White-Trash Insurrectionists Still Piling-Up




Destroy the nation? Lol you are a *****. The nation was never in danger from them

Unlike the attempted coup by right wingers
Grown men calling themselves silly names as if to intimidate. What was that idiots oath he kept? It was to USA?

He looked a fool before and is proven so.

It's indicative of the level of intelligence Magas are. They cannot think logically but follow the ratbag in chief to 18 years in prison.

I wonder now if he feels his actions were worth it. He'll have plenty of time to contemplate his childish antics.

He's not alone and his toe rag buddies will be bringing their own soap also. But how must Trump feel? Very nervous I would suspect because he cannot be excused for his incitement or deny it.

America is full of these tough guy gangs who feel they are above the law. It comes with low intelligence and a feeling of wanting superiority and violence.

Where's mark now and his peaceful protest rubbish.
who was innocent? name the names and prove why they were innocent.
President Trump, General Flynn, Carter Page, Roger Stone, hundreds of J6 protesters, Brett Kavanaugh, Senator Rand Paul, and hundreds or thousands of others.