Wesley Clark tells it like it is


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state
Former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO retired Gen.Wesley Clark who, unlike McCain and his pathetic showing at the Naval Academy, excelled at West Point and was Valedictorian of his class, had this to say about John McCain when interviewed on Face the Nation this morning:

"He has been a voice on the Senate Armed Services Committee. And he has traveled all over the world. But he hasn't held executive responsibility. That large squadron in the Navy that he commanded -- that wasn't a wartime squadron,I don’t think getting in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to become president.”

I think Clark is extremely impressive and would make a great VP choice.

THERE YOU GO AGAIN! :D Are you even capable of starting a thread which isn't a smear?

Have you no shame?

Clark is a desk jockey who never fired a bullet in combat. McCain was a distinguished military hero, always in the thick of battle in vietnam, on bombing missions over the most densely-defended airspace in history. Clark was fired by Bubba Clinton for insubordination. Clark isn't good enough to shine McCain's shoes.
THERE YOU GO AGAIN! :D Are you even capable of starting a thread which isn't a smear?

Have you no shame?

Clark is a desk jockey who never fired a bullet in combat. McCain was a distinguished military hero, always in the thick of battle in vietnam, on bombing missions over the most densely-defended airspace in history. Clark was fired by Bubba Clinton for insubordination. Clark isn't good enough to shine McCain's shoes.

Smear? I'm reporting on what a distinguished retired General had to say about John McCain. I'm sure, since you exist in a RW haze, you would accuse Wesley Clark of smearing poor John "Songbird' McSame too.

Here's some more on your brave "hero", I have, unlike yourself, supplied the proper links from which the quotes were derived.

McCain admits that three to four days after he was captured, he promised the Vietnamese, "I'll give you military information if you will take me to the hospital."

On June 4, 1969, a U.S. wire service story headlined "PW Songbird Is Pilot Son of Admiral," reported one of McCain's radio broadcasts: "Hanoi has aired a broadcast in which the pilot son of the United States commander in the Pacific, Adm. John McCain, purportedly admits to having bombed civilian targets in North Vietnam and praises medical treatment he has received since being taken prisoner.



Comparing McCain to Wesley Clark is like comparing stale beer to fine wine. As I've already pointed out, but will again since you seem to have a tendency to ignore facts that hurt your cause, Clark was Valedictorian of his class at West Point. McCain on the other hand finished in the bottom 1% at the Naval Academy an institution he would never have gained admittance to if daddy hadn't been an Admiral.

McCain is stupid, old and sickly plus as Gen. Clark says "I don’t think getting in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to become president.”
There is a reason Obama quickly is distancing himself from these comments. Its a one way ticket to losing the election.

Further, we now can check his name off the VP short list.
THERE YOU GO AGAIN! :D Are you even capable of starting a thread which isn't a smear?

Have you no shame?

Clark is a desk jockey who never fired a bullet in combat. McCain was a distinguished military hero, always in the thick of battle in Vietnam, on bombing missions over the most densely-defended airspace in history. Clark was fired by Bubba Clinton for insubordination. Clark isn't good enough to shine McCain's shoes.

Guess what? Shooting a gun don't mean **** , he is a 4star General, that means he knows how to lead, and plan, and organize, and oversea a large Military force....That's a lot more in tune with the needs or the President, then being able to fly a plane and shoot a gun.

and guess what, he was shot 4 times by a viet Cong, and wounded was still giving orders to his men. And would you care to point out any proof he never fired? Noooo you cant of course because you don't know anything about it do you.
Originally Posted by Libsmasher
THERE YOU GO AGAIN! Are you even capable of starting a thread which isn't a smear?

Have you no shame?

Clark is a desk jockey who never fired a bullet in combat. McCain was a distinguished military hero, always in the thick of battle in vietnam, on bombing missions over the most densely-defended airspace in history. Clark was fired by Bubba Clinton for insubordination. Clark isn't good enough to shine McCain's shoes.

Smear? I'm reporting on what a distinguished retired General had to say about John McCain.

Clark is "distinguished" like my arse is "distinguished". He never fought in combat in his life, and has spent his whole military career sitting in offices.

Here's some more on your brave "hero",

Why the scornful quotes around "hero"? Can you do ANYTHING but lie? Anyone reading this, go to the John McCain entry in wikipedia right now, and read the documented information on McCain's heroic wartime actions. Then ask yourself why Popeye would put scornful quotes around "hero".

