Why democrats hate the truth

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
They fear it like a man wearing meat underwear trying to sand paper a male lions rear end.

They do not want to hear how corrupt and perverted thier beliefs are as they then have to face who they really are .
They fear admitting how wrong they are and would have to face the facts if they were honest about it.
All the socialist commies black supremacist perverts pro murder and violent behavior and criminal behavior they are responsible for is evident for alp to see yet they refuse to see it.
Denial and blame is all they know it often seems. I guess when you heart is so full of evil you just can not admit it and face the truth.
I feel sorry for then to be honest . But they have to live with it . No wonder so many 9fvthen have no belief in any religion as it would dam then.
Its actually a very natural reaction especially with people who have a habit of denying the truth.. Look at lying Biden for a example . He refuses to admit that his policies affect the price of fuel and food and general inflation well before Russia invaded the Ukraine. But he blames Republicans and Russia the oil company's and the mom and pop gas station owners . Typical behavior for a narcissist who is mentally unable to admit the truth . Just like a couple poster here.
Often narcissist people with a guilty conscience cannot admit the truth. Instead they attack the truth and those who simply post it. To admit they were wrong would possibly damage them mentally due to being so weak minded and having such low ethics and morality. Its just more then they could stand.
I feel for them being so weak . But untill they man up nothing can be done its the cowards way out of dealing with who they really are.
Make no mistake it runs on all sides of the political lines no matter the party . Trump was very guilty also. But I see it so much more in liberal policy's and beliefs .
I guess now I will sit back and await the attacks from my fan club here.
You know its coming as sure as snow in the artic .
and yet you continually post about things you consider perverted. lol.
you're a pervert.
and yet you continually post about things you consider perverted. lol.
you're a pervert.
I am lol hardly . you see its democrats who tolerate and endorse perversions such as drag queen story hour men in women's bathrooms protecting child molester men competing as women etc . you guys just hate the truth and like biden blame others for what you do.
yes you are. you can't stop using the word "pervert". that's perverted. lol
you cant stop posting about drag queens and bathrooms. lol that's perverted. who else does the same thing? only perverts like you.
you cant stop posting about drag queens and bathrooms. lol that's perverted. who else does the same thing? only perverts like you.
Hes a closet poofter.
yes sure I am Boris sure I am . lol that more a democrat thing dressing us and pretending to be a woman and hanging out with 5 year olds and younger .

yes sure I am Boris sure I am . lol that more a democrat thing dressing us and pretending to be a woman and hanging out with 5 year olds and younger .

Check.out the log cabin movement. Thry love poofters and are supported by republicans.
Lol your That's the best you can come up with ? Lol talk about being out of ammo lol.
I think a good enema would do you good . Use the 2 gallon one boris you will need it .
But it proves youre not totally honest. Youre selective with your post by skipping over the unpalatable bits.
You only use the truth on special occasions and emergencies.