Biden has suspended shipments of some weapons to Israel.

its something you must fantasize about because you can't 'see" anyone here doing it. lol.
hey, its america, you are free to have gay fantasizes, or gay sex, all you want with consenting adults!
Have you ever had a fist up your ass?
so jesus would ship tons of bombs to isreal to blow up innocent people? i'm doubting that.
Just because God did not stop the murderous Muslims from massacring hundreds of innocent women and babies last October does not mean that God wants the Jews stopped from killing the murderers hiding behind other innocent people in their own country.

Genesis 9:6
Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.
Just because God did not stop the murderous Muslims from massacring hundreds of innocent women and babies last October does not mean that God wants the Jews stopped from killing the murderers hiding behind other innocent people in their own country.

Genesis 9:6
Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.
So would Jesus approve if sending more bombs to israel?
This seems to be what he needs to do to stop the slaughter of innocent Palestinians.

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Too little too late. The time to stop slaughtering innocents was when it started. He already chose his path on this one no matter what he does now to make himself look good. And that’s like not even the bare minimum of what he could do right now to stop it.
Just because God did not stop the murderous Muslims from massacring hundreds of innocent women and babies last October does not mean that God wants the Jews stopped from killing the murderers hiding behind other innocent people in their own country.

Genesis 9:6
Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.
Please note that when God finally decided to appear to Moses, he did NOT have a human image: he chose to appear as flaming shrubbery.
And verily do I say unto thee, thou must never say the word "NI" in my divine presence.
So would Jesus approve if sending more bombs to israel?
He certainly would, God on the other hand would nuke Gaza like he nuked Sodom

The Vatican armory

So would Jesus approve if sending more bombs to israel?
I do not believe God approves of godless leftists impeaching Trump for allegedly withholding aid Congress approved while congratulating Biden for clearly withholding aid approved by Congress.
I do not believe God approves of godless leftists impeaching Trump for allegedly withholding aid Congress approved while congratulating Biden for clearly withholding aid approved by Congress.
too cowardly to answer a simple question. lol.
you fake christians are hateful cowards