Well-Known Member Posted by GenSeneca View Post
Fed and Mr.D, you both make good points... allow me to retort.
Those Americans are bitter. They cling to their guns and their religion, with antipathy for those who are not like them... Wait.. Thats Obama's speech, I'd better use my own:
I want you all to comment concerning if it should be considered o.k. for the government to make it mandatory to hand in guns in a case of emergency..
Also on aside note.
I for one am a huge gun supporter and agree with verifying some form of eligibilty. However as the old saying gos "Ban guns completely and then they will only be in the hands of criminals."
It seems to me more and more legislation is being pushed to force more and more strigent regulation on gun control thou in the past it like so many other regulations on peoples rights.. becomes utterly useless as people will still obtain them but now thru illegal means.
Also a Bill passed HR-2640 now is seeking to create the largest libaray of criminal and medical records in history for life time banning of peoples 2nd amendment rights.
The funniest thing about is it .. that even thou this huge source of information is being used to deny people rights thru unfair means (( litterally some one can be ruled baned for life if any theres even the smallest instance of mental disorder I.E. A.D.D , Ahlzimers , or PTSD by afederal medical examiner. )) but yet not giving the information over to law enforcement agencies that could use this.