The Pelosi plan

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
She want to try and ram a gun bill through that has no hope of passing due to it having bans and other requirements that have about as much a change of passing as a 3.00 a gallon tax on gasoline.
She and Biden are idiots .
8f they would support raising the legal age to buy a gun to 21 and some reasonable red flag laws it would pass but not with all the useless stuff in the bill and how it affects the second amendment and our rights. Instead she want to push a totally unreasonable bill that has no chance of passing so she can play politics and the blame game.
8f liberals really want change then work with common sense republicans to get something done and stop playing politics so she and joe can play the blame game in the media .
Well to start with bringing the age to buy any gun to 21 would be a great start.
Next red flag laws which require the schools and police and court system to take action when people display certain types of behavior or make threats especially against schools .
I think most republicans would be happy to support .
No I have built a so called ghost gun mainly because friends had given me the parts i needed and it was a glock 17l which are a limited production fire arm expensive . i have no issue on requiring serial numbers on them . also I have no issues with private sales requiring a background check.
I think most people would agree.
I would also support a bill that has schools harden thier entry points by using reinforced glass and doors that self lock .
The bans o biden wants on certain types of guns and ammo such as 9 mm are unreasonable.
As I said you start out trying to pass laws people will support not playing the blame gane for political reasons that wont pass .
"democrats" are pushing that bill? which bill, which democrats? list them please.
"democrats" are pushing that bill? which bill, which democrats? list them please.
Nancy Pelosi . Im not your secretary look it up yourself if you don't believe me.
one bill they are pushing put a 1000% tax on an AR-15 so you would end up paying up to $20,000 for a 2000 dollar gun.
If they were serious about passing some bills that would help they would take stupid stuff like that out. It's in the Democratic party best interest not the pass anything right now so they can blame Republicans and gain more traction for the midterm election.
While its in republicans best interest to pass a bill.
one bill "they" are pushing? who, exactly?
or are you just capable of saying "they" with zero knowledge?
Because democrats are pushing a bill that want to ban guns and a tax of 1000 percent on ar 15s driving the price as high as 200000 for a gun
There you go again. That is a blatant lie. Youre doing a lot of it now. Would like to revise those figures before I call you out on it?
There you go again. That is a blatant lie. Youre doing a lot of it now. Would like to revise those figures before I call you out on it?
o.o really its a lie so again you challange me and insult me and want to be made to look foolish like you have no clue what your talking about . very will ,

I guess you enjoy making your self out to be the one whos not informed and is clueless whats w=going on in its own party.
o.o really its a lie so again you challange me and insult me and want to be made to look foolish like you have no clue what your talking about . very will ,

I guess you enjoy making your self out to be the one whos not informed and is clueless whats w=going on in its own party.
One democrat supports it and now its every democrat. How strange figures can expand faster that the universe.
Again, I don't care about tax on guns. I'd rather they gave every gun nut an ar15 and the performed genocide in themselves.

But speaking of. one person. Liz cheney is about to bring the " greatest potus in history" unstuck big time. That is what's important son. The gun nuts never done a thing for democracy.