What The Hell Is Wrong With Our Sense of Justice??


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2013
MCALESTER —David Harold Earls, 64, was sentenced to a year in prison, with 19 years suspended, for rape and forcible sodomy of a 4-year-old girl in Pittsburg County.


A Delaware man convicted of raping his three-year-old daughter only faced probation after a state Superior Court judge ruled he "will not fare well" in prison.

In her decision, Judge Jan Jurden suggested Robert H. Richards IV would benefit more from treatment. Richards, who was charged with fourth-degree rape in 2009, is an unemployed heir living off his trust fund. The light sentence has only became public as the result of a subsequent lawsuit filed by his ex-wife, which charges that he penetrated his daughter with his fingers while masturbating, and subsequently assaulted his son as well.


An Idaho man who pleaded guilty to firing an assault rifle at the White House in 2011, striking the executive mansion more than half a dozen times, was sentenced Monday to 25 years in prison.

Prosecutors initially charged Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez, 23, with attempting to assassinate President Barack Obama but agreed to drop the charge as part of a plea deal last year. Ortega-Hernandez instead pleaded guilty to two charges, including damaging the home.
MCALESTER —David Harold Earls, 64, was sentenced to a year in prison, with 19 years suspended, for rape and forcible sodomy of a 4-year-old girl in Pittsburg County.


A Delaware man convicted of raping his three-year-old daughter only faced probation after a state Superior Court judge ruled he "will not fare well" in prison.

In her decision, Judge Jan Jurden suggested Robert H. Richards IV would benefit more from treatment. Richards, who was charged with fourth-degree rape in 2009, is an unemployed heir living off his trust fund. The light sentence has only became public as the result of a subsequent lawsuit filed by his ex-wife, which charges that he penetrated his daughter with his fingers while masturbating, and subsequently assaulted his son as well.


An Idaho man who pleaded guilty to firing an assault rifle at the White House in 2011, striking the executive mansion more than half a dozen times, was sentenced Monday to 25 years in prison.

Prosecutors initially charged Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez, 23, with attempting to assassinate President Barack Obama but agreed to drop the charge as part of a plea deal last year. Ortega-Hernandez instead pleaded guilty to two charges, including damaging the home.
Pedophilia is viewed as a sexual preference among liberals. Just like homosexuality. These wacko child molesters have committed no crime in the eyes of liberals.

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Come on....

I meant sexual "orientation" in my comment, not "preference".

"Pedophilia is viewed as a sexual orientation among liberals."

However, did you click on the link for the story on this out of Colorado? I'm not making this stuff up.

Now I will concede your point that maybe not ALL liberals see pedophilia as a sexual orientation like homosexuality, but they support a political party that damn sure does.

Nancy Pelosi marched in a gay pride parade with known pedophiles

The American Spectator.com ^
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Not all? I hate such generalizations and, like most, they are very untrue.
I can safely assume that 99% of liberals are strictly against pedophilia, like every sane person.
I intentionally used such generalization to make my point.

The truth is most liberals are low information type folks. They do not have a clue about the reality of the politics they support. And, this story is a clear example of this.

Forgive me if I offended you with my broad generalization, but like you say, no sane person would ever support pedophilia as an acceptable sexual orientation.

And, no sane person would ever support a political party that supports pedophilia as an acceptable sexual orientation.

But, that is exactly what is happening here. Now, why is that? Either the liberals support the Democratic Parties beliefs in this or they are ignorant to it.

Which is it?
link showing this in party literature ?

I posted a link showing where Nancy Pelosi was riding a float with NAMBLA founder Harry Hay in the Gay Pride Parade. No sane person who does not support pedophilia would have done this. Would you?

Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House, 3rd in command, at the time. IMO those actions speak for themselves coupled with the other link I posted that clearly shows that pedophiles are now seeking for pedophilia to be accepted as another sexual orientation like homosexuality.

Which party do you think is going to embrace this insanity?
Ok, thats what I thought. If you want to rip on Princess then have at it. Gilding the lily makes a different point than you intend.
I am not gilding the lily here.

Let me ask you this. If a Republican or a TEA Party member, especially one that is as high ranking as Speaker of the House was seen riding a float in a parade with a well known Klansman, do you think the public would view this as an endorsement from that party?

You can bet the MSM would not ignore that story like they did Pelosi's little ride with NAMBLA founder Harry Hay.

But, that was not my only point to "Gilding the Lily" as you say.

My comment was also a jab at the ignorance of liberals and how they are absolutely clueless to their own party politics.
I am not gilding the lily here.

Let me ask you this. If a Republican or a TEA Party member, especially one that is as high ranking as Speaker of the House was seen riding a float in a parade with a well known Klansman, do you think the public would view this as an endorsement from that party?

You can bet the MSM would not ignore that story like they did Pelosi's little ride with NAMBLA founder Harry Hay.

But, that was not my only point to "Gilding the Lily" as you say.

My comment was also a jab at the ignorance of liberals and how they are absolutely clueless to their own party politics.
No. Its hyperbole whoever days it and this is why polititians have such low levels of approval. Always better to play it straight. God know the left supplies no end of ammunition to strafe themselves with.
God know the left supplies no end of ammunition to strafe themselves with.
And their followers .... and that was my point .... not hyperbole!

You support liberalism/progressiveism, the Democratic Party .... there are those like myself who will hold you accountable for your support of party politics ......

Don't like pedophilia ..... stop supporting the party that does!