Webb Amendment

Beetle Bailey

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2007
I have been watching the Senate debate the Webb Amendment. Rotating the troops on a one for one basis seems fair to me. If you are in Iraq for fifteen months, you get fifteen months at home before going back for another tour. Who could honestly argue with that? Funny to watch nervous senators spout some nonsense about micro managing the war. All the senators who are combat veterans, both Democrat and Republican are in favor of the amendment. The Bush administration is breaking the all volunteer force.

It makes sense. A military needs (and deserves) rest to maintain morale. Sounds to me like the whole issue is just a pissing contest between the executive power guys and the legislative power guys.
This wouldn't be an issue if the executive branch were populated with sane people.
It makes sense. A military needs (and deserves) rest to maintain morale. Sounds to me like the whole issue is just a pissing contest between the executive power guys and the legislative power guys.
This wouldn't be an issue if the executive branch were populated with sane people.

Six hours later. They are still debating the same point. It's interesting to watch democracy in action. CSPAN is a real public service. You get to see these assholes at work. The Bush apologist look really stupid today.
I have been watching the Senate debate the Webb Amendment. Rotating the troops on a one for one basis seems fair to me. If you are in Iraq for fifteen months, you get fifteen months at home before going back for another tour. Who could honestly argue with that? Funny to watch nervous senators spout some nonsense about micro managing the war. All the senators who are combat veterans, both Democrat and Republican are in favor of the amendment. The Bush administration is breaking the all volunteer force.

I got a better idea. BRING THEM HOME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!:D