Will Joe be named the worst president in history

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
Well he's got the lowest pole number of ANY president in the last 70 years and dropping
Hes a real record setting man.lowest approval rate highest gas terrible inflation record numbers of illegals in 60 years. Yes sir a real record breaker no wonder democrats love him. Hes screwed the nation more then any president in 7 decades .
go to 538 and you'll see that, for example, bush 1 was much lower.
i love exposing your lies :)

ps - poll, not "pole". duh
We can’t compare him with Trump!

I love how Trump called Russia and Ukraine “one nation”, and now condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Trump should be barred from standing for future presidency IMO.

Inflation is high EVERYWHERE, not just in the US. So Biden may not be the annoying thing you make him out to be. 😎
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Lol joe sucks even high ranking democrats dont want him to run they know he will loose
Yeah but like brain dead republicans, they will toe the line and vote for him.

Why not concentrate on how your lord and master is being taken down by members of your party.
They are belching their guts everywhere, applying pardons like tickets in a chicken raffle and running for cover during both.

Yet in your wisdom you think the democrats are concerned about Biden.
A homeless dog could lead democrats to win again.

Your influence on here is waning but your petulance is rising. You know nothing about politics but hate for democrats. Dont be ignorant to think they can't do it again. Joe took down Trump like a Lego statue and you lot haven't stopped crying since.
Yeah but like brain dead republicans, they will toe the line and vote for him.

Why not concentrate on how your lord and master is being taken down by members of your party.
They are belching their guts everywhere, applying pardons like tickets in a chicken raffle and running for cover during both.

Yet in your wisdom you think the democrats are concerned about Biden.
A homeless dog could lead democrats to win again.

Your influence on here is waning but your petulance is rising. You know nothing about politics but hate for democrats. Dont be ignorant to think they can't do it again. Joe took down Trump like a Lego statue and you lot haven't stopped crying since.
my lord and master lol .I hope he isn't running for office , I guess that means Joe Bumbling Biden is your lord and master ,. Gosh bufddy you sure picked a real idiot to be yours . I hope Ron DeSantis .
my lord and master lol .I hope he isn't running for office , I guess that means Joe Bumbling Biden is your lord and master ,. Gosh bufddy you sure picked a real idiot to be yours . I hope Ron DeSantis .
Yeah. Let's move on to another redneck ratbag republican. You seem to be attracted to them.

What I picked was the guy who tore Trump down like a whores pants.
He orchestrated a campaign never seen against a sitting potus and beat him. But I'll keep in mind the bumbling accusation.
I could be used again by me. 🤣
Yeah. Let's move on to another redneck ratbag republican. You seem to be attracted to them.

What I picked was the guy who tore Trump down like a whores pants.
He orchestrated a campaign never seen against a sitting potus and beat him. But I'll keep in mind the bumbling accusation.
I could be used again by me. 🤣
You can be used again by you ?you go ahead and use your self boris . just don't post pictures of your self doing it. You might get Caitlyn Jenner or RuPaul excited.
You can be used again by you ?you go ahead and use your self boris . just don't post pictures of your self doing it. You might get Caitlyn Jenner or RuPaul excited.
That one hurt ay?
Everytime you reply you give me another swing at you. Its taking you a while to pick it up.
Go ahead boris the hand abuse your self all you want big boy .you and hunter biden can exchange vids for each others viewing pleasure
Your getting more desperate by the day. Being chastised by you is like being savaged by a dead sheep.
It was inevitable you would start that crap. It proves you have nothing left but hate.