Did god really condemn mankind? Is god a just god?

Gnostic Christian Bishop

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2013
Did god really condemn mankind? Is god a just god?

God’s condemnation is quite severe. Hell and death, if you are a literalist believer.

Meanwhile, scriptures say that the penalty for sin is closer to what we generally view as justice. That justice being an eye for an eye. This means that the penalty is close to the severity of the sin. If I kill, I earn death. If I steal, I only forfeit my wealth. I do not earn death. This justice seems fair to me.

Since few of us ever kill, few of us should earn hell and death. Yet scriptures indicate that the vast majority of our souls end in hell and death, while only the few reach heaven.

Can god be just if he exceeds the good justice standard that the bible, god’s WORD, claims is just?

There is no doubt that we are all sinners. Be that condition, imposed by god or nature, is forced upon us at birth.

If you think you have been condemned to hell and death and need a savior, can you tell us what sin of yours earned you hell and death?



Death is the death of the soul and hell is the complete separation from God. What this means is that nonbelievers will simply be unmade, they won’t exist in any form, they will have no afterlife.

We are born with sin because God says we are and He is a God, your opinion doesn’t matter.

When you make your own universe you can argue ethics with God but right now you are smaller then an ant compared to God. Do you think twice before you kill ants by the thousands? You are far closer to an ant then you are to God.
Did god really condemn mankind? Is god a just god?
The Biblical character known as "God" in the Book of Job can only be described as a dick.

We care told that the whole thing was all about the God character making a bet with Satan.
Of course, God would know the end results, because, well, he;'s God and knows the future.

God in the Book of Job kills off Job's entire family, as well as his livestock.
But then afterwards, the Bible says that he got a NEW family, so it was all okay. Yeah. Think about it.
Of course, odds are that Job never actually existed, the whole book was designed to somehow make God look fearsome and powerful.
Death is the death of the soul
What soul. It's never been proven to exist.
and hell is the complete separation from God. What this means is that nonbelievers will simply be unmade, they won’t exist in any form, they will have no afterlife.
Neither will the godbotherers. There is no evidence of afterlife. How arrogant of you to think you get something I don't?
We are born with sin because God says we are and He is a God, your opinion doesn’t matter.
As an atheist what some silly god, which doesn't exist anyway, says means nothing. I suggest your delusions of god doesn't matter either.
When you make your own universe you can argue ethics with God but right now you are smaller then an ant compared to God.
Really? You have unique access to the size of god? Just how bloody arrogant are you? You know nothing of the sort. Pure religious BS.

Do you think twice before you kill ants by the thousands? You are far closer to an ant then you are to God.
That's a nonsense claim. You are mentally impaired or having a frontal lobe epileptic fit.
complete separation from God
Your omnipresent God is not omnipresent then. Ok.

Do you have any other biblical lies that you wish to disclose?

What of the biblical passages that say God does not lose any of his perfectly created souls.

The faithless like you think God cannot do his will and save us all.
Did god really condemn mankind? Is god a just god?
The Biblical character known as "God" in the Book of Job can only be described as a dick.

We care told that the whole thing was all about the God character making a bet with Satan.
Of course, God would know the end results, because, well, he;'s God and knows the future.

God in the Book of Job kills off Job's entire family, as well as his livestock.
But then afterwards, the Bible says that he got a NEW family, so it was all okay. Yeah. Think about it.
Of course, odds are that Job never actually existed, the whole book was designed to somehow make God look fearsome and powerful.
When dealing with humans who criticize God, we must decide whether the critic is right or whether God is right. That should be a no-brainer.
When dealing with humans who criticize God, we must decide whether the critic is right or whether God is right. That should be a no-brainer.

why should a god be above criticism?
of course, that's under the condition that gods are real, which is a separate question of course
why should a god be above criticism?
of course, that's under the condition that gods are real, which is a separate question of course
Atheists claim God is mean and hateful. If so, what kind of fools are they to slander Him as if they think they are better than God?
Atheists claim God is mean and hateful. If so, what kind of fools are they to slander Him as if they think they are better than God?

maybe they are morally superior to god.
the atheists I know wouldn't wipe our entire populations because they didn't like them.

btw - atheists wouldn't claim that god is anything, since they wouldn't believe god exists. duh. but maybe you mean to say they say god as depicted in the bible is mean and hateful? i would agree with that btw
maybe they are morally superior to god.
the atheists I know wouldn't wipe our entire populations because they didn't like them.

btw - atheists wouldn't claim that god is anything, since they wouldn't believe god exists. duh. but maybe you mean to say they say god as depicted in the bible is mean and hateful? i would agree with that btw
Atheists like Dawkins are deluded about God and Dawkins even exposed his befuddled thinking in his auto-biographical tome titled "Delusions about God" or some such similar phrasing.
Atheists like Dawkins are deluded about God and Dawkins even exposed his befuddled thinking in his auto-biographical tome titled "Delusions about God" or some such similar phrasing.
why do you obsess about one person? weird.