What is wrong with Biden ?

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
Joe lied about being arrested in south Africa and he lied his education and he lied about himself being a professor and he led about how his wife died , he lied about coming from a family of coal miners,Biden claims he was offered a job by an Idaho lumber company; they have no record. He claims he “used to drive” an 18-wheeler — it didn’t happen. He’s said he visited Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue after the 2018 massacre, speaking to the rabbi, when the synagogue says he’s never even been there. Lying Biden must actually think people are stupid and will not be smart enough to check the facts . And whats he got to gain with these kind of easily check ********* stories or is his mind slipping and he really believes his lies himself ? Clearly something is wrong with the mans mind or he is just a Pathological liar .
Something wrong with him for sure .
If a republican acted like this democrats would have him getting electro shock therapy and drugs .
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Joe lied about being arrested in south fricative and he lied his education and he lied about himself being a professor and he led about how his wife died , he lied about coming from a family of coal miners,Biden claims he was offered a job by an Idaho lumber company; they have no record. He claims he “used to drive” an 18-wheeler — it didn’t happen. He’s said he visited Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue after the 2018 massacre, speaking to the rabbi, when the synagogue says he’s never even been there. Lying Biden must actually think people are stupid and will not be smart enough to check the facts . And whats he got to gain with these kind of easly check ********* stories or is his mind slipping and he really belives his lies himself ? Clearly something is wrong
Well perhaps you could prove him wrong by posting your evidence of every one of those accusations. That will shut him up.
you expecting AT to provide actual, credible evidence proving his claims?

he's just an obsessed idiot.
you expecting AT to provide actual, credible evidence proving his claims?

he's just an obsessed idiot.
LOL you bothb know its all true but your both to obsessed with kissing joes ass and trying to look smart . Neither of you are man enought to acept the truth your like spoiled little kids who deny they took a cookie from the jar .Your both lying cowards and butt sucking democrats who hate the truth and would prefer to cut your own penis off over admitting the truth .
Its actually pretty pathetic and just proves your not real men . All of bidens claims I mentioned are easily proven to be lies already as fact checkers did check .
Lets use the he was locked up in south Africa for example

But of course meat heads like the 2 of you buy these child like claims hook line and sinker a real display of both of your limited intelligence and major stupidity .You both prefer to lie just like Biden has and both of you have repeatably here on this forum. And thats why people are turning away from the democrat party in droves and 74 percent of democrats dont want Biden to run , except for the butt sucking lying type like the 2 of you. Its very pathetic and you are both fine example of what a man should not be . Your both Narcissist and self absorbed asses of no value with the lowest morals and ethics of a beast such as saddam or Putin or hitler . complete waste of skin . I hope neither of you have been able to fins a woman dumb enough and ugly enough to breed with and raise the spawn of such wastes as the 2 of you . We need humans who are human not wastes of skin like the 2 of you or will we all regress to ape men again
You cant be honest its not in your upbringing . I guess you were raised by people just like you the scum of the earth .

Biden admitted he made it all up and it was a lie . Is that enough evidence for the 2 meatheads
you back him up and suport him every time almost and I think he has the same wrinkle pattern your have on your lips
The pressure of the j6 comm is starting to show. The loss of Trump was a severe blow for a decrepit old soak. Now you switch your vitriol towards Biden with unsubstantiated rants attempting to distance yourself from Trump.
Then comes the uncouth comments which is a sure sign youre out of ammo.

Now. Everyone watch the reply full of personal smears and childish finger pointing.