Why the Left Hates Israel


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2013
Everyone from liberal journalists to a member of the English cricket team is gunning for Israel at the moment. The Independent describes it as ‘rogue state’. The Guardian considers the Israeli 'occupation' of Gaza as a 'shameful injustice'. Meanwhile, cricketer Moeen Ali has pledged his support for the Palestinians by sporting 'Free Gaza' wristbands. Respectable opinion knows which side wears the black hats in this conflict.
What is it about Israel that arouses so much anger? Is it because it's a theocratic state, committed to destroying its neighbour, which uses civilians as human shields, tortures and kills its political opponents, persecutes homosexuals, and holds freedom of speech and the rule of law in contempt?

No, hang on, that’s Hamas, and we all know they're the good guys of the piece. No matter how appallingly they treat their own people and how many innocents they blow up, shoot or kidnap, nothing can blot their copybook.

Which isn’t to say that Israel could get away with the same behaviour, of course. It can't even protect its own people without drawing criticism. Israel is like the older brother who is expected to know better. His younger siblings can run riot, because they're held to different standards, but big bro should sit there quietly, no matter how many times he takes a kicking.

Not that the media does much reporting on the kicking Israel receives. It would much rather lament the significantly higher Palestinian losses, as if they automatically put Israel in the wrong and let Hamas off the hook for striking the first blow. Israel, it seems, should show restraint that no one would realistically expect of Hamas if it possessed the same military might. The relativists who see no moral difference between a liberal democracy and a terrorist regime have no problem expecting the two sides to behave differently.

One thing’s for sure, if it was just another flyblown Islamic hellhole, Israel would get a much easier ride on the world stage. More blood is typically shed each year in Somalia, Pakistan and Nigeria than in Gaza, but outrage at those horrors pales beside the indignation Israel’s actions provoke. Heads are buried, standards doubled and blind eyes turned to provide an excuse for bashing the country everybody loves to hate.

So is this just about anti-Semitism? It is certainly rife in the Arab world, and long-standing critics of Israel probably pick up a little Jew-hatred along the way. But I don’t think it’s at the heart of Western, liberal antipathy. If anti-Semitism were to blame, it would be directed at Israel wherever it was in the world. Yet it's hard to imagine it having as much trouble with its neighbours, or attracting as much hatred, if it were a European state. The chances are it would be another Switzerland, and would arouse the same amount of ill-feeling.

The fact is that when it comes to Israel, nobody seems to be interested in the truth. No one cares that it gave up the lands it seized during the Yom Kippur War, in the hope of securing peace. Nor that it gifted the Palestinians 3,000 greenhouses, opened border crossings and encouraged trade. Nor that the Gazans responded by destroying the greenhouses and electing a government committed to eradicating the Jews, which has fired thousands of rockets into Israel, and digs tunnels under Israeli territory from which to launch surprise attacks.

No one cares that Israel gives Gazans advance warning of raids, while Hamas deliberately targets Israeli civilians. Nor that Hamas places its weapons in schools, mosques, hospitals and private homes, to maximise the chance of civilian casualties. Nor that Israel arrested those guilty of murdering a Palestinian youth, and offered reparations to the victim's family, while Hamas did nothing to capture or punish the killers of three Israeli teenagers. Nor that no Israeli soldiers are actually based in Gaza, despite talk of an 'occupying force' by Hamas apologists

No one takes these facts into account because they are unhelpful to the narrative propagated by the pro-Palestinian Left – namely, that this is a battle between a strong, macho oppressor and a weak, downtrodden underdog, which leftists can feel virtuous about supporting.

Israel is a distillation of everything leftists hate about Western nations: capitalist, conservative and fiercely patriotic. It is a projection of their own prejudices about the supposed injustices of societies that cherish the ‘wrong’ values and the ‘wrong’ people. They don't share the Palestinians' spiritual beliefs, but they share a common enemy. Indeed, if Israel was removed from the equation, its critics would have little good to say about Gaza or Hamas. Theirs is a marriage of convenience.

The Left’s use of the Israeli-Arab situation as a platform for moral preening, and as a metaphor for its own hang-ups, blinds it to the evils of Hamas and the rest of the Muslim Brotherhood. It seems oblivious to the ideological conflict between Islamic fundamentalists and Western progressives, because it persists in regarding the former as pet victims of the latter. It may discover the hard way that it is giving comfort to an enemy that makes no distinction between liberal hand-wringers and any other infidels.
All decent people hate racist child-killers, kid. It is the nature of normal humans. The Zionists have a lot of people by the dangly bits, mostly politicians, but that's just the way they play murder.
One fact is very clear. ALL racist global wide have an antisemitic factor to them. They may have other prejudices against others, black, white, asian, Christian, etc. but, they all are antisemitic as well. Be it the KKK, the New Black Panthers, Al Sharpton, Hamas, American leftist and the American MSM, La Raza .....you name it.

One factor all these racist have in common is hate for the Jewish people. In fact that could be a litmus test for true racism. The antisemitic factor.

As Marxism gains a foot hold in America and rears it's ugly head once again, should it surprise anyone that antisemitism is on the rise across the globe?

It's very clear ..... Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Progressivism, Liberalism, Stateism, Leftist .... however one chooses to identify this sick ideology ... it all equals racism with an undeniable antisemitic factor!
All decent people hate racist child-killers, kid. It is the nature of normal humans. The Zionists have a lot of people by the dangly bits, mostly politicians, but that's just the way they play murder.
Yes my sick leftist racist friend .....

All normal thinking human beings are very clear on who the child murderers are .......

Yes my sick leftist racist friend .....

All normal thinking human beings are very clear on who the child murderers are .......

