Women To Be Farmed In The Future?


New Member
Jan 9, 2008
In the not so distant future, women may be "farmed" for the purposes of pleasing men, according to Angry Harry, a men's right activist.

AngryHarry said:
if anything, the chances are not so much that women will take over the planet and exterminate the men, but that men will start to 'farm' women for their very own purposes - just like they currently do with cows.

And, quite frankly, unless women in the west get their act together and start supporting men rather than making enemies out of them by supporting divisive feminists who do little more than continually stir up hatred toward them, and who, therefore, also undermine the whole well-being of their very own societies, then they shall surely deserve to be tamed, domesticated and harvested for the good of the planet, and, of course, for the contentment and happiness of the men who dwell upon it!
Source: http://www.angryharry.com/esKirstyWarkGlows.htm

His reasoning?

AngryHarry said:
Listen carefully. Basically, women were designed by Nature to taste good to men when they are hungry; and that, fundamentally, is the end of the matter. The Universe does not seem to have figured out any other long term purpose for them. And even the ancients clearly recognised this by emphasising the important bits of women in their sculptures...

Realistically, women have only got one hope when it comes to having a happy future. They will have to taste good to men. And if they do not do this, then they are toast; because they will have nothing else to offer.

The converse, however, is not true. Men do not have to taste good to women to be of value to them. Without men - nothing. No houses or factories would be built or maintained. No roads would be constructed.

It is men who create, construct, develop, operate and maintain just about everything that represents the progress of humans on this planet.

This all suggests that women are going to have to behave more like women than like men, or they will find themselves heading for a fall.
Source: http://www.angryharry.com/esAreWomenBecomingRedundant.htm

So I guess women will have to act like Barbie again? Or if men want to live like the monks, they will just engineer artifical wombs and women will go extinct. I don't have an opinion on this, it just scares me.
...hello, chauvanist pig.

Boy it sure would scare him to know that in about a thousand years (if we're still around that long) the Y chromosome will be so short as to be almost useless. Rendering every male born infertile.

Sorry, dickwad. Takes two to tango.

I admit to being a feminist. Not a rabid fem-nazi, and boy does it piss me off when someone can't tell the difference, but last time I checked there was no reason for me to bow down to every man that crossed my path. As for farming? You ever see a group of farmers chasing down loose cows? It's difficult. you'd have even more trouble with human beings.

As for men creating all...I wonder if he's ever used kevlar. Invented by a girl. Lasic eye surgery? Invented by a girl.

Right. I don't think I can outline much more of his idiocy without repeating myself.
I don't think 'harvest' is the right word. I think what you're looking for is exploited. Yes, that word works quite nicely. Which isn't, of course, to say that there are no instances where a woman has exploited a man, but the way he is thinking is backwards, sick, and wrong. And the ginormous ego on which he has propped his ideas isn't going to support him for very long if he decides to go public with this crap.
OOohhh I'm going to farm women. I'll grow the good kind, and everyone will want to buy from my crops. I'll plant the hotties, the kind with big tats, the ones who love to cook, and the kind that love watching football and drinking beer.

I think I'm going to need a few acres first. Where can I get some woman seeds?
women are still considered property by many men.

And that would be a problem. Since essentially we're the same, except for biological hardware. As noted above, sick and wrong. and No, Ilike, there are no woman seeds. Certainly not those meeting your dissapointingly low standard of femininity.
OOohhh I'm going to farm women. I'll grow the good kind, and everyone will want to buy from my crops. I'll plant the hotties, the kind with big tats, the ones who love to cook, and the kind that love watching football and drinking beer.

I think I'm going to need a few acres first. Where can I get some woman seeds?

I may plant a few rows of those myself. Contact me when you get a good seed line. Only I am not much of a football fan. If you get a mutation that prefers watching action movies instead of football, let me know.
Boy it sure would scare him to know that in about a thousand years (if we're still around that long) the Y chromosome will be so short as to be almost useless. Rendering every male born infertile.

Fantasy. The Y chromosome is not in danger. I don't know where you get your information, or what level of misinformation you are willing to accept if it meshes with your political worldview, but that little byte of information should rightly be filed in the area of your brain where you keep old peanuts comics.

Should the y chromosome, throuh deletions of faulty genes ever become useless (certainly not in 1,000 years or even 100,00 years) the SRY region of the chromosome will migrate. We have seen it in other creatures far older than ourselves. Genes are remarkable little machines so you need not fear (or look forward to ) a last generation of sterile males.