I have, unlike yourself, supplied the proper links from which the quotes were derived.

McCain admits that three to four days after he was captured, he promised the Vietnamese, "I'll give you military information if you will take me to the hospital."

On June 4, 1969, a U.S. wire service story headlined "PW Songbird Is Pilot Son of Admiral," reported one of McCain's radio broadcasts: "Hanoi has aired a broadcast in which the pilot son of the United States commander in the Pacific, Adm. John McCain, purportedly admits to having bombed civilian targets in North Vietnam and praises medical treatment he has received since being taken prisoner.



Do you think I or ANYONE is going to believe the undocumented hearsay from an anti-Bush appeaser website???? Anyone can buy a website and put this sort of defamation on it. You have NO credible references - you are a shameless defamer citing people like yourself.

Comparing McCain to Wesley Clark is like comparing stale beer to fine wine.

SURE - a documented combat hero is like stale beer, a paper pusher is like fine wine. Maybe Clark got a "John Kerry"-type Purple Heart because he got paper cuts while pushing paper around his desk?? :D

As I've already pointed out, but will again since you seem to have a tendency to ignore facts that hurt your cause, Clark was Valedictorian of his class at West Point. McCain on the other hand finished in the bottom 1% at the Naval Academy an institution he would never have gained admittance to if daddy hadn't been an Admiral.

Clark is a paper soldier. McCain has a High IQ, and his classmates have said that his low grades were strictly a consequence of his indifference to tests. You've repeated the slur about supposed influence of McCain's father, but never provided a shred of evidence. Lie upon lie, slur upon slur. Which type of soldier is it who wins wars - heroes like McCain who will take the battle right to the enemy, or office drones like Clark whose biggest battle was probably with a jammed xerox machine? :D

You've lied and lied again, as I and other have demonstrated repeatedly. I've been posting on political sites for about ten years, and I've never seen anyone quite like you - you tell bald-faced lies, you blow past crystal clear refutations of your propaganda, you ignore documented facts, your only citations are from fraudulent leftwing web sites, you engage in the most despicable smearing I've ever seen.
Guess what? Shooting a gun don't mean **** , he is a 4star General, that means he knows how to lead, and plan, and organize, and oversea a large Military force....That's a lot more in tune with the needs or the President, then being able to fly a plane and shoot a gun.

If he's such a great leader, why did he get fired by Bill Clinton? :D

and guess what, he was shot 4 times by a viet Cong

Oh, THAT'S the kind of guy who wins wars - someone who gets shot and doesn't destroy the enemy.

That's Clark's record - he got shot up by the viet cong, and fired when he tried to run a war.
Quite a reasoned critique of McCain which applies equally to Obama.

The argument regarding "holding executive responsibility" is absurd because neither man has been president but then he goes on to contradict himself by saying that Obama is not running on the basis of having had such experience but on his other strengths is rather confusing.

Military men being brought in to bolster the politicians.....sad
McCain is stupid, old and sickly plus as Gen. Clark says "I don’t think getting in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to become president.”

Maybe not -- but then again he's never touted it as a qualification to be President. He's touted his 20+ years of public service. His record as a war hero is just garnish.

But considering neither are distinctions that Gen. Clarke enjoys, what exactly did he think qualified him for the Presidency?
Libsmasher said:
You've lied and lied again, as I and other have demonstrated repeatedly. I've been posting on political sites for about ten years, and I've never seen anyone quite like you - you tell bald-faced lies, you blow past crystal clear refutations of your propaganda, you ignore documented facts

First off, thank you for your biased observations and unsubstantiated accusations. Now lets take a look at who is really doing the lying and ignoring documented facts...the following is your quote in referring to Wesley Clark:

Libsmasher said:
Clark is "distinguished" like my arse is "distinguished". He never fought in combat in his life, and has spent his whole military career sitting in offices.

Never fought in combat in his life, huh? That is a real, not imagined, bald face lie. Lets take a look at what Gen. Clark did while in Vietnam:

Clark was assigned a position in the 1st Infantry Division and flew to Vietnam on May 21, 1969 during the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. Clark was then given command of A Company, 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry of the 1st Infantry Division in January 1970. In February, only one month into his command, he was shot four times by a Viet Cong soldier with an AK-47. The wounded Clark shouted orders to his men, who counterattacked and defeated the Viet Cong force. Clark had injuries to his right shoulder, right hand, right hip, and right leg, and was sent to Valley Forge Army Hospital in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania to recuperate. He was awarded the Silver Star for his actions during the encounter.


