Where Would We Be, Without Democratic Economies?????

After massive voting fraud was uncovered in Chicago in 1982 and dozens of government officials went to prison for the fraud, one recommendation offered to fix the problem was to somehow tie voter's fingerprints to ballots for confirmation of legality. Voter IDs are also a form of voting security designed to hinder voting fraud but crooks who depend on fraud in elections will fight like hell against voting securities like voting IDs.
Where There's Smoke, There's Fire: 100,000 Stolen Votes in Chicago | The Heritage Foundation 4-16-08

Grand Jury Findings

On December 14, 1984, Chief Judge Frank McGarr of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois publicly released the federal grand jury's report on the 1982 election-only the third time in the history of the court that a grand jury report had been made public.[15] The evidence revealed substantial vote fraud in Chicago during the November 2, 1982, election and found "that similar fraudulent activities have occurred prior to 1982."[16]

What particularly struck FBI agent Ernest Locker was how routine vote fraud was for the precinct captains, election judges, poll watchers, and political party workers he interviewed. They had been taught how to steal votes (and elections) by their predecessors, who had in turn been taught by their predecessors. Based on his investigation, Locker came to believe the claims, hotly debated among historians, that Mayor Daley threw the 1960 presidential election for John Kennedy with massive ballot stuffing in Chicago.[17] This type of voter fraud, stated Locker, "was an accepted way of life in Chicago."[18]

Soon after the investigation started, it became evident that this was not a case of isolated wrongdoing, but rather a case of extensive, substantial, and widespread fraud in precincts and wards throughout Chicago. The FBI investigators concluded that their regular tools-interviewing witnesses, obtaining documents, and using handwriting experts to analyze signatures on documents-would not be up to the task. After all, to conduct a complete investigation, they would have to review "virtually all of the 1,000,000 ballot applications submitted in the City of Chicago in the November election" as well as the voter lists maintained by the election board for all of Chicago's 2,910 precincts (comprising approximately 1.6 million voters) to check for the names of voters registered in more than one precinct, as well as registered voters who were dead.[19]

So the FBI employed a new and unique tool in vote fraud investigation: a computer. Because this had never been done before, the FBI had to write a computer program that would match data between the list of registered voters, the list of individuals who had voted, and other databases. To that end, the FBI and federal prosecutors obtained death records from the Bureau of Vital Statistics; local, state, and federal prison records; the national Social Security list; Immigration and Naturalization Service records on aliens; driver's license records; and even utility (gas, electric, water, and telephone) records.[20]

Locker was shocked at the sheer magnitude of the number of fraudulent votes and the fact that fraud occurred in every single Chicago precinct.[21] More than 3,000 votes had been cast in the names of individuals who were dead, and more than 31,000 individuals had voted twice in different locations in the city.[22] Thousands of individuals had supposedly voted despite being incarcerated at the time of the election, and utility records showed that some individuals who voted were registered as living on vacant lots.

Armed with that information, Locker did something unprecedented: He convinced his supervisors to dedicate all of the agents in the FBI field office in Chicago for an entire week to nothing but reviewing all of Chicago's voter registration cards and ballot applications.[23] So many signature comparisons were needed that the FBI flew in handwriting experts from its headquarters in Washington.[24] The Justice Department and the FBI have never concentrated that much manpower and resources, before or since, on investigating a voter fraud case.

Teams of FBI agents were paired with Assistant United States Attorneys and assigned to investigate specific precincts, locating and talking to voters who had supposedly cast votes in the polling place.[25] They quickly learned that voters' signatures on ballot applications "had been forged wholesale in many precincts."[26] The investigation also "revealed that there were an extremely large number of transients, incapacitated people, and senior citizens in whose names votes had been fraudulently cast" when they did not themselves vote.[27] ...
After massive voting fraud was uncovered in Chicago in 1982 and dozens of government officials went to prison for the fraud, one recommendation offered to fix the problem was to somehow tie voter's fingerprints to ballots for confirmation of legality. Voter IDs are also a form of voting security designed to hinder voting fraud but crooks who depend on fraud in elections will fight like hell against voting securities like voting IDs.
Where There's Smoke, There's Fire: 100,000 Stolen Votes in Chicago | The Heritage Foundation 4-16-08

The investigation uncovered a variety of voter-fraud techniques.

