The Market-Price for Man is One Dollar!


Active Member
Sep 29, 2011
The Market-Price for Man: One Dollar!

What do you think is your real market-price?

Listen to the following story and you shall know your real market-price, your actual worth:

Two very poor friends were sitting down on a bench in a city public park.

They both didn't have a dime in their pockets. One of them had a brilliant idea and said to his friend:

‘I have an idea for earning some money, a lot of money I mean, maybe we can get rich and quickly so.'

The other nodded and gave a listening ear.

‘I suggest we go to an ‘All Selling Shop', and you will offer me for sale. I think we can be rich.'

His friend was appalled at the idea and refused to put it into practice. He said:

‘You are my friend and I don't want to lose you. Not even for one million Dollar.'

The first calmed down his friend and suggested that this is the only way to get good money and fast money.

At last his friend agreed to get out of their desperate situation.

So the two friends went down the Sunday market and headed for a shop round the corner. The outdoor sign of the shop read: ‘We buy everything'.

They went directly to the shop owner and one of them said:

‘I would like to sell my friend here'.

The shop owner showed no sign of astonishment. But asked the other if he confirm what his friend said.

He confirmed he would like to be put on sale on the market.

The shop owner nodded and said:

‘Let me see what can I do for you.'

He asked him to go on the scales.

He stepped on the scales.

Then, the shop owner took his register book and said:

‘Let's see now. Your weight is 70 kg. Your height is 175 cm.'

Then the shop owner consulted his computer screen and said:

‘You body is made up of 89% of water, and water I can find gratis in the rivers and oceans'.

‘The rest of your body is made up of few milligrams of minerals like sodium and potassium and some milligrams of metals. Figuring out the measures of such components in money they are not worth more than one Dollar.'

He turned to the friend and said:

‘But I shall make a special effort and give you one Dollar as a price for your friend.'

The two friends were hoping to get rich by selling for they thought that the price of a human being is millions of Dollars.

Man's self-conceit, arrogance, boastfulness and beastly haughty attitude towards other men as toward himself and especially in his rejection of His Maker God, unless he has fabricated himaslef with the help of Darwin, is reduced to some molecules of clay only to return to ashes of clay, coming actually from the arse hole of his mother.

But, the real price of a human being is not more than one Dollar.