The "War of Terror" –a Zionist deception to control America .


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Nov 21, 2010
The "War of Terror" –
a Zionist deception to control America
by Christopher Bollyn
10 April 2007

The "war on terror" is a fraud and dangerous threat to the American people and republic.
It is nothing more than a Zionist deception that has been used to manipulate the U.S. military to wage war on Israel's behalf while imposing a centralized police command under the guise of "homeland security" throughout the United States.

Democrats and Republicans in Congress have been bickering recently about using the phrase "global war on terror" in the 2008 budget for expenditures of untold billions of dollars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere.
"Tell Bush and Blair that our marketing tests showed that 92% of Goys react favorably to the phrase War on Terror, whereas War on Al-Qaeda and Defend the Motherland were nearly useless."

Democrats say they are tired of the Bush administration's use of the blanket term "war on terror" to justify huge budgets for non-specific military operations.
Erin Conaton, the Democratic staff director of the House Armed Services Committee, urged aides in a March 27 memo to "avoid using colloquialisms," such as the term "global war on terrorism." The staff was directed to be more specific when preparing the 2008 defense authorization bill.

The "global war on terror," a phrase first used by President George W. Bush shortly after the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, should not be used, the memo said.

Staff members were directed to use specific references, such as "the war in Iraq," the "war in Afghanistan, "operations in the Horn of Africa," or "ongoing military operations throughout the world."

"This is a philosophical and political question," the GOP aide told the Military Times. "Republicans generally believe that by fighting the war on terror in Iraq, we are preventing terrorists from spreading elsewhere and are keeping them engaged so they are not attacking us at home."

Rep. Ike Skelton (D-Mo.), the committee chairman, defended banning the terms saying in a statement that the Republicans' "objections to our efforts to clarify legislative language represent the typical Republican leadership attempt to tie together the misadventure in Iraq and the overall war against terrorists.

"The Iraq war is separate and distinct from the war against terrorists, who have their genesis in Afghanistan and who attacked us on 9/11, and the American people understand this," Skelton said.


Although it's hard to say what the "American people" understand, it is very clear that Skelton does not understand who is really behind 9/11 and the "war on terror."

What the "American people" understand about the nebulous and fraudulent "war on terror" is difficult to gauge, but judging from the disinformation provided by the mass media, it appears that there is widespread ignorance about what it is and who is behind it.

Although 9/11 and the subsequent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have drastically changed the way Americans live and think, there is no evidence, in the media or elsewhere, to suggest that "the American people" understand what the "war on terror" is, against whom or how its being fought, or who provides the information that decision makers like Rep. Skelton rely on.

The incredible scenes of destruction at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, witnessed by millions of television viewers, profoundly affected the sense of peace and security that Americans have long enjoyed.

Creating a radical change in how Americans viewed the world was clearly one of the goals, perhaps the ultimate purpose, of the architectural-level planners of the 9/11 attacks. "Interpreting" what 9/11 meant to Americans is where Israeli "experts" on terrorism and the Zionist-controlled media played the key roles.

One month after 9/11, for example, Newsweek's Arlene Getz interviewed Shabtai Shavit, the former director of Israel's Mossad. "It may sound dramatic," Shavit said, "but life in America is not going to be the same as it used to be before Sept. 11."

Getz had asked Shavit what advice he would give to Americans who, after 9/11, faced "the kind of uncertainty that Israelis have lived with for years?"

"That’s a good question," Shavit said. "It has to do with how you convince your people and how you educate them to an entirely new situation [in] the United States. It may sound dramatic, but life in America is not going to be the same as it used to be before Sept. 11. In order to be able to go on living, you have to be aware of the fact that you are going to have to give up some of your formal liberties, and you have to be ready to give up some of your pleasantries and conveniences."

Shavit, who joined the Mossad in 1964, is the chairman of the Institute for Counter-Terrorism at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) in Herzliya, Israel. The IDC is "Mossad University" where colleges and programs are named after wealthy U.S. Zionists like Samuel Zell, Ronald Lauder, and Marc Rich who sponsor and fund the university tied to Israeli intelligence.

Link -

Marc Rich was born Marc David Reich.
An Israeli politician helped pressure President Clinton into pardoning Marc Rich, as explained in this Washington Post article.

Lewis "Scooter" Libby also helped protect him, as explained in this Washington Post article.

Sam Zell, for example, the new owner of Wrigley Field and the Chicago Cubs, The Chicago Tribune, The Los Angeles Times, and a host of mass media properties, sponsors the Zell Entrepreneurship Program for 20 specially chosen Israeli students at the IDC.

Shavit's prediction has indeed become reality. Burdened with two costly and disastrous wars and an increasingly intrusive Department of Homeland Security, it is safe to say that most Americans would prefer a return to the way things used to be rather than to continue to live under

more on the link
sadly, the US criminal intelligence apparatus does not israeli intelligence to construct the current artifical paranoia, but they probably are involved as subcontractors somewhere.

FACT : An acquaintance of mine who had the pleasure of 3 months in Egyption jails says the management level is staffed by MOSSAD, who can be relied on not to conspire against the lickspittle Mubarak regime, unlike the locals.

Comrade Stalin