Preying on the Disabled and Elderly. ...

Impersonating Absent Voters. ...

Registering Aliens. ...

False Registrations. ...

Casting Fraudulent Absentee Ballots. ...

Buying Votes. ...

Altering the Vote Count. ...

Lessons Learned

Three factors, in particular, contributed to the successful electoral fraud of former Mayor Daley's political machine.

Interference by Party Officials.Precinct captains in Chicago did not work for the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners. They were political appointees of the ward committeemen and therefore answered only to the committeemen and their political party. A precinct captain's loyalty was not to running a clean and fair election but to the political party that controlled his ward. Despite not working for the election board, precinct captains often opened and supervised the polls on election day and directed or influenced the door-to-door canvasses "required by law in order to determine the accuracy of voter registration."[46]

Because the election board approved all of the individuals submitted by the precinct captains and their political party to serve as official election judges, the precinct captains controlled the polling places even though it was the election judges who were legally responsible for the administration of each polling place. This patronage system tied the administration of elections into the political system that ran the city and dispensed jobs. This structure, in turn, created the means and the incentive to "steal votes on Election Day."[47]

Lack of a Bipartisan Election System. Chicago witnessed the complete failure of its "bipartisan system [that] is meant to protect the election process from vote fraud."[48] This system assumes that there are two active political parties, each watching the other and overseeing all activities that occur during the election process, from voter registration to the administration of polling places on election day, to ensure that the law is followed and no fraud occurs.

For example, the canvasses that occurred before the election to check the accuracy of the voter registration list would provide "the intended bipartisan checks and balances only if it is conducted by two people representing opposite parties."[49] But in Chicago, the Republican Party was not strong enough in many sections of the city to function as a counterbalance to the Democratic Party. As a result, Chicago's voter registration list did not receive bipartisan scrutiny and contained many ineligible persons, including voters who had moved, were deceased, were not U.S. citizens, did not reside where they were registered, or were registered in more than one location.

Similarly, there were supposed to be both Democratic and Republican judges of election in the Chicago polling places, but many of the "Republican" slots were actually filled by Democrats masquerading as Republicans who had been chosen by the Democratic precinct captains. As a result, the "Republican" canvassers and election judges actually assisted their Democratic counterparts in committing fraud.[50]

Biased or Inexperienced Poll Watchers. Poll watchers are intended to be the guardians of a clean election "by participating as critical observers."[51] A well-trained and vigilant poll watcher should have been able to spot some of the

To reduce the incidence of voter fraud, the grand jury made three concrete recommendations:

  • Sever the relationship between party precinct captains and election judges. Judges hired by the election board to conduct canvasses and administer polling places on election day should be paid professionals whose loyalty and responsibility are to the election board, not to the local political party or elected city officials.
  • Require all voters to provide a thumbprint when registering and when voting. Voters would place a thumbprint on a small pretreated box on the ballot application (not the ballot itself) when they vote. According to the grand jury, this was the only way to counter the widespread forgery of voters' signatures that occurred in this voter fraud conspiracy. The grand jury pointed out the virtues of this protection:
No fingerprint would be placed on the actual ballot; therefore, the ballot would still be totally secret as it is now. The voter would not be required to put his finger in ink in order to register his print. The process is totally clean and is not intrusive. Many banks already use this identifying process on check cashing cards to verify the identity of the card user.

Requiring a print on every ballot application would be a tremendous deterrent to vote fraud and no more of an invasion of privacy than a handwritten signature. It is impossible to forge a print. Fingerprint experts cannot be fooled. If the precinct captain voted for absent voters using the prints of paid volunteers, for example, the print of the absent voter could be compared with the print on the ballot application. If people in the polling place participated in the fraud by placing their prints in the boxes, they would be readily identifiable.[57]

The advantages of this system are obvious, particularly since it would eliminate the difficulty of trying to determine who forged a signature and thus cast a fraudulent ballot on election day or a fraudulent absentee ballot through the mail.

