Which one is the real dummy ?

Hey look, I don't like Biden either, but you don't see me picking on a senile old geezer in diapers. You ought to be more polite to Mr. Corn Poops
America would be much safer if angry rebels were forced to stop falsely accusing patriotic Americans of evils such as racism and sedition.
No one hates Christians, that is absurd. But some fundamentalist Trumplings are clearly hateful and treasonist a-holes, and should not be trusted to make our laws.
No one hates Christians, that is absurd. But some fundamentalist Trumplings are clearly hateful and treasonist a-holes, and should not be trusted to make our laws.
Branding Christians as deplorables or terrorists for political reasons is not love.
No one hates Christians, that is absurd. But some fundamentalist Trumplings are clearly hateful and treasonist a-holes, and should not be trusted to make our laws.
Lol your very wrong we have one liberal here who hates them and thunks all churches should be burned down. And pretty well every liberal here is anti religion unless your Muslim of course.

And the famous squad in congress pretty well do not like christian and we saw the anti christian legislation under Obama .
No one hates Christians, that is absurd. But some fundamentalist Trumplings are clearly hateful and treasonist a-holes, and should not be trusted to make our laws.
Yes were treasonous we want lots of anti America things like no illegals and helping our own before we help others . The right to protect our self and own guns we like the law where democrats clearly do not.We are anti American because we want to help our military and intelligence partners and we expect men to go to men rooms and women to go to women's room not shower together in school because they are forced to because liberals do not seem to know the difference. wE THINK THE POLICE NEED MORE FUNDING AND THAT TO IS ANTI AMERICAN WE SHOULD BE LIKE DEMO RATS AND WANT IT DE FUNDED .

wE ARE aginst hard drugs which must be anti American as demi rats want them legal . We are anti American for expecting criminals to post bond for their crimes not flee to another state or nation or to help keep them from committing another crime . We tend to support religion even we we do not believe as we support those who do.

Talk about fakes, https://cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/200608142551-01-house-democrats-kneel-0608-exlarge-169.jpg Yepp Pelosi is in it shes as fake as they come