Mark.

That was very interesting, thank you for posting it. :)
when a story is not in copy's for hundreds of years, and then show up one day...its more likely if was just added then forgotten for 300 years and someone was just like hey wait we forgot this....is it possible sure, but likely? no...also its just one of many errors and changes to the book

Hundreds of years? I do not think we are talking about hundreds of years. As for scripture in general, the dead sea scrolls are almost exact with the exception of some spelling differences and the oldest known Isa scroll is dead on accurate to the modern Isa scroll (in Hebrew) so I must disagree that it is all garbage or incorrect. But I do not expect you to agree with me otherwise your faith would be different
Christian haters love to point out minor discrepancies in the historical record to denigrate the faith, Jesus, and all Christians.
......the bible was essetially an act political expediency. Constantine I created it as a sop to the Christians that helped him massacre the army of his co-Emperor, Maxentius. Constantine being a good Roman wasn't a great sharer of power and wanted sole control of the Western Empire. In order to raise the people against Maxentius who was killing Christians Constantine told them he'd allow their hokey religion as long as they fought with him - they did - Maxentius was killed the rest really is history!
......the bible was essetially an act political expediency. Constantine I created it as a sop to the Christians that helped him massacre the army of his co-Emperor, Maxentius. Constantine being a good Roman wasn't a great sharer of power and wanted sole control of the Western Empire. In order to raise the people against Maxentius who was killing Christians Constantine told them he'd allow their hokey religion as long as they fought with him - they did - Maxentius was killed the rest really is history!

Yeap...Christianity is just a BS cult made up by a Roman emperor.


The Bible was written for a Roman emperor to win power. :eek:

Wow!!! :rolleyes:

Amazing what some people believe.
Yeap...Christianity is just a BS cult made up by a Roman emperor.


The Bible was written for a Roman emperor to win power. :eek:

Wow!!! :rolleyes:

Amazing what some people believe.

says the person who believes...o come on...do we even need to start?

A chick gives birth a a kid...but is a virgin ...( 2000 years ago, no invtro) ...and its the son of God....God is of course some ransom unseen super power that wipes out whole cities for being Immoral...also flooded the world ....but was saved my a guy who built a boat that held pairs of all life on it till flood was over....of course these animals after that all then where imbreads...but lets ignore this....I could go on...but I think its important we not forget....Katrina was because of Gays and God was angry...

also the world is 2000 years ago...and man lived with dinosaurs....

But beliving that a political leader used a Religion to gain power...and thus spread the Religion...thats just silly....I know...a burning Bush told me...also it was written on stone...by a invisible man in the sky...
Amazing what some people believe.

yeah ...... reality sometimes gets in the way of a good yarn huh!

Check out your history, leave aside all the Gody stuff and have a read about Emperor Constantine I - not the wiki web and all that mallarchy I mean a proper history book....things with paper and ink and stuff. You'd be amazed at what them darn Romans did for Christianity, for example the lads from the Legio III Gallica who saved Christianity from dying out altogether!

Gipper, seriously, if you forget all the Religion and dogma and just read the contemporary accounts and histories you'd be surprised at how interesting the early history of Christianity is. To give you a flavour of it the story pretty well starts with a Centurian and his detail on duty at the Citadel on what is now Temple Mount in Jerusalem; a guard commander of the III Gallica saved some schmuck called Saul of Tarsus from having his head ripped off by a very pissed off bunch of temple goers, they grabbed the daft mother from this croud and fought their way back to the Citadel to save this idiots life....

Check out Saul because he has another biblical name and is a pretty important chappie for them Christian folk!

........and as they say Gipper, the rest is history!
yeah ...... reality sometimes gets in the way of a good yarn huh!

Check out your history, leave aside all the Gody stuff and have a read about Emperor Constantine I - not the wiki web and all that mallarchy I mean a proper history book....things with paper and ink and stuff. You'd be amazed at what them darn Romans did for Christianity, for example the lads from the Legio III Gallica who saved Christianity from dying out altogether!