  • Void ballots after counting them. In the Chicago fraud, ballot outcomes were altered by running the same Democratic punch card ballot through a precinct tally machine multiple times. The grand jury suggested that counting machines be altered to "irrevocably mark each counted ballot" to prevent it from being run through the machine again.

    Although most jurisdictions have moved away from punch card voting machines since the 2000 presidential election, the paper ballots and precinct-based optical scanners used in many states today are subject to the same type of abuse.

The investigation uncovered a variety of voter-fraud techniques.

Preying on the Disabled and Elderly. ...

Impersonating Absent Voters. ...

Registering Aliens. ...

False Registrations. ...

Casting Fraudulent Absentee Ballots. ...

Buying Votes. ...

Altering the Vote Count. ...

Lessons Learned

Three factors, in particular, contributed to the successful electoral fraud of former Mayor Daley's political machine.

Interference by Party Officials.Precinct captains in Chicago did not work for the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners. They were political appointees of the ward committeemen and therefore answered only to the committeemen and their political party. A precinct captain's loyalty was not to running a clean and fair election but to the political party that controlled his ward. Despite not working for the election board, precinct captains often opened and supervised the polls on election day and directed or influenced the door-to-door canvasses "required by law in order to determine the accuracy of voter registration."[46]

Because the election board approved all of the individuals submitted by the precinct captains and their political party to serve as official election judges, the precinct captains controlled the polling places even though it was the election judges who were legally responsible for the administration of each polling place. This patronage system tied the administration of elections into the political system that ran the city and dispensed jobs. This structure, in turn, created the means and the incentive to "steal votes on Election Day."[47]

Lack of a Bipartisan Election System. Chicago witnessed the complete failure of its "bipartisan system [that] is meant to protect the election process from vote fraud."[48] This system assumes that there are two active political parties, each watching the other and overseeing all activities that occur during the election process, from voter registration to the administration of polling places on election day, to ensure that the law is followed and no fraud occurs.

For example, the canvasses that occurred before the election to check the accuracy of the voter registration list would provide "the intended bipartisan checks and balances only if it is conducted by two people representing opposite parties."[49] But in Chicago, the Republican Party was not strong enough in many sections of the city to function as a counterbalance to the Democratic Party. As a result, Chicago's voter registration list did not receive bipartisan scrutiny and contained many ineligible persons, including voters who had moved, were deceased, were not U.S. citizens, did not reside where they were registered, or were registered in more than one location.

Similarly, there were supposed to be both Democratic and Republican judges of election in the Chicago polling places, but many of the "Republican" slots were actually filled by Democrats masquerading as Republicans who had been chosen by the Democratic precinct captains. As a result, the "Republican" canvassers and election judges actually assisted their Democratic counterparts in committing fraud.[50]

Biased or Inexperienced Poll Watchers. Poll watchers are intended to be the guardians of a clean election "by participating as critical observers."[51] A well-trained and vigilant poll watcher should have been able to spot some of the

To reduce the incidence of voter fraud, the grand jury made three concrete recommendations:

  • Sever the relationship between party precinct captains and election judges. Judges hired by the election board to conduct canvasses and administer polling places on election day should be paid professionals whose loyalty and responsibility are to the election board, not to the local political party or elected city officials.
  • Require all voters to provide a thumbprint when registering and when voting. Voters would place a thumbprint on a small pretreated box on the ballot application (not the ballot itself) when they vote. According to the grand jury, this was the only way to counter the widespread forgery of voters' signatures that occurred in this voter fraud conspiracy. The grand jury pointed out the virtues of this protection:
No fingerprint would be placed on the actual ballot; therefore, the ballot would still be totally secret as it is now. The voter would not be required to put his finger in ink in order to register his print. The process is totally clean and is not intrusive. Many banks already use this identifying process on check cashing cards to verify the identity of the card user.

