
Ha finally people that can understand what im saying and critique me in the areas it is needed.. I do understand what everyone is saying, but honostly if any of you who just said something about the rich and poor have evr complained about immigrants having this job or that then you have no right to complain about them. The people in other countries may have it worse as you said and please guys how long has it been this way? How can you say that any one can get up a class in society? I believe that is funny because it took African Americans how long just to be free and treated equal, wait they still get treated differently.. I guess if you ask me the system has it setup so that we make advances at such a slow place.. Do you understand how much money it costs to go to college so you can get a job? To rise a class in society you must have income and to have income high enough to raise you a class in society, you would have to go to college for a degree. If I'm sittin in the poor class how am i gonna get to college? Loans? Why, so you can pay an extra $25,000 compared to the rich guy who had his dad pay for all of college? I am not saying poor people are making much of an effort beli8eve me people who are on welfare, all that stuff I find truly disgusting if they arent trying. My mom started a job and they cut her food stamps and state aid, so she had to get another job and now we have a normal amount but my mom works and were getting off state. However my step mom has 3 kids that her husband has custody of and my little sister who she has custody of and she gets $500 in food stamps... it is kind of ridiculous.

The welfare system is ass backward. Without getting into specifics, there is no doubt that there are penalties for trying to improve your income level which is counter to the whole concept of short-term welfare support. There needs to be incentives, not penalties, for trying to make a better life for your family.

With that said, there are many ways of still being successful other than going to an expensive college. It isn't easy, but success comes to those who learn a skill, whether it be carpentry, plumbing, networking, or sales. There are a lot of millionaires that went to state colleges on tuition assistance and loans. Again, it ain't easy, but for those with the will - it is possible.
Dems vote not to strip Rangles chairmanship.

After all of his corrupt activities. He gets to keep his chair.

A perfect example of Washington Corruption.

How are we to beleive that Washington will ever do anything that really is for the people and not for themselves.

What a joke!

Worse yet, he has been pulling this for 40 years. How many times can they overlook his illegal tax activities. My favorite was when he claimed his house in Washington, D.C. as his permanent residence to avoid taxes. Problem was he was a NY Congressmen at the time. Not only is he a cheat, but he isn't very bright.

Something I just learned is that the mobility in America is roughly the same as the mobility in other countries:

(From the same article.)

Which is actually very important. I always thought that socialism provided greater stability among classes at the expense of the potential of all to be well off. In other words that everyone was equally miserable but at least no one was stuck too poor.

But it turns out that socialism does cause everyone to be equally miserable but it offers no benefit. Not only are there just as many poor in socialist countries but the poor are not better off. The poor are better off here because here they at least have the potential to live the American dream.