Gipper, seriously, if you forget all the Religion and dogma and just read the contemporary accounts and histories you'd be surprised at how interesting the early history of Christianity is. To give you a flavour of it the story pretty well starts with a Centurian and his detail on duty at the Citadel on what is now Temple Mount in Jerusalem; a guard commander of the III Gallica saved some schmuck called Saul of Tarsus from having his head ripped off by a very pissed off bunch of temple goers, they grabbed the daft mother from this croud and fought their way back to the Citadel to save this idiots life....

Check out Saul because he has another biblical name and is a pretty important chappie for them Christian folk!

........and as they say Gipper, the rest is history!

I would just like to interject that not all Christianity falls under the history of Roman Catholicism.
Yes, for rejecting Catholicism and founding their own religions on, let's see, oh yes! On the same stories of virgin birth and the like.

Yeah speaking of stories.....Wasn't it Darwin himself that said if we didn't see the evolution of a new species in the next 200 years then he was wrong. He was even doubting himself towards the end of his life. I mean as a Christian I believe in the emacculate conception of Christ and that is considered silly. Yet evolutionist believe that this whole world came from a spec, an ash........really? So your free to believe how you like, but don't belittle my faith because you don't believe in it.
Yeah speaking of stories.....Wasn't it Darwin himself that said if we didn't see the evolution of a new species in the next 200 years then he was wrong. He was even doubting himself towards the end of his life. I mean as a Christian I believe in the emacculate conception of Christ and that is considered silly. Yet evolutionist believe that this whole world came from a spec, an ash........really? So your free to believe how you like, but don't belittle my faith because you don't believe in it.

Do you think that the theory of evolution somehow is counter to Christianity? How?
Do you think that the theory of evolution somehow is counter to Christianity? How?

No, I don't think that it is counter, being that it isn't a religion. I just thought I would interject a non christian faith bashing opinion. Some think that the virgin birth is a silly story, and most of them think that creation is ridiculous. I was just pointing out that I think that the theory of evolution is silly, but I'm not going to bash another persons belief system. This was a debate that originated with a conversation on a private employer/private school having the right to fire someone that violates their contract. Since that point it has turned into nothing more than the liberals on here bashing Christianity. That's real accepting and really on topic.
Do you think that the theory of evolution somehow is counter to Christianity? How?

well the last pope did not agree that it was counter to Christianity...but what did he know...

Besides its just silly Science...science is just made up, but not the magic man in the sky no thats real...PS your Computer runs on God Power, not some fancy science
No, I don't think that it is counter, being that it isn't a religion. I just thought I would interject a non christian faith bashing opinion. Some think that the virgin birth is a silly story, and most of them think that creation is ridiculous. I was just pointing out that I think that the theory of evolution is silly, but I'm not going to bash another persons belief system. This was a debate that originated with a conversation on a private employer/private school having the right to fire someone that violates their contract. Since that point it has turned into nothing more than the liberals on here bashing Christianity. That's real accepting and really on topic.

The theory of evolution is not a belief system, nor is it silly. It is the basis for modern biology, and has been proven beyond a doubt to be the way the variety of life on Earth came to be.

Evolution is not a counter to Christianity at all. It is accepted by the Catholic church, as pocketfullofshells points out, and by many others as well. It is a counter to the silly notion that the Earth is only a few thousand years old, but that's just some people's interpretation of the Bible.

There is nothing irreligious about the theory of evolution.
The theory of evolution is not a belief system, nor is it silly. It is the basis for modern biology, and has been proven beyond a doubt to be the way the variety of life on Earth came to be.

Evolution is not a counter to Christianity at all. It is accepted by the Catholic church, as pocketfullofshells points out, and by many others as well. It is a counter to the silly notion that the Earth is only a few thousand years old, but that's just some people's interpretation of the Bible.

There is nothing irreligious about the theory of evolution.

If the theory of evolution has been proven beyond a doubt why is it still called a theory? And if it is true that we all evolved from pond scum so to speak why has the sturgeon not changed or evolved in over 25 million years and why are is every T Rex skeleton the same as every other T Rex skeleton? and all other skeletons for that matter.... Are we really that unlucky that we never find animals in the process of evolving? We just keep finding the skeletons of fully evolved things.