What Boris and 3 cell do not like to talk about

Yes, Biden is upholding unjust leftist perverted interpretations of the law to punish non-democrats. Trump never twisted or abused the law to punish his enemies unjustly.

so you admit biden is upholding the law.
unless you can prove he did so illegally, which if course you wont do, you'll just keep whining and blathering. lol
so you admit biden is upholding the law.
unless you can prove he did so illegally, which if course you wont do, you'll just keep whining and blathering. lol
Biden is upholding whatever laws or interpretations of laws as he sees fit, and he totally disregards or disobeys laws he does not want to obey or regard.
Biden is upholding whatever laws or interpretations of laws as he sees fit, and he totally disregards or disobeys laws he does not want to obey or regard.

biden isn't a judge, so it doesn't matter what his interpretation of the law is, legal *****.
biden isn't a judge, so it doesn't matter what his interpretation of the law is, legal *****.
If lefties prosecute Trump for violating their interpretations of laws then Biden should also be prosecuted for violating laws that all Americans consider violations of laws.
well judges decide that, not biden
That's the problem. If a crooked judge who owes a favor to a crook who break the law then the crooked leftist mob says the judge is entirely free to dismiss all charges against the crook he owes favors to.
That's the problem. If a crooked judge who owes a favor to a crook who break the law then the crooked leftist mob says the judge is entirely free to dismiss all charges against the crook he owes favors to.

feel free to prove any of these judges are crooked
but you wont of course.
No. I can no more prove a judge is just or unjust than lefties can prove SCOTUS justices who ruled against Roe v Wade are unjust.

so you whine constantly about crooked judges with no credible evidence
god hates when you lie.