US - Israeli relationship

What do you think about US - Israeli relationship?

I believe we need to support them more strongly than we do rather than be involved in "peace" plans that will net them an even smaller piece of land and in turn, make them even less secure. The problem isn't that they are occupying "palestinian" land because jordan has taken posession of about 80% of the land that was designated as the palestinian mandate, and you don't hear a word about it. The problem is that they are jews and they are surrounded by people who are called upon by their religion to kill jews.
I believe we need to support them more strongly than we do rather than be involved in "peace" plans that will net them an even smaller piece of land and in turn, make them even less secure. The problem isn't that they are occupying "palestinian" land because jordan has taken posession of about 80% of the land that was designated as the palestinian mandate, and you don't hear a word about it. The problem is that they are jews and they are surrounded by people who are called upon by their religion to kill jews.

Please tell me more about Jordan posessing 80% of the Palestinian land and provide resources. I have never heard this before.
Please tell me more about Jordan posessing 80% of the Palestinian land and provide resources. I have never heard this before.

I don't have a lot of time to search for references right now. Here is the first that I came by. The author claims 75% so for the sake of expediency, I will defer 5% to him.

Clip: The country now called Jordan occupies 75 percent of the territory formerly known as the Palestinian Mandate, and a majority of its population is Palestinian Arab. (Most of the rest are Bedouins, a formerly nomadic people found just about everywhere in the region, including in Israel.)
I'd like to read more than an editorial that does not reference their comments. If you have other information, I'd seriously be interested in reading it.
Welcome Valgal !

[Valgal is somewhat known to me from the other board, although our most significant discussion there was as opponents.]
What do you think about US - Israeli relationship?

In my view, the European Jews did the same thing to that area of the world - and the people IN that area of the world - as some of our own ancestors did to the Americas.

I don't think it is a very admirable thing.

But it's done now (which is what I meant by the "spilt milk" comment on another thread).

Here is the difference though: no other country - much less superpower - underwrote and subsidized our "Manifest Destiny" in America with billions of dollars each year, buying us weapons to subdue the American Indians.

And similarly, the United States should not be doing that in the case of Israel.

Why not?

1. It causes Arabs to hate us ("War on Terror", anyone?) ... and implicates us in unjust acts committed by the State of Israel.

2. It costs astounding sums of money that we really do not have.

3. It severely violates the policy urged numerous times by the founders of this nation, which was that we should "avoid foreign entanglements".

The National Review would OF COURSE urge everyone to increase support to Israel because the NR has turned in that empire-building direction for a number of years now, contrary to the outlook with which it was established in 1955.
I'd also like information to this question: When Jordan allegedly took possession or control of palestinian land, were the palestinian people displaced from their homes?
What do you mean when you say "the palestinian mandate" palerider ? There is more than one historical document about that area isn't there ?
What do you mean when you say "the palestinian mandate" palerider ? There is more than one historical document about that area isn't there ?

Do you have access to google? I have to say, this is one of the lazyiest boards that I have ever belonged to. If you don't think that jordan has booted the "palestinians" off of the land that the UN set aside for them, then by all means feel free to provide some information that says that israel is the only one that has occupied any of that land.
Do you have access to google? I have to say, this is one of the lazyiest boards that I have ever belonged to. If you don't think that jordan has booted the "palestinians" off of the land that the UN set aside for them, then by all means feel free to provide some information that says that israel is the only one that has occupied any of that land.

Respectfully Palerider, it is up to the person who makes a statement to substantiate it, that is common courtesy of any of the boards I have belonged to.

My question remains when Jordan came to occupy the land did they displace people from their homes?

Another question would be why was their no complaint to their occupancy, did they manage things differently than the state of Israel?
Respectfully Palerider, it is up to the person who makes a statement to substantiate it, that is common courtesy of any of the boards I have belonged to.

Here, it seems that if someone doesn't like what you have said, they suggest that they don't like it, but aren't motivated to disprove it on their own, so they request that you go about looking for enough conflicting information to disprove your own stance.

If you say a thing that I don't agree with, I will take it upon myself to find information that either confirms what you are saying or disproves it. I provided a link to a source, if it isn't satisfactory, find one that either disproves it or confirms it.

My question remains when Jordan came to occupy the land did they displace people from their homes?

Another question would be why was their no complaint to their occupancy, did they manage things differently than the state of Israel?

THe reason there is no complaint is that the jordanians are arabs and not jews.
Here, it seems that if someone doesn't like what you have said, they suggest that they don't like it, but aren't motivated to disprove it on their own, so they request that you go about looking for enough conflicting information to disprove your own stance.

And of course, sometimes they offer contrary evidence but are told that their sources are "lying" for reasons unknown.