You must elect Don Poorleone again, the country is still doing well.

Democrats love sex and men and women who will kill unborn babies so as not to interfere with depraved immoral sex.
Everybody should love sex, but Christian Fundies are indoctrinated with a compulsion to feel guilty about it.
There is no such thing as an unborn baby, dummy.
Everybody should love sex, but Christian Fundies are indoctrinated with a compulsion to feel guilty about it.
There is no such thing as an unborn baby, dummy.
Wise humans do not equate killing babies with enhancing prolonged sexual pleasures.
You have no right to tell any woman what she can do with her own body, chump.
God has condemned murder and lefties may think it wrong to tell women that but to hell with the enemies of God who do not want people told what God says and believes.
God has condemned murder and lefties may think it wrong to tell women that but to hell with the enemies of God who do not want people told what God says and believes.
God has never instructed anyone in that regard. In fact, the art Of abortion is vividly described in your Bible as told by your god.
Check it. You hypocrite.
God has condemned murder and lefties may think it wrong to tell women that but to hell with the enemies of God who do not want people told what God says and believes.
God is mute, he says nothing.
God believed that the best way to exterminate most of the human race was a world flood.
Somehow, he must have forgotten about when he invented viral plagues.
I always listen to highway to hell on my way to the abortion clinic. Rock on forever. 🤘🏍️ 💨
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