Requiring a print on every ballot application would be a tremendous deterrent to vote fraud and no more of an invasion of privacy than a handwritten signature. It is impossible to forge a print. Fingerprint experts cannot be fooled. If the precinct captain voted for absent voters using the prints of paid volunteers, for example, the print of the absent voter could be compared with the print on the ballot application. If people in the polling place participated in the fraud by placing their prints in the boxes, they would be readily identifiable.[57]

The advantages of this system are obvious, particularly since it would eliminate the difficulty of trying to determine who forged a signature and thus cast a fraudulent ballot on election day or a fraudulent absentee ballot through the mail.

  • Void ballots after counting them. In the Chicago fraud, ballot outcomes were altered by running the same Democratic punch card ballot through a precinct tally machine multiple times. The grand jury suggested that counting machines be altered to "irrevocably mark each counted ballot" to prevent it from being run through the machine again.

    Although most jurisdictions have moved away from punch card voting machines since the 2000 presidential election, the paper ballots and precinct-based optical scanners used in many states today are subject to the same type of abuse.
All of these deficiencies are still present in the voting systems in every big city right now. Once the Dems get control of the polls, they never lose again. Do big city residents really vote Dem to the extent they seem to in big cities, or do they really vote just like the rest of the country and have the results customized to expectations? Lenin said in 1920, "As long as I'm counting the votes, you can vote anyway you want..."

Given the poor conditions resulting from Dem management of big cities, what would Occam's Razor test show?
View attachment 10586

....And, when you're old-enough to vote, you'll figure-out why....if you're more literate than the average MAGAT.
"Since World War II, the United States economy has performed worse on average under the administration of Republican presidents than Democratic presidents."
Lefties find spending loads of borrowed cash is much more pleasant than sticking to common sense Republican budgets.
"The U.S. economy remained shockingly robust in the fourth quarter to close out a remarkably strong 2023 as consumers and businesses continued to spend, crushing expectations of a recession."


"The U.S. economy remained shockingly robust in the fourth quarter to close out a remarkably strong 2023 as consumers and businesses continued to spend, crushing expectations of a recession."


Ex-Obama official throws cold water on employment numbers for Black Americans: They're 'crappy jobs' | Watch (msn.com) 1-24-24

Black unemployment numbers good but jobs are crappy jobs
"The U.S. economy remained shockingly robust in the fourth quarter to close out a remarkably strong 2023 as consumers and businesses continued to spend, crushing expectations of a recession."


I do not believe the statistics. In the past about 80-odd% of state agencies & private companies responsible for reporting economic & employment stats forwarded their reports to DC, from which the national rates are calculated. That's down to ~30-odd%. Are they not submitting their data, or are the powers that be just cherry-picking the reports that support their party line narrative? The fox is reporting on the health & population of the chickens and they tell us all is well even though we don’t see as many chickens as we think is normal.
After massive voting fraud was uncovered in Chicago in 1982 and dozens of government officials went to prison for the fraud, one recommendation offered to fix the problem was to somehow tie voter's fingerprints to ballots for confirmation of legality. Voter IDs are also a form of voting security designed to hinder voting fraud but crooks who depend on fraud in elections will fight like hell against voting securities like voting IDs.
Where There's Smoke, There's Fire: 100,000 Stolen Votes in Chicago | The Heritage Foundation 4-16-08
"Von Spakovsky subsequently joined the staff of The Heritage Foundation, a politically conservative think tank. On June 29, 2017, President Donald Trump named him to be a member of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity."
"Von Spakovsky subsequently joined the staff of The Heritage Foundation, a politically conservative think tank. On June 29, 2017, President Donald Trump named him to be a member of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity."
Yes! The problem with grass-root fires is they can spread nationwide, and Chicago's cheating expertise has been shared with every Dem Machine, coast to coast.