Its also Regrettable to say that oops the evidence suggested we where wrong, and we rushed in anyway, the situation spun out of control, and now tens of millions are dead because of it.
I think you need to recheck your figures. Even the most Liberal estimates out there, and believe me when I say Liberal, because they pulled those numbers right out of their fourth point of contact, is just over 1 million. The Lancet survey back in June of '06 listed just over 650,000 "excessive deaths" due to the war, and even that survey has been widely disputed. The low ball number is from the Iraqi Health Ministry, and it listed just over 400,000 "excessive" deaths due to the war.
Our misstake of Iraq, may very well be a reason Iran gets the bomb ( if they in fact are trying to get one, and I think that is a reasonable view, but not a given)
Iran has been trying to acquire a nuclear capability since the days of the Shah, it's nothing new. Just about everybody wants membership in the "nuclear club" while the original members are working as hard as they can to shut the damned thing down! Frankly, IMNSHO, in this day and age, anybody wanting membership in the "nuclear club" is suffering from a major case of "penis envy".
It could aslo be that Sr. Al Queda leadship is able to the the Distraction, or new recriuits and contacts to lunch its next Major attack.
"Lunch" it's next major attack? What, are they going to hit us with Happy Meals?

Sorry, couldn't help it.

Anyway, Al Qaeda is going to do what Al Qaeda wants to do as long as they can do it, and maintain "popular support", just like Baader Meinhoff and all of the other terrorist groups did in Germany, and around the world, in the 60's and 70's. That's what they do, and Europe paid the price for ignoring them in the hopes that they'd just go away. Some things you have to deal with, NOW, or it'll be far more costly in the long run.
So while the idea of better safe the sorry sounds good, sometimes it is in fact the reason we are not safe and end up sorry.
Nobody with at least 3 active brain cells can argue that point, but that's the rub isn't it. Do you DO something and hope you're right, or do you do NOTHING and hope you're right. It depends on what the perceived consequences of each of those possibilities is, and in the case of Saddam, and to paraphrase Dennis Miller, he and his sons were just unlucky enough to draw the a$$hole ticket in the Wonka drawing. Like I said before, too bad, so sad, it sucks to be them.
The Situation as it stood at the start of the war was UN Inspecters back in Iraq, most of the North and South parts of Iraq under UN protection from the air, and no clear or even what I would have called actionable intel that was at least given publicly to this point, to justify such actions.
OK, let's look at that for a moment. You're saying that there was no actionable intel, but you're saying that in hindsight, and no insult intended here, and you're saying it with, from what I've gathered, absolutely no formal training in intel analysis. Again, maybe that's where I have the blinders on, but I was trained to look at raw intel and to have to make a decision on how to use it, and from the perspective of that training, and from looking at Saddams history, I have no doubt that I'd have made the same decision the President did, regrettable as hindsight has now proven it to be.
Also it seems that they did not even factor in Regional power shifts and issue , odd given that claimed Iraq was going to change the middle east into some Democracy or some bull.
Why would they? The mission was based on, admittedly flawed intel, that Saddam was in possession of, and prepared to use, WMD's! When you're facing the potential of tens, if not hundreds of millions of deaths, you move, and you move NOW, and you'll sort out the rest of it IF you live long enough. As far as how Iraqs government will eventually turn out, that's anybodies guess, and only time will tell. Truth be told, nobody in Europe gave us more than 5 years before they predicted that we'd be begging the King to let us "come back home".
Democracy is nice. but its for when the people call for it, not for when we tell them they want it. Many in the middle east may not like there governments, but that does not mean they want what we have, or what a few who came to us wanted. That said anyone who knew half a thing about the middle east knew Iran was going to have fingerprints all over Iraq , gaining power, and in a worst case Scenario that I believed at least plausible though not likely, actualy moving its troops in to the South or Iraq, taking its oil Fields and "saving is Shia brothers" from the US and Saddam.
Which is why we're still there, to make sure that Iran, or anyone else, doesn't do that. Iraq belongs to the Iraqi people, all of them, Shia, Sunni, and Kurd alike, and we are currently there at the invitation of the Iraqi government. Any time they want us to leave, all they have to do is tell us to go, and we're out of there. So far, that has yet to occur, and not for a lack of trying on the part of some of their newly elected representatives.
This situation never really became likely as Iraq fell so fast and of course no WND was used to slow and Sap the willpower of the US quickly enough where it may be willing to pull out. In this regard has it actuly happened, Bush had already set the seeds for a massive backlash in the US with its talk that made it sound like a walk in the park....To me the retoric of that suggested that they did not realy think he would US WMD, or where just woefuly ignorant ..or the combo of them. Fact is how it is going now, is far better then what I had in mind as a worse case going in....bu far from the picture they tried to paint for the American Public.
I'm not sure where this whole notion of "a walk in the park" came from, as I seem to recall the debate on The Hill and horror predictions of tens of thousands of dead US Servicemen from WMD attacks. While there was the hope that the Iraqi people themselves would welcome us, and if you'll recall the initial reaction, they did, I seriously doubt that anyone in a position of authority was counting on a "cake walk" invasion.
I know I had a point in there someplace, I hope I actuly hit it, as I forget what it was going to be

I guess you did, and I hope that I addressed it.