the world bids farewell to Obama


Staff member
Dec 24, 2009
Wandering around

the Germans seem to have a pretty good feel for the repurcussions of this week. except that reference to bi-partisanship...

Longish article but worthwild.

US President Barack Obama suffered a painful defeat in Massachusetts on Tuesday. With mid-term elections looming, it means that Obama will have to fundamentally re-think his political course. German commentators say it is the end of hope.
US President Barack Obama has had a number of difficult weeks during his first year in the White House. Right after he took office, he had to wade through a week full of partisan bickering over his economic stimulus package combined with a tax scandal surrounding Tom Daschle, the man Obama had hoped would lead his health care reform team.

Then there was the last week of 2009, when a failed terror attack on a flight inbound for Detroit exposed major flaws in US efforts to identify and stop potential terrorists.

This week, though -- a week when Obama should have been celebrating the first anniversary of his inauguration -- may have been the president's worst yet. Scott Brown, an almost unknown Republican member of the Massachusetts Senate, defeated the Democratic candidate Martha Coakley for the US Senate seat vacated by the death of Senator Edward M. Kennedy. The defeat in a heavily Democratic state not only highlights Obama's massive loss of popular support during his first year in office, but it also could spell doom for his signature effort to reform the US health care system.

the Germans seem to have a pretty good feel for the repurcussions of this week. except that reference to bi-partisanship...

Longish article but worthwild.

STOP!!!! Do not post stuff like this. It might wake up the Left from their delusional drunken slumber. :D

And what's up with that...I thought the world loves us now that BO's in charge.:D

Anyone see Chris Matthews ripe Howard Dean last night on PMSNBC? Dean is claiming the Dems lost because they are not pushing for the public option and other big gov. programs. Chrisy went nuts on him which is too bad. I think the Dems need to really push those Marxist programs hard...:D
STOP!!!! Do not post stuff like this. It might wake up the Left from their delusional drunken slumber. :D

And what's up with that...I thought the world loves us now that BO's in charge.:D

Anyone see Chris Matthews ripe Howard Dean last night on PMSNBC? Dean is claiming the Dems lost because they are not pushing for the public option and other big gov. programs. Chrisy went nuts on him which is too bad. I think the Dems need to really push those Marxist programs hard...:D

they willand we'll all have a good laugh...
In under a year, Obama squandered all his political capital so completely that the bluest commonwealth in the union threw him under the bus.

How many ? Lets examine that in November.

one senate seat

thats what it is, 1

You don't have power in any of the 3 branches...but you got...

1 Seat

and you think you just won the greatest prize off all.
1 Seat

and you think you just won the greatest prize off all.

We the people would like to present Scott Brown with the greatest prize of all:


Congratulations, you've earned it!
one senate seat

thats what it is, 1

You don't have power in any of the 3 branches...but you got...

1 Seat

and you think you just won the greatest prize off all.
Obtuse: Slow to learn or understand (typically as a deliberate act of will).

The math says, filibuster proof majority = 60 senate seats. You have 59. Yes, it's only one seat. One that can completely derail Obama's agenda, since he lacks the leadership necessary to encourage republican support. Jeez, how hard is it to buy off Olympia Snowe anyways?
Obtuse: Slow to learn or understand (typically as a deliberate act of will).

The math says, filibuster proof majority = 60 senate seats. You have 59. Yes, it's only one seat. One that can completely derail Obama's agenda, since he lacks the leadership necessary to encourage republican support. Jeez, how hard is it to buy off Olympia Snowe anyways?

59...more then 41....Meaning in any normal vote...the Left wins...Yes its a setback,,,,but its still one vote...If the vote happen to have been 58 -42 or 61-39 you know what it would have ment? jack >>>>...the only value it has, is that now republicans can be a more powerful party of No, with no ideas..

you won a small , while important battle....but yet the right acts like they just won the war...
one senate seat

thats what it is, 1

You don't have power in any of the 3 branches...but you got...

1 Seat

and you think you just won the greatest prize off all.

and one seat has scuttled the president's central legislative initiative.
not just because of that but because he could not buy anyone off and now even that coalition is falling apart.

think the dutch kid with the finger in the dyke...
pretty sad how you guys have to latch on to evry small victory as if you just got the House, Senate, White House....Wait, your still way behind!
Yep, desperate responses from a desperate group...when it was the INDEPENDENTS that made the difference in the Mass. election...well that and a Democrat that seemed so out of touch with her base/states needs that she just went off on vacation like she had nothing to worry about.
That's the one thing that just sneaks up and bite you in the ARSE...not paying attention to the people in your state.
One weak-kneed Democrat just assuming that she had it all wrapped up and the PRIMATE HOUSE goes APE SH!T...LMAO
Yep, desperate responses from a desperate group...when it was the INDEPENDENTS that made the difference in the Mass. election...well that and a Democrat that seemed so out of touch with her base/states needs that she just went off on vacation like she had nothing to worry about.
That's the one thing that just sneaks up and bite you in the ARSE...not paying attention to the people in your state.
One weak-kneed Democrat just assuming that she had it all wrapped up and the PRIMATE HOUSE goes APE SH!T...LMAO

the mushy middle decides virtually all elections.
the mushy middle decides virtually all elections.
LMAO...really, then why is the mushy middle fragmenting into so many splinter angst groups with so much vitriol...and I do understand the 'RAT PACK MENTALITY' of applied stress/pressures making the 'RAT PACK' turn in upon themselves and begin a feeding frenzy:eek:

But honestly, would a Independent candidate survive and would a ground swell of adults so dissatisfied with both Republicans & Democrats finally unite all of the 'MUSHY MIDDLE FACTION'???