View attachment 707

Count the numbers, child - your Nazis have killed at least ten times as many children. It is par for the course with racist scum, that proportion. And, of course, these aliens have no right to a single square inch of this territory.
One fact is very clear. ALL racist global wide have an antisemitic factor to them. They may have other prejudices against others, black, white, asian, Christian, etc. but, they all are antisemitic as well. Be it the KKK, the New Black Panthers, Al Sharpton, Hamas, American leftist and the American MSM, La Raza .....you name it.

One factor all these racist have in common is hate for the Jewish people. In fact that could be a litmus test for true racism. The antisemitic factor.

As Marxism gains a foot hold in America and rears it's ugly head once again, should it surprise anyone that antisemitism is on the rise across the globe?

It's very clear ..... Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Progressivism, Liberalism, Stateism, Leftist .... however one chooses to identify this sick ideology ... it all equals racism with an undeniable antisemitic factor!

Liberals love to play the White Savior to the Persecuted Black Population, and they’ll belittle an entire race just to give themselves that opportunity.
Sharpton, Farrakhan and Jackson — are rabid anti-Semites. They hate Jews almost as much as they hate Republicans (two distinctly different groups). I think I understand why.
Or maybe I’m wrong. Maybe the horrifying statistics about crime, gangs, drug addiction, fatherless homes, drop out rates, etc. in the black community can be explained by the fact that they were persecuted in this nation for many years. Maybe there is a thing called “White Privilege”. Maybe the deck is stacked against ethnic minorities in the US and they couldn’t possibly be expected to thrive under these conditions. Maybe there just isn’t any way for a put-upon minority group to lift itself out of the slums and into prosperity.
Maybe I’d believe that if it weren’t for the Jews. This is why Sharpton loathes them. They completely dismantle his entire narrative. After all, if you’re going to blame past persecution for the failures of a certain group, you’re going to need all groups to cooperate. You can’t have any of them overcome and succeed in the face of unfathomable obstacles. And if they do, your only choice is to hate them for being so damned inconvenient.
Can you name a more historically persecuted group than Jews? You’ll be hard pressed to come up with one. The Holocaust was a recent atrocity and it wiped out a full sixty percent of the Jewish population. The ones that escaped fled to various corners of the Earth where they invariably met further oppression and prejudice. Can any thinking person claim the Jews have had it easy? An extermination on the scale of Hitler’s Holocaust would be enough to set any group back centuries. Jews could still be tattered, broken and in disarray, and who could blame them? They could be living on government handouts and blaming the world for their lot in life, and who could blame them? But they chose a different route. Jews in this country make up 2 percent of the overall population, yet 14 percent of the doctor and surgeon population. 20 percent of the people with law degrees in America are Jewish. The median income for Jewish households is almost 30 percent higher than the national average. Nobody handed them this. They didn’t get here through quotas and government programs. The most “offensive” stereotype for Jews in America is that they “control the media and the banks,” which is partly true, but I fail to see it as a slight against them. They are one of the smallest and historically most persecuted minorities, yet they are also one of the most powerful. In Sharpton’s World, that shouldn’t be possible.
I suppose the race hustler will respond that a Jew is still “white,” and therefore his success and his triumphs over profound adversity must be understood within the context of “white privilege.” Maybe I’d believe that if it weren’t for the Asians. The Asian people have not walked an easy path, in this country or outside of it. They usually come here from destitute poverty. They are not handed anything. They are not immune from prejudice and discrimination. They are not white. Yet Asians make up 5 percent of the overall population and 17 percent of doctors and surgeons. They account for 18 percent of Ivy League school admissions. Asians own 1.5 million businesses. The most “offensive” Asian stereotype is that they get good grades and can’t drive. The latter might be accurate in some cases, the former seems to hold true every time. It’s remarkable. Uncanny. Incredible. Japanese Americans were being carted off to internment camps a few decades ago, now they’re running hospitals. Even after the camps were closed, do you think Asian Americans were generally accepted and celebrated in post-WW2 America? Something tells me employers weren’t necessarily itching to go out and hire folks from the Orient. Talk to any young Asian man or woman. More than likely, their parents or grandparents came off the boat from their home country. Ask them how much money their family had when it arrived on our shores. I bet the answer will be somewhere between nothing and nada. And look at them now.
So how do we explain this disparity? Jews and Asians are only 7 percent of the total population, and between them they dominate in fields like medicine and engineering, not to mention entrepreneurship and academics. They rarely end up in prison or gangs (this is especially true of Jews). And while they are historically poor and persecuted, they have not allowed themselves to stay in that position. Take their story and compare it to black Americans and how can we explain the canyon that separates them? I’m sure the Jesse Jacksons of the world would sooner become Holocaust deniers than admit to the real answer: Family. Education. Ambition.
Whenever the plight of the minority in America is discussed, you’ll notice that Jews and Asians are left out of the conversation. In fact, many school systems are now trying to figure out how to get LESS of them in advanced placement courses and prestigious colleges. They’ve become too successful, apparently. But it’s not just their success that the race mongers hate, it’s HOW they accomplished it. Their men don’t father dozens of out-of-wedlock babies with dozens of women. Their households insist on discipline and academic success. They work hard, they are driven. Asians may now be at the point where they actually enjoy preferential bias. If I’m an employer and an Asian walks in to apply for a job, I’m going to assume he’s an achiever. That’s not a stereotype, that’s called a reputation. And they’ve freaking earned it.
Family. Education. Ambition. These three things really are a recipe for success. If you don’t believe me, ask the next Asian or Jew you meet. And then make sure to take care of your co-pay on your way out… ..
So why do I hate the jews? I would like to know as I can't seem to figure it out...as looking at it I can't see one reason why I care one bit if someones Jewish...But since you know tell me
You remember Mikey, the kid who liked everything, from all your post I assumed you were just the opposite..