This is TRUE about America

Is it theft to take what was obtained immorally, or even illegally in some cases?
Without finding that individual guilty of a crime in a court of law, YES, it is theft.

If I had the power to pass a law that said people who post on internet forums with the screen names of OldTrapper and Steveox had to give me 50% of their income every year, that would be theft, and it would be legal, but it would not be right.
steveox, et al,

I had to smile at this.


In additional to being well produced, it sure does have a ring of truth to it.

But I can't help but think that we are all, in part, at fault (including me). After all, we keep voting for the same old party folks in government.

I sat tonight, and listened to the guys say that the party was more important than the people, or what they want. And we keep them in office.

Most Respectfully,