Ten Simple Questions


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2008
The Prime Minister of the democratically elected government of Iraq has insisted that American troops end their occupation, and set a timetable for their departure. The National Security Advisor of the democratically elected government of Iraq has insisted that American troops end their occupation, and set a timetable for their departure. John McCain wants to keep American troops in Iraq for 100+ years. George W. Bush is now working on a withdrawal plan.

1. When will John McCain call Bush’s actions a cowardly cut and run, or a surrender?

2. Will John McCain declare the democratically elected government of Iraq a rogue regime and insist on a new war to topple them?

3. Will John McCain flip-flop again and support bringing the troops home?

4. Will John McCain continue to twist in the wind trying to find a way to explain why Bush’s newest actions are opposite to all of McCain’s claims and previous statements?

5. Will John McCain ever explain his statement that withdrawal from Iraq is not important, when only days after making that claim the Iraqi government insisted it’s very important?

6. Will John McCain insist on continuing the construction of Bush’s 58 permanent military bases in Iraq?

7. If time-tables for our troops to withdraw from Iraq are as bad as John McCain claims, why did he predict our troops will be out by 2013?

8. In response to a question during a presidential debate Barrack Obama was asked if he would authorize military force if actionable intelligence pinpointed the location of Osama bin Laden on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. With no hesitation he responded that he would. John McCain immediately attacked Obama calling his answer “naïve”. On July 15th John McCain adopted Obama’s position and said, “Understand this, when I am commander-in chief, there will be nowhere the terrorists can run, and nowhere they can hide.” Is John McCain being “naïve” or is this just another of his long list of flip-flops?

9. On July 15th John McCain said, "I will get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice." If it’s that important why didn’t he speak out on the subject when George W. Bush said, “And, again, I don't know where he is. I -- I'll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him.”?

10. Will John McCain explain why national health insurance is bad for Americans, but good when he gets to feed at the trough?

10 characteristics of conspiracy theorists:
A useful guide by Donna Ferentes

1. Arrogance.

2. Relentlessness.

3. Inability to answer questions.

4. Fondness for certain stock phrases.

5. Inability to employ or understand Occam's Razor.

6. Inability to tell good evidence from bad.

7. Inability to withdraw.

8. Leaping to conclusions.

9. Using previous conspiracies as evidence to support their claims.

10. It's always a conspiracy.

A person who always says the same thing, and says it over and over again is, of course, commonly considered to be, if not a monomaniac, then at very least, a bore.

I think I know which group of Obama supporters this one belongs to...
You must have been sipping that Kool-Aid. You created a conspiracy about a conspiracy that didn't exist, but I'll bet you think this reply is a conspriacy too.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.