The enlightened French protest same sex marriage

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I like the French thinking. They were right to protest fags wanting 'equal' rights. Fags are nothing more than sickos.

I don't like your hateful attitude. People who want equal rights for marriage are simply ill informed.
I like the French thinking. They were right to protest fags wanting 'equal' rights. Fags are nothing more than sickos.
I don’t know what you’re problem is. . . But I’m pretty sure it’s hard to pronounce.
There was an interesting report in today's Guardian quoting and Italian newspaper to the effect that the Pope had resigned because of the vicious infighting between factions at the top of the RC Church, at least one of which was distinguished by its homosexuality. As with all secretive organisations, it would be nice to know to what degreee private behaviour follows public stance.
There was an interesting report in today's Guardian quoting and Italian newspaper to the effect that the Pope had resigned because of the vicious infighting between factions at the top of the RC Church, at least one of which was distinguished by its homosexuality. As with all secretive organisations, it would be nice to know to what degreee private behaviour follows public stance.

in any setting where the game.of politics rules the day (not referring to governmental) you will likly never know unless someone gets careless.

i could see if he had had enough after so long but its not like we wasnt psrt of the problem for a long time till he hot the ring.
I think - and I mean this honestly, absolutely, that the only survival of nazism left outside a few European slums is the colony calling itself 'Israel' - a racist state built up by the twin nazi organisation, zionism, and now following the scumbag Jabotinsky, whose movement used the nazi salute. And what is with this loud Horst Wessel Lied, for God's sake? Let the evil pimp be properly forgotten. What has he to do even with 'Israel', fair play?
thats not fair, I was making a redneck incest remark...and a me thinks though<sic> does<sic> protest to<sic> much remark...

"Redneck incest"? You find that sort of bigotry "fair", do you?

And, if you're going to try and quote Shakespeare, at least use the right words.
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