The Patroit Act works in Germany as well!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Germany: Plot targeted U.S. facilities

BERLIN - Three militants from an Islamic group linked to al-Qaida were planning "massive" bomb attacks against Americans in Germany when an elite antiterrorist unit raided their small-town hideout after months of police surveillance, officials said Wednesday.

Prosecutors said the suspects — two German converts and a Turkish citizen sharing a "profound hatred of U.S. citizens" — had military-style detonators and enough material to make bombs more powerful than those that killed 191 people in Madrid in 2004 and 52 commuters in London two years ago.

German Federal Prosecutor Monika Harms said the suspects arrested Tuesday were aiming at institutions and establishments frequented by Americans in Germany, including discos, pubs and airports. Her office said the plan was to set off car bombs.

"We were able to succeed in recognizing and preventing the most serious and massive bombings," Harms said at a news conference. She declined to name specific targets.

In Washington, a senior U.S. State Department official said German investigators had determined the Frankfurt International Airport and the nearby U.S. Ramstein Air Base were the primary targets of the plot, but that those arrested may have also been considering strikes on other sites, particularly facilities associated with the United States.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity to describe discussions between American and German intelligence agencies.

Germany's announcement was the second in two days that a major attack had been foiled in Europe, after Danish authorities arrested eight alleged Islamic militants with links to senior al-Qaida terrorists.

The German raids were launched after an intense, six-month investigation by 300 officers, who followed the suspects so closely that, at one point, police stealthily substituted a harmless substitute for the raw bomb material the suspects had collected, according to prosecutors.

German and U.S. officials have been increasingly on edge after Islamist attacks on German troops in Afghanistan, fearing an attack at home, and security measures had been increased. Officials praised law enforcement officers after the raids, but warned that the country could not let down its guard.

The Patriot Act works on German soil as well. They Intercepted an E-Mail from Al Queda.Thats why they got them before they commited the act! You see Democrats dont understand this. And Nether does ABC,NBC,CBS or CNN understand this.
The Patriot Act works on German soil as well. They Intercepted an E-Mail from Al Queda.Thats why they got them before they commited the act! You see Democrats dont understand this. And Nether does ABC,NBC,CBS or CNN understand this.

Fascism worked on German soil too, and some parts of The Patriot Act tread dangerously close to it. Most major media outlets understand that, too bad Republican apologists Fox News doesn't.
The Patriot Act works on German soil as well. They Intercepted an E-Mail from Al Queda.Thats why they got them before they commited the act! You see Democrats dont understand this. And Nether does ABC,NBC,CBS or CNN understand this.

Hey Steve, who are you planning on voting for?
Fascism worked on German soil too, and some parts of The Patriot Act tread dangerously close to it. Most major media outlets understand that, too bad Republican apologists Fox News doesn't.

"Judge Victor Marrero, of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, ruled Thursday that the Patriot Act provision that allows the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation to obtain ISP and telecom subscribers' billing, calling and Web surfing records without court approval violates the U.S. Constitution.

Marrero ordered the FBI and the U.S. Department of Justice to stop issuing so-called national security letters, or NSLs, requiring ISPs to turn over subscriber records. The NSL program prohibited ISPs from telling customers that they were being investigated".

Looks like another blow to the fascist Bush regime. I'm sure we're all aware how the Republicans hate the Constitution and have done just about everything in their power to destroy it, but it is good news to finally see a semblance of sanity return to America.
Care to be a little more specific?

For starters...

* It creates a new category of “domestic security surveillance,” that permits electronic eavesdropping of entirely domestic activity under looser standards than are provided for ordinary criminal surveillance under Title III. (Section 122)

* It gives the government secret access to credit reports without consent and without judicial process. (Section 126) So, everyone with bad credit is a potential terrorist?

* It allows for the sampling and cataloging of innocent Americans’ genetic information without court order and without consent.

* It permits searches, wiretaps and surveillance of United States citizens on behalf of foreign governments – including dictatorships and human rights abusers – in the absence of Senate-approved treaties. (Sections 321-22)

* It harms fair trial rights for American citizens and other defendants by limiting defense attorneys from challenging the use of secret evidence in criminal cases.

Now, I'll wait for the typical response of "If you're a law abiding citizen who minds his own business, you might not have anything to worry about". Obviously then, law abiding citizens who mind their own business but are still bothered by this must object to it on principle. Under the Patriot Act, someone can be arrested and held indefinitely without bail and without being charged with a crime. Did you ever think that America would see the day when the Police could knock on someone's door and arrest them, only to have them just "disappear?"

If you think that government monitoring of presumably innocent individuals is necessary for public safety, my advise to you is to move to Red China.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
--Benjamin Franklin
The problem with your whole premise is that you assume the government is going to go snooping into innocent people's information just for kicks. Laws like the PATRIOT Act are nothing new. They give the President useful tools in combatting the enemy of the time.

Our "quasi-war" with France saw John Adams' Alien and Sedition Act.

Our Civil War saw Lincoln abuse civil rights more than any President in American history. He suspended habeas corpus, silenced dissenting opinions in the media, Clement Vallandigham, ex parte milligan, etc. Not to mention he also "lied" and took the Union into war "under false pretenses".

WW1 -- Woodrow Wilson's Sedition Act and Espionage Act.

WW2 -- hid bad news from the media (could you imagine if John Murtha or Harry Reid were Senators with access to information about Guadalcanal or D-Day), interned Japanese Americans, delivered prayer to the country on night of D-Day

Clinton's ECHELON program

Bush's PATRIOT Act
Does the CIA not make mistakes? Does the Government not make mistakes?
Every red-blooded American should reject this fascist document on principle alone. When someone tells me that "they" hate us because of our freedom, then turns around a curtails our Constitutional freedoms, it makes me wonder if "they" didn't get exactly what "they" wanted when "they" ran those planes into the towers.
Living in a "free" society means that you will be taking certain risks; living in a totalitarian society means that you will be dealing with different risks. People in a "free society" are "free" to choose their own destiny as long as they don't effect anyone else's destiny; and when they do interfere with a third party's well being, that's where the law comes in. Everything else in between is the price that we pay to live in (what is left of) a free society. To think that empowering the government to randomly monitor and search individuals without warrant, ensures the safety of the public is taking a step back to every dictatorship that has come and gone.
To think that empowering the government to randomly monitor and search individuals without warrant, ensures the safety of the public is taking a step back to every dictatorship that has come and gone.

????? You are demonstrating that you dont even know what is contained within the patriot act. Feel free to point to any particuilar provision that so empowers the government.
????? You are demonstrating that you dont even know what is contained within the patriot act. Feel free to point to any particuilar provision that so empowers the government.

Did you just return from Mars? U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero barred the FBI from invoking a portion of the law in the future, saying the mandatory gag orders amount to an "unconstitutional prior restraint of speech in violation of the First Amendment."
This is not the first rebuff related to the Patriot Act that the Bush administration has encountered. In June, the U.S. Supreme Court said that prisoners held in Guantanamo Bay can ask American judges to review their confinement--a blow to Bush's assertion that "enemy combatants" can be held indefinitely without judicial review.
Last year, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 309 to 118 for legislation that would essentially block part of the Patriot Act that permitted law enforcement officials to seek a court order that would let them surreptitiously enter a home or business.

How long will it be before we see Republican Brown Shirts, with no warrants, roaming the streets kicking in doors , political protesters disappearing without a trace, and people with conflicting points of view being locked up without due process?

Any document that goes against First Amendment rights and takes away our freedoms is simply a fascist document that takes power from the people and gives it to a select few. The only "rights" that this government pays attention to are the rights accompanied by the obligatory noun, wing.