Clark not only saw combat but distinguished himself, receiving the Silver Star. Now, what have we learned from all this? We have learned, through documentation, that you are a liar. I hate to put it so bluntly, but you have made wild accusations against me without backing any of them up. Well, I'm saying you are a liar and I, unlike you, have provided the documentation to prove it.
If he's such a great leader, why did he get fired by Bill Clinton? :D

Oh, THAT'S the kind of guy who wins wars - someone who gets shot and doesn't destroy the enemy.

That's Clark's record - he got shot up by the viet cong, and fired when he tried to run a war.

you get dropped on your head a lot? Where did anyone say the Viet cong was not dead? He was shot 4 Fing times. and he kept his head and kept giving orders, also known as his Job.

as for why asked to leave early, ( not Fired officially) it was due to a Politics and that Clark had the really odd idea ...US the weapons we have, and not be so scared to fly a mission that is not 100% safe and was actually willing to risk a few people to do a job...something NATO and Clinton where not so happy about.

4 Star Generals still outrank Navy Pilots best known for being a POW...And again as normal...

no one has been able to disagree with a damn thing he said,...so you just attack him...poorly.....
Clark was assigned a position in the 1st Infantry Division and flew to Vietnam on May 21, 1969 during the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. Clark was then given command of A Company, 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry of the 1st Infantry Division in January 1970. In February, only one month into his command, he was shot four times by a Viet Cong soldier with an AK-47. The wounded Clark shouted orders to his men, who counterattacked and defeated the Viet Cong force. Clark had injuries to his right shoulder, right hand, right hip, and right leg, and was sent to Valley Forge Army Hospital in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania to recuperate. He was awarded the Silver Star for his actions during the encounter.


I said he never >>>>>>FOUGHT<<<<<<<< in combat, I didn't say he wasn't nearby when OTHER people were doing the fighting. I need a detailed account of this - if he, the company commander, got shot four times by a VC, it means he let his comapny be overrun by the enemy and was incompetent. The silver star also has a suspicious smell, sort of like Kerry getting himself a silver star for a very fake sounding story. It sounds like Clark was overrun, shot up, and yelled at his troops "Help! Help! Get these guys off me!" Heroic? Not.

Clark not only saw combat but distinguished himself, receiving the Silver Star. Now, what have we learned from all this? We have learned, through documentation, that you are a liar.

No, we need a detailed account of the silver star incident - you haven't proven anything yet, except that you can't read carefully.

I hate to put it so bluntly, but you have made wild accusations against me without backing any of them up. Well, I'm saying you are a liar and I, unlike you, have provided the documentation to prove it.

No, YOU are the one making wild accusations, including strictly false ones such as the McCain has cancer or is "sick". When someone lies all the time like you, how can anyone provide documentation to show you are a liar? Here, let me show you with a hypothetical example:

You are a child molester.

Now, what can you do to prove that's false? You can only deny it, since it's impossible to prove a negative ("I am not a child molester.") But that's been your stock in trade with McCain, you make all kinds of absurd charges, and there's never any proof - just links to leftwing defamation sites.
I said he never >>>>>>FOUGHT<<<<<<<< in combat, I didn't say he wasn't nearby when OTHER people were doing the fighting. I need a detailed account of this - if he, the company commander, got shot four times by a VC, it means he let his comapny be overrun by the enemy and was incompetent. The silver star also has a suspicious smell, sort of like Kerry getting himself a silver star for a very fake sounding story. It sounds like Clark was overrun, shot up, and yelled at his troops "Help! Help! Get these guys off me!" Heroic? Not.

No, we need a detailed account of the silver star incident - you haven't proven anything yet, except that you can't read carefully.

No, YOU are the one making wild accusations, including strictly false ones such as the McCain has cancer or is "sick". When someone lies all the time like you, how can anyone provide documentation to show you are a liar? Here, let me show you with a hypothetical example:

You are a child molester.

Now, what can you do to prove that's false? You can only deny it, since it's impossible to prove a negative ("I am not a child molester.") But that's been your stock in trade with McCain, you make all kinds of absurd charges, and there's never any proof - just links to leftwing defamation sites.

You realy are "special" I see....I dont have time for all this, I am going to bed, but go look again and who was siding with McCain and attacking those who where saying he had Cancer again. God you are ^%*