Well-Known Member
The protests against some guy's planned burning of a few Koran books are truly astonishing. They seem to feel that we should refrain from doing it, on grounds that some Muslims, or a lot of Muslims, may be offended.
Where were these people when various groups were burning American flags, both outside and inside this country? I can assure you, that offended a lot of people. Where was their concern over people's sensibilities then?
The difference, of course, is (a) This time the people being offended, oppose many American values, and (b) the offended ones are threatening violence this time, with some credibility since fanatic Muslim militants have often committed violent acts, up to and including murder, after people offended them by criticizing their religion or ways of life.
After Pearl Harbor (when fewer Americans were killed than on Sept. 11 2001), were there any protests over the Doolittle raid some months later, when American planes carried out a token bombing of Tokyo? The very purpose of that mission was to "offend" the fanatic militants in Japan who attacked us, since actual damage was relatively minor. No doubt that mission helped Japan immensely in their recruiting and propaganda efforts against us. But this did not enter into our calculations. The Doolittle raid was just a taste of things to come, as the Japanese found out in following years. The only way we could NOT help their recruiting, was by never responding to Pearl Harbor at all, and cancelling our part of World War II.
And that was not an option. Our goal was to defeat the enemy who had attacked us, not to cower into an illusory "peace". We knew then, as we seem to have forgotten now, that "peace" isn't an absence of conflict. It's an absence of threat.
And we are under threat now - a credible threat, again, given the past behavior of the people who attacked us. The idea that we should be afraid of the possibility of "offending" them, is between ludicrous and astonishing. The only way we can avoid offending them, is to cower away and never respond to their continued attacks and threats.
And even such cowering, would not remove the threats they bring us. It would not produce peace.
But now we actually have AMERICANS begging for us not to offend them. Don't draw pictures of Mohammed. Don't burn any books our attackers consider holy. Be careful, you might make them angry, and provoke them into being mean to us again!
Is anyone else as sickened by this "response" as I am?
Burn the damned books. Smear the Ground Zero Mosque with pork fat. These things are far milder a response than the Doolittle raid was. We should have sent a dozen planes (with conventional bombs) over Mecca before the rubble in New York City had cooled. Followed by a dozen more over every major Muslim city, dropping nothing but leaflets - each showing a graphic picture of what that city would look like after a nuclear strike.
Have Americans forgotten what war is? Our enemies have not. And THEY declared war on US, accompanied by actions to suit.
We got off to a pretty good start after 9/11, in Afghanistan and Iraq. But then we curled into a ball and tried to treat the enemy "nicely", in hopes they would come to their senses and become nice people.
How's that working out for you? You "Americans" who are trembling in fear today, over the prospect of what the fanatic militant Muslims will do to you if we "offend" them?
You are disgusting. You have the right to be disgusting. Anything you say should be used against you in a court of law... but probably won't be, fortunately for you. Because the people you are protesting, are far more tolerant of you, than you are of them.
But get out of the way, while the adults solve the problems brought upon us by fanatical enemies... foreign and domestic.
Q: Where were the Koran-burning protestors when people here were burning American flags?
A: They were the ones lighting the matches.
Where were these people when various groups were burning American flags, both outside and inside this country? I can assure you, that offended a lot of people. Where was their concern over people's sensibilities then?
The difference, of course, is (a) This time the people being offended, oppose many American values, and (b) the offended ones are threatening violence this time, with some credibility since fanatic Muslim militants have often committed violent acts, up to and including murder, after people offended them by criticizing their religion or ways of life.
After Pearl Harbor (when fewer Americans were killed than on Sept. 11 2001), were there any protests over the Doolittle raid some months later, when American planes carried out a token bombing of Tokyo? The very purpose of that mission was to "offend" the fanatic militants in Japan who attacked us, since actual damage was relatively minor. No doubt that mission helped Japan immensely in their recruiting and propaganda efforts against us. But this did not enter into our calculations. The Doolittle raid was just a taste of things to come, as the Japanese found out in following years. The only way we could NOT help their recruiting, was by never responding to Pearl Harbor at all, and cancelling our part of World War II.
And that was not an option. Our goal was to defeat the enemy who had attacked us, not to cower into an illusory "peace". We knew then, as we seem to have forgotten now, that "peace" isn't an absence of conflict. It's an absence of threat.
And we are under threat now - a credible threat, again, given the past behavior of the people who attacked us. The idea that we should be afraid of the possibility of "offending" them, is between ludicrous and astonishing. The only way we can avoid offending them, is to cower away and never respond to their continued attacks and threats.
And even such cowering, would not remove the threats they bring us. It would not produce peace.
But now we actually have AMERICANS begging for us not to offend them. Don't draw pictures of Mohammed. Don't burn any books our attackers consider holy. Be careful, you might make them angry, and provoke them into being mean to us again!
Is anyone else as sickened by this "response" as I am?
Burn the damned books. Smear the Ground Zero Mosque with pork fat. These things are far milder a response than the Doolittle raid was. We should have sent a dozen planes (with conventional bombs) over Mecca before the rubble in New York City had cooled. Followed by a dozen more over every major Muslim city, dropping nothing but leaflets - each showing a graphic picture of what that city would look like after a nuclear strike.
Have Americans forgotten what war is? Our enemies have not. And THEY declared war on US, accompanied by actions to suit.
We got off to a pretty good start after 9/11, in Afghanistan and Iraq. But then we curled into a ball and tried to treat the enemy "nicely", in hopes they would come to their senses and become nice people.
How's that working out for you? You "Americans" who are trembling in fear today, over the prospect of what the fanatic militant Muslims will do to you if we "offend" them?
You are disgusting. You have the right to be disgusting. Anything you say should be used against you in a court of law... but probably won't be, fortunately for you. Because the people you are protesting, are far more tolerant of you, than you are of them.
But get out of the way, while the adults solve the problems brought upon us by fanatical enemies... foreign and domestic.
Q: Where were the Koran-burning protestors when people here were burning American flags?
A: They were the ones lighting the matches.